Pityriasis rosea, Gibert's lichen or pitiriasis is not such a rare skin disease that affects a person with a weakened immune system after suffering a viral illness. According to statistics, female people get pink lichen more often than men. The disease affects adults under 40 years of age and children after the age of ten. Many reference books on medicine indicate that the disease passes without treatment after two months, and relapses do not appear.
However, there are severe pathologies with a large area of damage and a long course that require medical treatment. The symptoms and treatment of pink lichen in humans (photo of manifestations, see below) will be discussed in this article.

Causes of disease
Why pink lichen occurs and who is the causative agent of the disease has not been identified. Some presumably believe that this is a viral disease of a herpetic nature, others that it is an infectious-allergic reaction, and still othersclaim that this is just a reflex of the body to hypothermia. Is pink lichen contagious and how is the disease transmitted? There is no exact answer to this question. It is known that the recovered person retains lifelong immunity. The main factors contributing to the development of the disease:
- colds and infectious diseases;
- compromised immunity;
- strong stressful situations;
- violation of metabolic processes;
- vaccination;
- damage to the skin.
Giber's lichen most often occurs against the background of weakened immunity in spring and autumn, when there is a sharp change in temperature, colds, SARS and influenza appear.
Clinical picture of pink lichen
The disease begins with the appearance of a small single red-pink spot, which is called maternal. The dermis on it is dry with small transparent scales. Pityriasis affects the chest, back, neck, and hands, face and feet remain clean. Gradually, the formation increases, reaching a diameter of 3-5 cm. The central part of the spot is painted in a pale pink color, sinks a little and peels off. The edges slightly rise above the level of he althy skin and have a bright reddish-pink tone. The patient is sometimes worried about itching, which most often occurs in emotional people or those who have allergic reactions. After peeling off the scales, a brown spot with a narrow outline remains in the center. About a week after the formation of the maternal plaque, a large number of small spots of round and oval shape appear. Their size reaches no more than one and a halfcentimeters in diameter. They have a scaly surface, distinct boundaries and clearly stand out on the surface of a he althy dermis, grouped in the form of spruce branches. The duration of the disease is up to five weeks. After this, the rashes fade and slowly disappear without treatment for rosacea. After them, the skin remains clean without sore spots. Recovery occurs in about a month. There are also more complex cases, when the disease can last much longer.
Pityriasis rosea symptoms
They depend on the stage of the disease.
- malaise and general weakness;
- headache and joint pain;
- disorders of the digestive tract;
- rarely - elevated body temperature;
- the appearance of a red-pink scaly maternal spot of a rounded shape up to 5 cm in diameter on the trunk, elbows;
- retraction of the center of the rash;
- the appearance of a brown tint on the spot.
- appearance of secondary spots up to 1.5 cm in diameter a week after the first rash;
- the shape of the rashes is rounded with a scaly pink surface protruding above the surface of the skin;
- rashes occupy large areas.
- symptoms of the disease are similar to plaque psoriasis;
- spots are characterized by a clear edging;
- the gradual blanching of the rashes and complete disappearance without consequences.

Treatment of signs of pink lichen in humans (pictured aboveshows how the manifestations of the disease look) is carried out on an outpatient basis and takes about a month under favorable circumstances. The recovered person receives strong immunity.
Diagnosis of pink lichen
To make a diagnosis:
- a conversation with the patient, during which complaints, the time of rashes, possible causes of the disease and sensations are clarified;
- visual examination of the uterine stain;
- Wassermann test to exclude a number of diseases with similar symptoms - seborrheic eczema, dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, roseola syphilis, psoriasis, Lyme disease;
- studies using Wood's fluorescent lamp.
As a result of the diagnosis, taking into account the complaints and signs of pink lichen in a person, treatment is carried out by a doctor according to the established methodology.
Atypical forms of pink lichen
The primary maternal spot in some cases may be absent, then the following atypical forms of pitiriasis are formed:
- follicular;
- papular;
- miliary;
- urticarial;
- vesicular.
This is a rare type of disease. With improper treatment of pink lichen or under the influence of water procedures, ultraviolet rays, rubbing with coarse underwear, the rash merges and large areas of dermal lesions form. In this case, the disease becomes severe.
Vidal lichen ring-shaped
This giant lichen is one of the atypical forms of the disease. She manifeststhe formation of yellow-pink rounded forms of large size up to 8 cm in diameter. There is no exact cause for this disease. Some believe that the source is a fungus located on human skin, while others tend to be of bacterial origin. The disease appears spontaneously after severe nervous stress, a sharp change in climatic conditions, or when the immune system malfunctions. The disease has three stages:
- Primary itching. It appears in the evening and at night on an outwardly perfectly he althy dermis.
- Nest lichenification. In place of scratching, seals appear that have a shiny surface and papules. A pattern is clearly drawn on the skin, its surface becomes dry, rough and rough.
- Diffuse lichenification. At this time, rounded spots of coffee-pink color develop on thickened skin, towering above he althy areas. They have deep furrows. The formations are covered with scales, abrasions and crusts.
Vidal's lichen is a chronic disease that lasts for years with remissions and seasonal exacerbations. After an arbitrary disappearance, age spots remain. The main locations of the rashes are the back of the neck, large articulations of the joints, the genitals, and the perineum. One person can have no more than three large disks. Vidal and Gibert's lichen can occur at the same time.
Treatment of pink lichen at home
Despite the fact that pink lichen can heal on its own in a maximum of 12 weeks, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attendingdoctor. To prevent complications:
- wear loose cotton clothing to avoid rubbing damaged areas of the body;
- do not use cosmetics that irritate the skin;
- exclude water treatments (baths, showers) and ultraviolet rays;
- diet - eliminate all foods that cause an allergic reaction.
When fever occurs, antipyretic drugs are indicated, and antihistamines are used to eliminate itching. To speed up the treatment of pink lichen in humans (photos of the manifestations of the disease are presented in the review), doctors recommend using salicylic alcohol to treat affected skin areas. Antibacterial therapy is used only when an infection is attached.
Pityriasis rosea in children
This disease in children most often manifests itself after prolonged use of antibiotics, vaccination, SARS, local irritation of the dermis as a result of chronic infection. Pink lichen in a child does not require specific treatment, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene. At the beginning of the disease, a large pink spot with clear boundaries (maternal plaque) appears, scaly in the center. It most often forms on the chest, abdomen, or thighs. The child becomes lethargic and complains of headaches. Body temperature, if it rises, is insignificant. A few days later, a profuse rash with oval contours appears on the body. The spots are red-pink. They are located on the shoulders, hips, sides of the body, sometimes on the back of the neck and even in the scalp. The skin in damaged areas is very flaky. If hygiene rules are not followed, a child may develop pyoderma with the appearance of weeping areas against the background of pink lichen. They form in places where clothing fits snugly against the skin. Without complications, the disease resolves on its own in a month, and lifelong immunity is developed. Doctors do not recommend the use of active treatment for pink lichen in a child. Parents should cancel water procedures during the period of illness in order to avoid the spread of the disease, and adjust their diet by excluding foods that cause allergic reactions.
Pityriasis rosea in pregnant women
The symptoms of pink lichen (see photo below) do not require special treatment. They pass by themselves, eight weeks after the disease, leaving no consequences. The situation is quite different for pregnant women.

After studies of the disease depriving Gibert and the statistics obtained, it was found that:
- out of 38 cases, 5 expectant mothers miscarried;
- out of all cases in the first trimester, spontaneous abortion occurred in 62%;
- in babies whose mothers were ill in the second trimester, hypotension and general slowness of movements were revealed;
- 33% of women had he althy babies, but some went into labor prematurely.
Pregnancy of women who had a severe form of the disease ended in spontaneous miscarriage. Extensive skin rashes were accompanied by lack of appetite, insomnia, and headaches. And during detailed examinations, a herpetic virus type VI was detected in one patient and her fetus.

The data obtained indicate that the disease of pitiriasis is dangerous for both the expectant mother and the fetus. The trouble is that so far medicine is helpless. Effective methods of treating signs of pink lichen (photo above) in pregnant women have not been found. Statistics show that Zhiber's disease in women in an interesting position is diagnosed more often than in all other people.
Topical creams and ointments
For the treatment of pink lichen, all medicines are prescribed by a dermatologist. Self-selection of funds can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition and cause skin irritation. Some ointments contain hormones, so their use has side effects. For the treatment of pink lichen at home, it is recommended to use the following drugs:
- "Sinalar" - contains glucocorticoids and antibiotics. Fights itching, inflammation and swelling, softens and brightens the skin.
- "Lorinden A" - steroid ointment, contains salicylic acid. It is used to relieve itching and swelling, eliminates inflammation, reduces peeling.
- "Flucinar" - contains hormones. Used to eliminate scales, removes allergic reactions.
- "Sangviritrin" - has an antiseptic property.

- "Clotrimazole" - is used to treat pink lichen in a person (photo of the drug - above), quickly restores the epidermis toinjured areas of the skin.
- "Tsindol" - disinfects wounds.
- "Akriderm" - promotes the healing of damaged skin.
- "Acyclovir" - heals the affected areas of the skin.
Successful ointment therapy depends on the degree of skin involvement, general he alth and age of the patient.
Treatment with folk remedies
Any treatment for signs of pink lichen, including folk remedies, should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, so you should get advice on the use of various herbal raw materials. A few recipes to help you get well soon:
- Elderberry. Pour a tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and take four tablespoons three times a day. Used for viral and bacterial infections.
- Calendula. To prepare an ointment, grind 10 g of dried flowers into powder and mix with 50 g of petroleum jelly. Treat the skin three times a day.

- Sea buckthorn oil. Used to treat pink lichen at home. Apply a bandage moistened with oil to the damaged area and hold for 30 minutes.
- Apple cider vinegar. Moisten a gauze pad and apply to damaged skin for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure four times a day.
Physiotherapy treatment
Promotes rapid recovery, stops the development of the disease and reduces skin manifestations. With pink lichen, the following methods are used:
- laser therapy – withtreatment of pink lichen strengthens the immune system, raises the body's resistance, improves metabolism;
- ultraviolet radiation - strengthens the protective functions of the skin and the body as a whole;
- ultrasound therapy - improves microcirculation and regeneration of the dermis;
- laser irradiation of blood - regenerates tissues, stimulates the immune system;

magnetotherapy - strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, as a result, the treatment of pink lichen (photo of the procedure - above) is more successful
Prevention measures
Pityriasis rosea does not require serious treatment, it goes away on its own and without serious consequences, but still it is better to prevent it, especially for pregnant women and children. There is no consensus among scientists about the causes of the disease, so there is no list of preventive measures. You can use the general recommendations:
- Strengthening immunity - constant physical activity, walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Personal hygiene - all family members have their own personal care items.
- Exclude factors that provoke the disease - stress, hypothermia, contact with sick people.
Pityriasis rosea disease has a favorable prognosis for recovery. The ill person retains lifelong immunity. With a weakened body, the disease is more severe and lasts longer, and with a he althy body, pink lichen treatment is not required.