Burning after bowel movements: causes and treatment

Burning after bowel movements: causes and treatment
Burning after bowel movements: causes and treatment

Burning in the anus that occurs after defecation is a very delicate problem, so not everyone turns to a specialist with such a question. However, it is important to remember that self-medication in this case can aggravate the situation, since only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the pathology and prescribe optimal therapy.


burning in the anus after a bowel movement
burning in the anus after a bowel movement

Often the cause of burning sensation after defecation is the development of a pathology such as hemorrhoids. The main causes of the disease are a sedentary lifestyle and the absence of any physical activity at all. It is these two factors that lead to the fact that stagnation begins in the pelvic organs, and, as a result, the veins and vessels in the anus are pinched or stretched, leading to the formation of bumps.

Burning and itching are the most common signs of hemorrhoids, in addition, with the development of pathology, increased sensitivity of the anal area is noted. It is also worth noting thathemorrhoids do not allow the sphincter to close fully, as a result of which the contents of the intestine can partially spill out, while severely irritating the mucous membrane and skin.


Anal fissures are one of the most common causes of burning sensation after a bowel movement. This happens due to the fact that during defecation, feces enter the wound, which causes discomfort. Such cracks can appear in anyone, regardless of gender and age. There are not so many reasons for the appearance of anal fissures, and the main ones are:

  • frequent and prolonged constipation and diarrhea;
  • carrying weights;
  • natural childbirth;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is worth noting that such cracks can not always be detected with the naked eye, since they can be located not on the outer, but on the inner wall of the anus. Pathology in this case can be detected quite by accident - there may be burning and blood after defecation on linen or toilet paper.


burning sensation after defecation in men
burning sensation after defecation in men

For a disease such as helminthiasis, a decrease in immunity and the development of unpleasant sensations are characteristic, one of which is burning and itching in the anus, which occurs both after defecation and before it. Female worms lay their eggs as they emerge from the rectum. This is what causes burning in the rectum after a bowel movement. The disease affects mainly children, but often wormsamaze adults too.

In addition to the fact that in the presence of worms there is a burning sensation in the rectum after a bowel movement and before a person went to the toilet, there may be other symptoms indicating a helminth infection. These signs include:

  • grinding teeth in sleep;
  • impaired brain function, in particular loss of concentration and memory;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, namely: bloating, frequent diarrhea, flatulence.

Bad hygiene

after defecation burning sensation in the intestines
after defecation burning sensation in the intestines

Poor hygiene in this case includes: poor cleaning of the anus after each bowel movement, wearing uncomfortable tight and synthetic underwear, using hard and rough toilet paper.

It is worth noting that excessive hygiene of the anus can adversely affect the development of pathology. The fact is that with frequent washing, together with bacteria, immunoglobulins are washed out, which, in turn, are responsible for ensuring that the infection does not enter the body.

Increased dryness in the perineal area can also provoke the formation of wounds and cracks, and therefore it is necessary to use moisturizing creams periodically.

Chronic colitis

burning in the rectum after a bowel movement
burning in the rectum after a bowel movement

This pathology is an inflammatory process in the intestines. Pathology is accompanied by such signs as constant burning after defecation in the intestine, bloating, increased gas formation, painsensations in the lower abdomen, frequent urge to defecate, which may be accompanied by severe pain. It is often referred to as irritable bowel syndrome.

Urinary tract infections

burning after bowel movements in women
burning after bowel movements in women

Diseases such as prostatitis, urethritis and prostate adenoma often cause burning sensation after defecation in men. In addition, there may be signs of pathology such as severe pain in the perineum and purulent discharge from the canal.

In women, burning sensation after defecation may be associated with the development of a disease such as cystitis. In addition to such unpleasant sensations as burning and itching of the perineum, a woman experiences frequent urge to urinate, while constantly there is a feeling that the urinary canal is not completely emptied, and urination causes excruciating pain.


Burning and itching in the anus after a bowel movement can also be caused by diseases that are sexually transmitted. Usually, with venereal diseases, in addition to burning and itching of the anus, a patient has discharge from the genitals.


burning in the rectum treatment
burning in the rectum treatment

Treatment of burning and itching in the anus should be started only after a full examination has been completed and the exact cause of these unpleasant symptoms has been established. Treatment and dosage of drugs can be prescribed only by the attending physician in accordance with the patient's complaints and the reasons that caused the development of a burning sensation afterdefecation.

If hemorrhoids became the cause of discomfort, then special suppositories and ointments are prescribed for its therapy. Effective drugs for the treatment of pathology are: "Relief", "Troxevasin", "Heparin ointment", "Proctosan" and "Bezornil".

In case of intestinal dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to take drugs containing lactic acid bacteria.

For allergies, the doctor prescribes antihistamines.

The most effective drugs to help get rid of helminths are: Pirantel, Dekaris, Helmintox, Vormil, Fenasal, Biltricid. It is important to remember that treatment with any of the above drugs must be repeated after 3-4 weeks, this will help to consolidate the result and prevent the recurrence of parasites.

burning sensation after a bowel movement
burning sensation after a bowel movement

For infections of the genitourinary system, a course of drugs is prescribed, which are based on anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents.

For the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to undergo treatment with a venereologist.

If for some reason the trip to the doctor is postponed or it is not possible to establish the exact cause of the pathology, then the use of a drug such as "Hematrombin G" is recommended. This remedy can be used both in the form of ointments and in the form of suppositories. The drug effectively helps with itching and burning in the anus, and also prevents the appearance ofhemorrhoids, stimulates metabolism and improves blood circulation.

Treatment with folk remedies

burning sensation after defecation folk treatment
burning sensation after defecation folk treatment

Folk remedies will not be able to cure the disease, but they will help get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as itching and burning after defecation.

Decoction of medicinal herbs. The effectiveness of this drug lies in the fact that it does not begin to act immediately, but somewhat later, however, a positive result is delayed for a rather long period of time.

To prepare a decoction, thoroughly wash walnut leaves, burdock roots and chamomile flowers. Next, the herbs need to be poured with boiling water and insisted for one hour. After the appointed period, the remedy should be filtered and drunk chilled 3 times a day for 0.5 cups.

Walnut leaves strengthen the walls of the sphincter, burdock heals all microcracks and prevents their recurrence, and chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Vaseline and cranberry juice. An ointment is prepared from these ingredients; for this, 50 ml of cranberry juice should be added to 200 g of petroleum jelly. Mix everything thoroughly and lubricate the anus with the resulting product in the mornings and evenings for one week.

Bath with medicinal herbs. From the dried leaves of calendula, chamomile flowers, oak bark and birch buds, you need to prepare a decoction and pour it into a bath of water. It is necessary to sit in such a bath for at least half an hour, it is advisable to take it 30 minutes before bedtime.


In order to prevent burning in the anus after a bowel movement, simple precautions should be taken.

  1. Immediately after a bowel movement, it is undesirable to use toilet paper, but to wash with cold water without soap. At the end of the procedure, warm water must be turned on to prevent hypothermia. After washing, blot the perineum with a napkin or soft towel. Cold water in this case improves blood circulation, which contributes to the speedy healing of cracks and wounds, if any. After washing, lubricate the perineum with baby nourishing cream, which prevents dryness and prevents pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms from entering the opening.
  2. Physical activity helps to normalize the immune system, improves blood circulation and helps to cope with the pathologies of the anus.
  3. It is important to observe daily hygiene of the genitals and change underwear at least once a day. It is advisable to wear only cotton underwear, no synthetics.
  4. Unprotected sex with untested partners should be avoided to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Constipation can provoke not only the development of microcracks in the anus, but also cause hemorrhoids, which are much more difficult and longer to treat. In this regard, avoid constipation and take laxatives if necessary.

Regardless of what caused the development of burning and itching after a bowel movement,it is necessary to consult a doctor. This is the only way to prevent the development of any serious pathology and take timely measures to prevent it.
