How dangerous is a bleeding mole for human he alth? Many people know that the discharge of blood from a mole is not a good sign, but it is not known exactly what is the matter. Doctors say that due to injury, the risk of developing skin cancer increases significantly, and a strong inflammatory process can occur in the body.
What is the danger of injury to moles?

The main problem and fear for any person is trauma to birthmarks. As medical practice shows, such a phenomenon can be fatal. In the event that a cancerous disease is started (without timely treatment of bleeding moles of a malignant nature), metastasis to the bone tissue may occur. Rubbing a nevus, scratching, squeezing and cutting can provoke the development of a strong inflammatory process and bleeding.
Recommendations from experts

If a person haspigmented spots on the body, it is important to follow the recommendations of skin care specialists. Namely:
- get out of the sun less;
- do not visit the solarium;
- control the level of hormones in the body;
- should wear comfortable shoes (according to size);
- be careful when doing everyday things.
Bleeding moles should be sealed to prevent infection from entering the body. Doctors forbid removing nevi on their own, because you can introduce an infection into the body and greatly harm your he alth.
Why do moles bleed?

There are several factors under the influence of which blood can be released from a nevus, namely:
- injury to a birthmark;
- degeneration of moles into a malignant neoplasm;
- development of a strong inflammatory process in the body.
Many people know why moles bleed, but not everyone knows that such a phenomenon can be a sign of the development of pathology in the human body.
Diagnostic process

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must carry out a medical examination of the patient. In the process, the doctor examines the problem pigment spot. Using special devices, he feels bleeding moles, analyzes the general condition of the formations. In the process of conducting dermatoscopy, the doctor will identify any pathological processes and changes. There is no need to be afraid of diagnostics, since everythingprocedures do not cause pain to the patient. In the process of studying nevi, it is forbidden to perform a biopsy, only histology is allowed, which is carried out only after surgical removal of the nevus.
How to stop bleeding?

A mole is bleeding, what should I do? Self-medication can harm and aggravate the situation. Often a specialist recommends treating bleeding wounds with hydrogen peroxide. Before proceeding with the treatment, it is important to thoroughly wash your hands with an antibacterial detergent - this will help prevent the development of an infectious disease. Disposable gloves should be used to keep germs out of wounds. Using cotton wool or cotton pads, it is necessary to treat bleeding areas with peroxide.
If a red mole bleeds, clean gauze or a bandage should be used. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is necessary to fold the material in several layers and apply to bleeding moles. You should take a comfortable position of the body. Keep the material at the wound until the bleeding stops. After that, the wound should be dried. To do this, you can use brilliant green or iodine.
Slight discharge of blood from a mole is not life-threatening. In the event that the bleeding is too heavy and occurs systematically, it is important to immediately visit the hospital and carry out a thorough medical examination.
Ways to remove moles

Doctors forbid removing moles on their own at home,because complications and severe pain can occur. If blood is released from moles, you should consult a doctor. First of all, the specialist will stop the bleeding. After that, he will diagnose the nevi and remove them (if necessary). Among the safest and most popular methods of getting rid of a pigmented spot are:
- Surgical excision. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. Using a scalpel, the surgeon removes the mole. The surgical intervention lasts approximately 50 minutes. If the wound does not bleed after removing the mole, the patient can go home. A doctor applies a cosmetic suture to a large wound, which looks neat, but a scar may form later. To avoid this, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Absorbable products should be used and the crusts that form to protect wounds should not be touched.
- Laser technique is the most modern and safe method of removing moles. During the procedure, the doctor gradually cuts off the mole. It only takes a few minutes to remove one mole. In rare cases, a scar remains after laser surgery.
It is forbidden to remove moles on your own, as this can provoke the appearance of malignant tumors. After removal, in many cases, a histological examination is necessary to understand the type of cells.
What is important to know?
In the event that a mole on the face bleeds, it is forbidden to use the folk method of treatment (apply a compress or lotion), becausesuch drugs can provoke the development of cancer cells and cause serious complications.
It is forbidden to touch a bleeding mole with your hands, as you can get an infection. It is forbidden to peel off the crusts - this can provoke profuse bleeding.
If the mole has fallen off, you should place it in a sterile container and take it to the doctor so that he can carry out a histological examination. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner if blood from a mole appears systematically.
The healing process of a nevus should be controlled by a doctor. If the formation is malignant, then cancer cells will begin to actively multiply throughout the body, which will provoke an aggravation of the disease.
In the event that severe pain occurs, you can take pain medication.
Under what conditions should I immediately go to the hospital?

It is important to see a surgeon or dermatologist if a mole bleeds. The cause of the appearance of blood will be determined by the doctor after examining the patient. Be sure to visit an oncologist in order to identify the form of education. If the mole was malignant, then pathogenic microorganisms will begin to multiply throughout the body. If blood flows without injury, a strong inflammatory process develops in the body. Under such circumstances, it is important to consult a doctor. See a doctor immediately if:
- bleeding systematic and profuse;
- moles have changed their color;
- education grows and changes itform;
- there is a burning sensation and itching;
- mole engorged with blood;
- nevus causes severe discomfort.
Under such conditions, self-medication at home is not only not recommended, but also dangerous.
Possible complications after removal
If you carelessly treat the process of removing a mole, then melanoma, a scar and a scar may occur at the site of formation. There is also the possibility of profuse bleeding. To avoid complications, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist and periodically treat the wound with an antibacterial agent prescribed by a specialist. It is important not to peel off the crusts and not visit the solarium until you are fully recovered.
Traditional methods of treatment can greatly harm and exacerbate the problem. In order not to provoke the development of complications, it is necessary to carry out the diagnosis of the neoplasm in a timely manner. People with a family history of cancer should see an oncologist on a regular basis, as many diseases (more specifically, a tendency to them) are genetically transmitted.