Our body is an amazing system in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Each organ performs unique functions that are organically woven into a single process of life. But there are organs, the importance of which could not be underestimated even by nature itself. Therefore, they were duplicated. These are the lungs and kidneys. The former are an air filter and an oxygen distributor, the latter perform the same functions, only with water entering the body.
Water quality today is difficult to call even satisfactory. In water pipes, it is stuffed with harmful additives and chlorine. In natural reservoirs - discharges of industrial enterprises. This causes the delicate filtering tissue of the kidneys to gradually fail. And the man says that his kidneys hurt. What to do in this case and how to help yourself?

Harbingers of disease
Usually this is an unpleasant pulling sensation in the lumbar region. They are accompanied by a feelingbursting or pressure in the sides. If, in addition to this, you see that the urine has become cloudy, then it's time to take action. When all these symptoms appear, the kidneys usually hurt. What to do in this case, we will find out today. I would like to note right away: pain in the kidneys can be of a different nature and differ in localization. Therefore, only a treating specialist can figure out what is happening to you. The first step is to undergo a diagnosis and determine the nature of the disease. And then you can think about what to do. Kidneys can hurt for a variety of reasons, ranging from mild cystitis to urolithiasis or glomerulonephritis.
Kidneys or chondrosis
Lower pain can be attributed to one disease or another. Sometimes patients guess, other times they are wrong. How to understand that the kidneys hurt? What should the common man do? The best thing is to visit a therapist. After examining you, he will issue a referral to either a nephrologist or a vertebrologist. There are signs to help you self-diagnose.
- Inflammatory kidney disease is accompanied by swelling of the face, neck and hands. Especially often, patients develop bags under the eyes.
- If you have pain when urinating. Frequent visits to the toilet and the urge to urinate after a short period of time is an additional signal for you.
- Burning in the lower back and fever.
- Grey skin tone combined with puffiness and bluishness under the lower eyelids.
If you have one or more of these symptoms, you may haveyour kidneys really hurt. What to do at home, how to alleviate your condition?

Pain Relief
Pain in the kidney area is usually tolerated with great difficulty. The intensity of the symptom can be different, but sometimes it can end in a painful shock. This is because the filtration and discharge of urine are impaired during the inflammatory process in the kidneys. Such pain cannot be tolerated, so first aid can be reduced to the following activities:
- Be sure to drink a medicine that relieves pain. You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on your own.
- Moderate colic attack can be relieved by warming the lumbar region. A hot heating pad is not recommended in this case, only a warm compress. Under its influence, blood vessels expand, which facilitates the blood supply to the organ and the waste of metabolic products.
- Check your blood pressure regularly if you have kidney problems. What needs to be done at home is to knock him down with medicines prescribed by a doctor.
- A person with an attack of pain must be provided with peace. Some people prefer to stretch out to their full height. The other, on the other hand, will curl up in a fetal position.
- Call an ambulance.
It is not always possible to stop the pain on your own. If you have taken an anesthetic drug, but there is no effect within 30 minutes, you must definitely call an ambulance. It is possible that the situation is much more serious than you imagine.represented.
Even if the emergency workers told you for sure that the cause of the pain lies in a kidney disease, this does not mean that you have been diagnosed. So, the patient feels bad, the kidney hurts, the temperature. What to do? In this state, he is likely to be taken to the hospital. If the patient feels satisfactory, then he can be examined at the clinic. It must include:
- Urologist's consultation.
- Clinical analysis of blood and urine.
- Ultrasound.
All this is aimed at identifying the inflammatory process. Blood in the urine, a large number of leukocytes and protein will testify to it. The cause of severe pain may be sand or stone. This makes it difficult for the fluid to pass or completely blocks it. As a result, waste products accumulate and contribute to the development of kidney failure. This could be fatal.

Diagnostic results
Depending on the diagnosis, you can already think what to do. The kidney hurts on the right side or radiates to the lower abdomen, the entire lower back aches - the reason may lie in the following ailments:
- Glomerulonephritis. Or damage to the glomeruli of the nephron. In this case, a strict water-s alt diet can help. It is recommended to arrange fasting days for the kidneys, on pumpkin, watermelons or potatoes. With edema, fluid intake is limited to 600 g per day. And of course, you need to keep your feet warm and prevent hypothermia.
- Pyelonephritis. Acuteseizures very often become chronic. Herbs can be used to treat this. They are recommended to be changed every 10 days and drink almost constantly. The best herbs for kidney treatment are: birch leaves and buds, bearberry, horsetail, knotweed, dandelion root, juniper fruit, cranberry juice, lingonberry, licorice root, strawberry, cumin and many others.
- Urolithiasis. Depending on the number, size and composition of the stones, the treatment may be different. With urate stones, meat, coffee, and chocolate are limited. With oxalate stones, a restriction on calcium and ascorbic acid is recommended. With phosphate stones, fish, cheese and milk are excluded.
Pain relief technique
What to do if the right kidney hurts can be understood only by knowing exactly what is happening in the body, that is, having the diagnostic results in hand. But it is in your power to make the condition more tolerable. Renal colic is always severe pain. Sometimes women note that it resembles contractions. Therefore, it is often confused with inflammation of the appendages.
The easiest way to relieve pain is to take a knee-elbow position. Nephrologists recommend this technique to expectant mothers to facilitate the outflow of waste products. As you kneel down, you will feel an intuitive desire to assume the cat pose. The pain subsides only for a while, but it is still a palpable respite. Of course, a doctor's consultation is required.

The kidneys are verylove warmth. Hypothermia of the extremities leads to spasm and increased pain. Therefore, at the first sign of discomfort, it is recommended to wear warm socks and wrap your lower back. Many choose this method intuitively, without even knowing what to do. If the kidney hurts, you can make a warm compress at home. A heating pad is suitable for these purposes.
Be aware that symptoms can be misleading. For example, a person may be sure that his kidneys hurt, and begin to stop the pain through exposure to heat. And if, for example, appendicitis has become inflamed, then this can lead to a deterioration in the condition and peritonitis.
Physiotherapy treatments are also recommended by doctors. Usually, nephrologists tell their patients what to do if their kidneys hurt. At home, you can take a warm, but not hot bath and sit for 10-15 minutes. If it is not possible to take a bath, then you can steam your legs. This also helps reduce pain.
General recommendations
Any activity is a burden if the kidneys hurt a lot. What to do? Take painkillers and call a doctor, undergo examination and treatment. But this is not enough. Usually, serious diseases tend to become chronic. Therefore, you will have to follow certain rules and recommendations on an ongoing basis.
- Drink 2 liters of pure water every day. It is important to follow the rules here. If you drink less, it will be difficult for the body to cleanse itself of toxins. And if you try to drink more, then swelling may appear.
- Courses need to take tinctures of medicinal herbs. This will improve the metabolic processes in the body and support the work of the body.
- Take a hot bath regularly. This will improve blood circulation and reduce pain.
- If there is any change in the condition for the worse, contact your doctor.
- Follow a diet and avoid alcohol.

Diet for organ diseases
The functioning of all organs and systems depends on proper nutrition, and the kidneys are no exception. The main thing is to get diagnosed on time in order to know what to do. The left kidney hurts, or both at once, there is no big difference for therapy. You need to understand that diet alone will not cure. But often it contributes to an accelerated recovery. For diseases of the internal organ, doctors recommend table number 7.
The diet divides foods into three groups:
- Vegetable, cereal and milk soups, lean meats, poultry and river fish are allowed. This also includes white bread without s alt, cereals and pasta, milk and dairy products, vegetables. For dessert, you can have berries and fruits, honey and dried fruits.
- Eggs, sour cream and cream should be limited.
- Prohibited fatty meat, sea slave and legumes. Meat and fish broths are also excluded, get used to cooking soup in vegetable broth. The same list includes mushrooms, pickles and smoked meats, canned food, onions and garlic, chocolate and creams.
In general, everything tasty and harmful can be safely excluded and switched to a he althy diet.

Treatment with folk remedies
Diet is more of a preventive measure to prevent a new exacerbation. Another thing is when an attack develops rapidly and the right kidney hurts. What to do? Treatment with medicinal plants and fees will be very effective. They need to be at home at all times so that you can quickly brew and start treatment. Of course, if a person has a severe attack, then first you need to stop it, and only then move on to herbal treatment.
With moderate pain, the following folk recipes help a lot:
- Decoction of chamomile and mint. Add a teaspoon of both to a liter of water and let stand. Drink warm throughout the day.
- Oil compress. In this case, the oil needs to be heated and add chamomile oil to it. Soak the compress and apply to the affected area.
- Decoction of wild rose and St. John's wort. A tablespoon of both per liter of boiling water. This is an excellent diuretic. Drink in small sips, 20 g, 4-5 times a day.

Long Therapy What to do
The right kidney or the left one hurts, there is not much difference, both will still have to be treated. Pain relief is only a small part of the therapy, which is mandatory, but not sufficient. Even after recovery, the kidneys are still disturbing for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to continue treatment for 6-8 months. During this time, you can achieve a stable remission or complete recovery. To do this, you can use the following methods:
- Apply burdock leaves to your lower back. Wash them first, fold them in thirds and roll them well with a rolling pin to release the juice.
- Drink a glass of pomegranate juice after every meal.
- Drink a decoction of corn stigmas in courses.
- Eat watermelons in season.
Proven Recipes
They help relieve the pain of hundreds of patients and doctors regularly use them in their practice.
- Birch sap. It must be drunk in a course of at least two weeks. Every day it is recommended to drink 1/2 cup before each meal.
- Decoction of flaxseed. Inexpensive and very effective. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and let stand for an hour. Divide the resulting volume into two doses during the day.
- Infusion of bearberry. A proven tool that has been used for many generations. A glass of boiling water will require 10 g of dry raw materials. The herb should be brewed, infused for 40 minutes and taken 1/3 cup three times a day.
When used regularly, these recipes can be a great alternative to modern antibiotics and help when your right kidney hurts. What to do at home, you now know.
Drug therapy
Herbs can't always help, that's a fact. Then what to do? Kidneys are very sore - go to the doctor so that he prescribes a more serious treatment. Usually these are antimicrobial drugs like norfloxacin or antibiotics. Depending on the severity of symptoms, amoxicillin orcefazolin. The doctor should focus on the current condition of the patient, as well as on the results of crops, which determine the resistance of the pathogen to a particular drug. Only by weighing all these factors can a truly effective therapy be prescribed. In some cases, drug therapy is effectively combined with folk remedies.