Green diarrhea and its treatment

Green diarrhea and its treatment
Green diarrhea and its treatment

It is human nature to empty the bowels. This is evidence of the normal functioning of the body. Usually a person for this purpose visits the toilet from one to three times a day. In this case, the feces have a mushy or solid consistency. A large role in the formation of fecal masses is played by nutrition and fluid intake. This article will discuss what green diarrhea is. You will learn the main causes and symptoms of this pathology. It is also worth mentioning how to treat green diarrhea in different situations.

green diarrhea
green diarrhea

When can we talk about excessive bowel movements?

Dark green diarrhea, like diarrhea of a different color, can be diagnosed when bowel movements occur more than five times a day. At the same time, the feces have a liquefied consistency, and in some cases resemble plain water.

At the same time, symptoms such as gas formation, bloating in the intestines, pain, discomfort and unpleasant stool odor can join. Also, a person may complain of nausea, heaviness in the stomach, sometimes vomiting also joins.

green diarrhea in an adult
green diarrhea in an adult

Why does green diarrhea appear?

CauseThe occurrence of pathology can be a lot of factors. So, when eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits, feces can be thinned and stained in the appropriate color.

While waiting for a baby (especially in the early stages), green diarrhea often worries women. The reason for this is a malnutrition, the use of vitamin complexes and hormonal changes.

Green diarrhea in an adult or child may occur due to the development of an intestinal infection. This often causes an increase in body temperature and general malaise.

With the development of internal bleeding, especially in the intestines, the stool becomes greenish or even black. This pathology is accompanied by unbearable abdominal pain and weakness.

Irregularities in the digestive tract can cause green diarrhea in an adult. At the same time, the pathology has a certain dependence on food intake.

Green diarrhea may occur after long-term treatment with antimicrobials. Most often, this is accompanied by dysbacteriosis.

dark green diarrhea
dark green diarrhea

If green diarrhea appears, what should I do?

When a person discovers such a symptom, he certainly thinks about treatment. Correction of the pathology is necessary. Especially when vomiting joins, and there is a danger of dehydration. However, only a specialist, that is, a doctor, should give recommendations about taking certain drugs. Self-administration of fundscan lead to an unexpected reaction of the body and deterioration of the condition. That is why, if you have diarrhea of green or any other color, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. Most likely, you will be prescribed some tests (OAC, OAM, fecal examination, ultrasound, and so on). Only then will the appropriate treatment be chosen. Consider several methods for correcting pathology.

yellow-green diarrhea
yellow-green diarrhea

Use of antibiotics

If you have dark green diarrhea due to an intestinal infection, the doctor will definitely prescribe antimicrobials. These include "Metronidazole", "Amoxicillin", "Tetracycline" and so on. Most often, the course of correction does not exceed one week.

Cleansing the body with medicines

If yellow-green diarrhea or diarrhea of a different color occurs, then doctors must prescribe the use of sorbents. These drugs include the following: "Smektu", "Polysorb", "Enterosgel" and others. The active ingredients of these drugs not only remove toxins from the body, but also help to reduce fermentation and gas formation. Remember to drink plenty of fluids while taking these medications.

how to get rid of green diarrhea
how to get rid of green diarrhea

Restoration of intestinal flora

If green diarrhea is caused by dysbacteriosis, then the patient is prescribed a course of beneficial bacteria. It can be several drugs, divided into bifido- and lactic substances, or a complex correction. Such drugs include "Linex", "Baktisubtil","Normoflorin", "Acipol" and many others. Most often, such formulations are assigned a course for one month.

You can also enjoy homemade yogurt made with beneficial bacteria.

how to treat green diarrhea
how to treat green diarrhea

Intake of enzymes

If green diarrhea is caused by a lack of produced enzymes, then treatment necessarily includes a course of replenishing drugs. These drugs include "Pancreatin", "Creon" and others. In some cases, a person has to use such funds for life. Only then will the stool settle and the diarrhea pass.


If green diarrhea is caused by bleeding in the internal organs, then the patient is indicated for surgery. Otherwise, pathology can lead to disastrous consequences. In case of damage to the digestive organs, a laparoscopic or laparotomic method of exposure is used. If the source of blood excretion is in the intestine, then other operational methods can be chosen.

It is worth noting that such treatment is carried out under general anesthesia of the body. A person after correction is temporarily disabled.

green diarrhea what to do
green diarrhea what to do


If a patient has loose stools that turns green, then, in addition to drug treatment, doctors prescribe a specific diet.

The patient should refuse any products that can cause fermentation or increase intestinal motility. These include white andblack bread, pastries, sweets, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fresh fruits or vegetables, and so on. In diseases of the pancreas and spleen, it is worth giving up fatty, smoked meats, fried foods and various spices.

Give preference to hateful vegetable broths and soups. During an exacerbation of the pathology, it is worth eating rice porridge, jelly-like liquid foods, bananas in small quantities. If dysbacteriosis occurs, then it is preferable to consume fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream and yogurt.

Be sure to drink water. With diarrhea, there is a rapid removal of fluid from the body. This is fraught with dehydration and complications for the circulatory system, heart, brain and kidneys. With severe and indomitable vomiting, it is worth using intravenous solutions that replenish the lost fluid. However, such manipulations should be carried out exclusively within the walls of the hospital.

treatment of green diarrhea in adults and children
treatment of green diarrhea in adults and children

Summarizing and brief conclusion of the article

So, now you know how to deal with green diarrhea. Do not self-medicate. Go to a medical facility where you will be treated. To quickly stop diarrhea, you can use drugs such as Levomycetin, Immodium and others. They will help you temporarily restore your ability to work and slow down the urge to separate feces. Remember that these funds are not the main treatment. If after using them you feel better, this does not mean recovery. Keep track of your workbody and stay he althy!
