If a person's eye twitches, what to do is not always clear. From the outside, it looks very funny, but twitching of the eye muscles may indicate a developing nervous tic. It is not difficult to guess that in this case we are talking about problems with the nervous system. However, it should not be ruled out that this phenomenon may have nothing to do with lesions of this type.

It is worth considering in more detail the situation when the eye twitches, what to do, is it worth attaching importance to this phenomenon? Is it necessary to be examined or undergo a course of treatment? Is it possible to get rid of the disease with folk remedies, or is only drug treatment suitable?
Start with the most common causes of this ailment.
CNS damage
If this is what caused the eye twitching, what to do is obvious. It must be understood that this is a rather serious reason, so it is worth visiting a doctor. As a rule, reduced muscle tone leads to twitching of the right or left eye. It is also possible that the person is suffering from reflex excitability.
In case of disorder of the central nervous system, reflexespeople begin to distort. Muscles stop responding to the impulses they receive. This can lead to muscle hypertonicity and cramps.
Eye twitches, what to do in this situation? First of all, you need to find out the reasons. In this case, we are not talking about a diagnosis, but about a predisposition along a hereditary line. In this case, eyelid twitching may occur as suddenly as it disappears. In this case, a person will not necessarily experience stress or strong feelings. The tick starts by itself.
The eyelid twitches, what if it is due to heredity? Nothing, just wait. As a rule, this symptomatology manifests itself in childhood and quickly disappears as the child grows older. In this case, the ailment rarely brings discomfort and such tics do not last long.
Speaking of less common causes, in some cases this occurs against the background of the development of Bell's palsy, Parkinson's disease or Tourette's syndrome.
Less serious reasons
These factors include a wide variety of diseases, including seasonal viral illnesses (ARI or SARS). In this case, a similar phenomenon occurs due to a sharply reduced immunity and other reasons. The nervous system begins to react to an infectious disease and the person suffers from a tick. The left or right eyelid twitches, what to do in this case? Complete treatment for a viral infection and receive treatment with drugs that help restore the immune system.

Also, you can get rid of such an ailment if you cure the infection of the eye that has arisen. Tics are most often caused by conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other ailments.
In addition, the habit of spending all your free time at the computer can provoke such a state. If you watch TV all night long and do not sleep, then all this can provoke nervous twitching of the eyelids.
There are several other reasons why a tick occurs. If a foreign body gets in the eye or the person is using lenses incorrectly, it's easy to start winking unplannedly at strangers without even noticing it.
Elementary irritation can lead to this. For example, if a person frequently rubs their eyes or suffers from allergic reactions.
Vitamin deficiency
This phenomenon is currently quite common. In an age where natural products are increasingly being replaced with artificial additives, it is easy to get these types of pathologies.
In this case, the eye may react to the absence of specific components. If the body lacks magnesium, then this will manifest itself in the form of motor disorders in the work of the eye muscle. With a lack of calcium, disturbances occur in the processes of neuromuscular conduction. The lack of glycine negatively affects the activity of the entire human nervous system.
What to do if the eye twitches (upper eyelid or lower)
If a person does not suffer from serious ailments, then in this case, an unpleasant tick should quickly stop, if he starts to get enough sleep, he will comply with the regimeproper nutrition, will reduce the time spent in front of a computer or TV.

It's also worth including foods rich in calcium and magnesium in your daily diet.
Frequent exposure to fresh air also has a positive effect on human he alth. Thanks to this, the body will be much easier to cope with nervous strain. Then it will be possible to quickly forget that the eye is twitching, what to do in such a situation and other issues.
If such preventive measures have not brought an effective result, you should consult a doctor. With extremely rare twitches, you should not worry.
Eye twitches - what to do, treatment
Most often, the causes of such appearances lie in minor disorders of the nervous system, so serious drug therapy is not required.
First of all, you can cope with the disease with the help of simple exercises for the eyes. To do this, close your eyes tightly and wait half a minute. After that, you need to open your eyes sharply and wide. The next step is to blink quickly.

It can also help if you cover your eyelids and make circles with your eyeballs clockwise and counterclockwise.
When working at the computer, it is recommended to move away from the monitor for 30 seconds and calmly close your eyes.
Diet and vitamins
As mentioned earlier, a lack of vitamins can lead to such phenomena. If the body is in desperate needwith magnesium, then in your diet you need to give preference:
- walnuts;
- sesame;
- pumpkin seeds;
- green vegetables;

- beans;
- rye bread;
- bran;
- sprouted wheat.
If the body needs calcium, then you can fill its deficiency with milk and dairy products, cheeses, cottage cheese, sesame, dried apricots, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
It is also worth paying attention to the quality of drinking water used. If it contains a large amount of aluminum, then this will negatively affect not only the nervous system, but also the condition of the teeth, especially if crowns or bridges are installed. Keep in mind that aluminum is also present in most deodorants. Therefore, it is better to give preference to natural rock s alt antiperspirants or wipe the armpits with a solution of ordinary soda.
Helpful tips
What to do if the lower eyelid of the eye or its upper part twitches? In this case, it is worth giving up energy and coffee drinks, as well as alcohol. These fluids have a negative effect on the nervous system of the body, especially if a person abuses this or that drink.
If eye twitches started after an injury, then in this case the reasons may be more serious, so you should consult a specialist.

If the eye twitches for several days, what should I do? When neurosis occursit is worth consulting with a neurologist. Most likely, he will prescribe mild sedative anticonvulsants to the patient.
Traditional medicine
If we talk about recipes from natural ingredients, then you can get rid of eye twitching if you start taking sedatives. For example, you can start drinking a tincture of peony, motherwort or a decoction of valerian roots (it is better not to buy in drops, as they do not give a result). It is also worth starting to drink tea with mint. This herb has a calming effect and helps relieve spasms of the eye muscles.

Also worth paying attention to the leaves of geraniums. This is a proven remedy that helps get rid of an unpleasant symptom. If the eye began to twitch, it is enough to cut off a leaf of the plant and attach it to the face. In addition, decoctions can be prepared from the foliage of this plant, which also have a positive effect.
To get rid of an unpleasant tick, you should also purchase chamomile flowers and motherwort herb. These components are mixed in equal proportions with chrysanthemum leaves and brewed like regular tea.
For severe tics, you can make compresses from lemon balm and chamomile.
In conclusion
If none of the described methods brought the expected result, then the problem may be more serious. In this case, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist, therapist and neurologist. In some situations, it turns out that a tick occurs due to circulatory disorders of the brain. In rare cases, these symptomsprovoke inflammatory processes occurring in the optic nerve.