Rotavirus: symptoms in a child without fever, treatment and prevention

Rotavirus: symptoms in a child without fever, treatment and prevention
Rotavirus: symptoms in a child without fever, treatment and prevention

Every parent cares about the he alth of their baby. However, children tend to get sick, in the period up to three years, most children suffer from ailments such as chickenpox, rubella, roseola, rotavirus, and so on. After the illnesses received, the baby develops a strong immunity. This is what allows him to protect himself in the future. This article will tell you about the symptoms and treatment of rotavirus in children. You will find out the features of the course of the disease in different cases, and you will also be able to get acquainted with the main methods of correction. It is also worth mentioning how the symptoms of rotavirus manifest themselves in children without fever. Learn more about preventive measures below.

rotavirus symptoms in a child
rotavirus symptoms in a child


Symptoms in a child with this disease begin to appear approximately 1-3 days after infection. Before this, the so-called incubation period takes place, which does not give any signsdevelopment of pathology.

Rotavirus (symptoms in a child with illness will be described below) is a disease of parasitic origin. Viruses enter the body of a potential patient mainly through the hands. That is why this pathology is called "disease of unwashed hands." However, in some cases, the method of transmission may be airborne or drip.

It is worth noting that if a child (1 year old) has a rotavirus, then his parents are also doomed to transfer this infection. If the baby is already old enough and attends kindergarten, then, most likely, in a few days other children will get sick in the same way.

Doctors note: if there is at least one infected person in the team, then almost all persons in contact with him will inevitably be infected.

Signs of illness in children

Rotavirus in a child often has symptoms in the form of fever and fever. At the same time, parents may think that the baby just caught a cold or caught the flu. Starting the wrong treatment can lead to serious complications.

Also, rotavirus (symptoms in a child) can occur without fever. Most often this happens in those babies who have ever encountered pathology. At the same time, the remaining signs of the disease remain the same as in the initial cases. Let's try to figure out what the symptoms of rotavirus are in a child.

rotavirus in a child symptoms
rotavirus in a child symptoms


Absolutely always rotavirus in a child has symptoms in the form of liquefied stools. This sign can still becall it diarrhea.

It manifests itself due to the fact that the intestine becomes the main area of residence of pathological microorganisms. In this case, the body supplies most of the fluid to this organ to flush out the infection. Because of this, there is a strong liquefaction of feces. Most often, diarrhea occurs from 8 to 15 times a day. In this case, an admixture of mucous secretions may be observed in the stool.

You need to be careful that there is no blood in the masses. Such a symptom may indicate the addition of an additional pathology and the development of complications.

Nausea and vomiting

Rotavirus in a child always has symptoms in the form of nausea. This sign can also be characterized by a violation of appetite, refusal of favorite foods, and so on.

All this is due to the fact that pathological microorganisms affect not only the intestines, but the entire digestive tract. They multiply in the stomach and cause intoxication. In response, the patient's body reacts quite normally with the development of nausea.

Often rotavirus symptoms in children under one year old are in the form of vomiting. All due to the fact that the baby still cannot fully control its sensations and eats regular food, despite nausea. The result of this is a cleansing process. The body tries to get rid of everything that enters the stomach, since it devotes its main forces to eliminating the pathology, and not digesting food.

rotavirus in a 2 year old
rotavirus in a 2 year old

Abdominal pain

Rotavirus symptoms in children (10 years and younger) are in the form of pain inabdominal cavity. This is caused by the spread of viruses through the mucous membranes and an increase in gas.

If flatulence occurs, the baby may complain of rumbling or a feeling of bloating in the abdomen. Also, pain can develop due to lack of food. All this is a consequence of a decrease in appetite. Eating during the spread of the infection is necessary. However, the food must be correct and he althy.


Rotavirus in a child (1 year old) may have symptoms in the form of dehydration. This symptom occurs due to the abundant release of fluid from the body. If diarrhea is accompanied by indomitable vomiting, then everything can end very badly.

Dehydration is manifested by weakness, dry lips and palms. There is an outflow of fluid from the surface of the skin to the vital organs. Thus the heart, liver and kidneys try to save themselves. If there are similar symptoms of rotavirus, and treatment in children under one year old should be appropriate. In some cases, hospitalization may be necessary, as babies are at risk for this symptom.

Convulsions and loss of consciousness

Rotavirus symptoms in children 6 years of age and younger may be in the form of impaired coordination of movements and clouding of consciousness. This is most often the result of an increase in temperature above 39 degrees.

It is worth noting that if you are prone to such an outcome, you should immediately call the doctors and provide emergency care to the baby. Otherwise, you may face the addition of neurological diseases in the future.

rotavirus in children symptoms and treatment
rotavirus in children symptoms and treatment

Could there be no signs

Rotavirus in a child without symptoms almost never leaks. In most cases, in addition to the above symptoms, you may find redness in the throat, runny nose and headache.

Many parents call this disease the intestinal flu. However, this is not entirely correct. The flu is a disease that affects the respiratory tract. In the case of rotavirus, the addition of an infection in the throat and nasopharynx occurs due to a decrease in the body's immune defenses.

Is it necessary to treat the disease

Rotavirus in a child (2 years and younger) must be cured. The disease resolves on its own within a few days to a week. However, complications can develop if left untreated.

Don't try to fix the situation yourself. Accession of rotavirus infection requires competent appointment. Only a pediatrician will be able to examine your baby and give the right recommendations. Treatment of pathology always depends on the symptoms. If the baby does not have a fever, and the body temperature remains within the normal range, then he does not need antipyretics at all. It is these drugs that are so often prescribed when such a disease occurs. Be sure to take into account the symptoms of rotavirus in children, and prescribe treatment only after a thorough examination. Consider the main methods of pathology correction.

rotavirus symptoms and treatment in children under one year old
rotavirus symptoms and treatment in children under one year old

Use of immunomodulating agents

Rotavirus in a child (2 years old) and younger is always treated with immunomodulators or immunostimulants. These drugs contribute to the body's independent fight against pathology. At the same time, a strong immunity to this strain is formed. With subsequent infection, the disease will proceed in a mild form and almost imperceptibly.

The drugs that stimulate the body's immune defenses include the following: Cycloferon, Interferon, Viferon, Kipveron, Likopid, Genferon Light, Isoprinosine, and so on. Some of these remedies are in the form of rectal suppositories. It is advisable to use them only in the interval between the urge to defecate. It will be better if you introduce a candle to the child immediately after the next bowel movement.

Use of sorbents

Mandatory use of cleansing formulations requires rotavirus (symptoms in children under one year old). A photo of some medicines is presented in the article. This group of drugs helps to envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines. All viruses and pathological microorganisms are collected in this area. After that, the toxins are removed from the body naturally. Most sorbents are not absorbed into the blood and do not adversely affect the he alth of the baby. That is why such drugs are allowed to be used even in children of the first year of life.

The following names of medicines can be attributed to sorbents: "Smecta", "Polysorb", "Activated carbon", "Enterosgel" and so on. When choosing one or another means, it is necessary to take into account the agecategory of the child and his weight. Follow the dosage and do not exceed the indicated portion yourself.

rotavirus in a 1 year old
rotavirus in a 1 year old


Until now, pharmacology has not yet invented certain drugs that can deal specifically with rotavirus. That is why doctors recommend using standard medicines.

These include "Anaferon", "Immudon", "Aflubin" and so on. Many of them also have an immunostimulating effect. This must be taken into account when applying complex therapy.

Antibacterial drugs

Quite often with rotavirus, parents give children antimicrobial and antibacterial formulations. The opinion of doctors on this matter is twofold. One group of experts argues that such a correction would be simply useless, since the main causative agent of the pathology is the virus. Other experts say that the use of antibiotics would be appropriate in the case when the symptoms of the disease persist for one week. If during this period the patient does not feel better, and a fever has also joined, then it is worth using broad-spectrum antibiotics.

These drugs include the following: "Summamed", "Tetracycline", "Azithromycin", "Flemoxin" and others. Be sure to take into account the age of the child, as some medications are prohibited until a certain point.

Using beneficial bacteria

When treating rotavirus, be sure to give your child good bacteria. Most drugs combine allnecessary groups of lactic acid fungi. You can also purchase lactobacilli and bifidobacteria separately. These drugs should be given in turn. Be sure to read the instructions before starting treatment.

The products containing beneficial bacteria include the following drugs: "Acipol", "Lactobacterin", "Bifidumbacterin", "Baktisubtil", "Lineks" and many others. It is worth noting that some of the medicines are available in the form of a soluble powder. This method is very convenient for small children in the first two years of life. If the child is able to swallow the capsule on his own, then the tablet form of the drug should be preferred.

rotavirus in a child without symptoms
rotavirus in a child without symptoms

Plentiful drink

If the baby was struck by rotavirus, then he needs to be given more water. Do not forcefully pour liters of liquid into the baby. This can aggravate nausea and cause vomiting. This will give you the opposite effect.

Try to give your baby a few sips of fluid every hour. To restore the s alt balance, you can use drugs such as Regidron. It is also permissible to prepare saline on your own. To do this, take one teaspoon of s alt and add it to a liter of clean water. This composition will help the liquid to be better absorbed by the body and prevent dehydration.

Don't give your baby fermented milk products in the hope that they will restore the intestinal microflora. Such a diet will only lead to increased fermentation and the formation of gases in the stomach and intestines.


When a rotavirus infection occurs, it is worth adhering to a certain diet. Eliminate all raw vegetables and fruits from your child's diet. Avoid eating bread and sweets. It is strictly forbidden to drink carbonated drinks.

Dairy foods should be excluded from the baby's diet. The only exceptions are those children who are breastfed. Prepare boiled rice for the baby. In this case, do not add sugar and butter to the dish. With severe diarrhea, you can drink rice water. It will strengthen the intestines and reduce its perilstatics.

If the child asks for food and does not suffer from a lack of appetite, then you need to feed him in small portions. At the same time, give preference to low-fat broths without adding frying and a lot of vegetables.

symptoms of rotavirus in children without fever
symptoms of rotavirus in children without fever

Prevention measures

Currently, there are two ways to carry out the prevention of such a disease. These are classic hygiene practices and vaccine administration.

If you decide to get vaccinated against this disease, then you should think about it immediately after the birth of your baby. After six months of life, the crumbs should not be vaccinated. It is worth noting that after such prevention, complications and side effects almost never occur. Manipulation is carried out by instilling a live vaccine into the child's mouth.

If you have not carried out preventive measures in the form of vaccinations in a timely manner, then you should simply take precautions. At the same time, try to wash your hands more often. Do not eatunpeeled vegetables and fruits. The collected greens must be poured over with boiling water before serving. If an infected person appears in the team, then it is worth protecting yourself from him. For prevention purposes, immunomodulatory drugs can be used. However, without hygiene procedures, they will be powerless.

When one of the family members is infected, it is worth giving him a separate towel and cutlery. As practice shows, no matter how carefully preventive measures are carried out, people in contact with the patient will soon also get sick.

If a child falls ill in a kindergarten or school, then quarantine is most often introduced for several weeks. At the same time, the remaining children are carefully examined for the possibility of infection. Preventive agents are prescribed in the form of sorbents and immunomodulators with antiviral action.

rotavirus symptoms in children 6 years old
rotavirus symptoms in children 6 years old

Summarizing the article and a small conclusion

After suffering a pathology, a person develops a strong immunity to a certain strain of the virus. If secondary infection occurs, then the disease proceeds much easier. The most easily pathology with severe symptoms occurs in children. However, babies are always at risk. Hospitalization may be necessary if dehydration occurs.

Never give pain medication if your baby complains of stomach discomfort. Such a correction can cause a blurred clinical picture. In this case, it will be quite difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis. If symptoms occurpathology, be sure to call a doctor. The baby should be examined by a competent specialist. The doctor will also prescribe the right treatment. In some cases, additional diagnostics in the form of tests may be needed.

Newborns breastfed can defecate several times a day. This is absolutely normal. That is why parents should carefully monitor the well-being of the crumbs and be able to distinguish the pathology from the usual state. Treatment for rotavirus should always be done. In this case, in each case, their own medicines are used. When carrying out the correction, the main task is to replenish fluid in the body and remove toxins.

Do not use traditional correction recipes. Seek medical advice for proper advice. Be patient and help your baby. In the process of illness, the crumbs are much harder than his parents. Take preventive measures and stay he althy!
