Diseases and conditions 2024, October

How to lower diastolic pressure at home: effective remedies

How to lower diastolic pressure at home: effective remedies

Many patients go to the doctor with complaints of high blood pressure. It is important to determine the cause of the pathology in order to select an effective therapy. The doctor will tell you how to lower diastolic pressure at home

Inflammation of the ovaries: symptoms and treatment in women, causes, diagnosis

Inflammation of the ovaries: symptoms and treatment in women, causes, diagnosis

One of the most common diseases in women is inflammation of the ovaries. Symptoms and treatment in women are almost the same. Only the forms and severity of the disease differ

How dangerous is pyelonephritis in a child?

How dangerous is pyelonephritis in a child?

Today, pyelonephritis in a child is a fairly common disease. According to available statistics, it ranks approximately second only to known respiratory infections. It is noteworthy that girls get sick much more often than boys (about three times)

How is chronic pyelonephritis treated?

How is chronic pyelonephritis treated?

Inflammatory kidney disease is a very common problem faced by both adults and children. But the chronic forms of such diseases are very dangerous, as they are accompanied by a gradual change in tissues and a violation of the normal functioning of the excretory system. So is there an effective treatment for chronic pyelonephritis?

How is chickenpox treated in children? Symptoms of the disease and recommendations for treatment

How is chickenpox treated in children? Symptoms of the disease and recommendations for treatment

What to do if your baby "brought" chickenpox from kindergarten? How is chickenpox treated in children? Let's answer these questions that concern every mom

Coronary bypass surgery: indications, rehabilitation, reviews

Coronary bypass surgery: indications, rehabilitation, reviews

Medicated elimination of pain in the heart associated with ischemia alleviates the condition of patients. However, such therapy does not solve the problem of blockage of blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, a more radical solution is required - surgical intervention. As a rule, preference is given to coronary artery bypass grafting. In today's article, we will consider in detail this method of treatment, indications for the procedure and the course of its implementation

Chickenpox in a child: symptoms, forms, prevention

Chickenpox in a child: symptoms, forms, prevention

Chickenpox in children under the age of 10 is more common than in adults and is much easier to bear. The disease is infectious, characterized by fever and the appearance of a rash on the skin and on the mucous membrane

How endometriosis is treated: the choice of tactics

How endometriosis is treated: the choice of tactics

Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent disease. Most often, this diagnosis is made in women of reproductive age. In this case, the uterine mucosa grows in other organs where it should not be

Postoperative hypoparathyroidism: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Postoperative hypoparathyroidism: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Hypoparathyroidism is a fairly common endocrine disorder, which is accompanied either by a decrease in the amount of parathyroid hormone, or by the resistance of receptors to it. In any case, such a disease is fraught with dangerous consequences. To date, the most commonly diagnosed hypoparathyroidism postoperative

Adenoids of the 3rd degree in children: treatment with traditional and folk remedies. Surgery

Adenoids of the 3rd degree in children: treatment with traditional and folk remedies. Surgery

Almost 25% of children and their parents hear in the otolaryngologist's office that the baby's adenoids are enlarged. These formations are combined with the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In a he althy child, they are actively functioning. It is the adenoids that are the first to encounter various toxins, bacteria, allergens, microbes and trigger a protective mechanism

How is toenail fungus treated at home and with the help of medications?

How is toenail fungus treated at home and with the help of medications?

What is the treatment of toenail fungus? This rather unpleasant question may interest any person if he is suddenly affected by this problem. It is worth noting that there are many ways to get rid of this disease for a long time. Among them, folk remedies are especially popular. After all, it is in such unconventional ways that people most often bring their legs into a beautiful and he althy look

Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide. Cures for nail fungus

Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide. Cures for nail fungus

Many diseases give us a lot of inconvenience, but for some reason we are in no hurry to visit a doctor. In any case, every difficulty related to your he alth must be eliminated. In some cases, this can be done at home. Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide is exactly the case. If you do not know how to deal with a similar problem, then the following information will certainly be useful to you

Heartburn: symptoms and treatment of stomach discomfort

Heartburn: symptoms and treatment of stomach discomfort

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach or esophagus seriously poison life. How and why does heartburn appear?

Onychomycosis - what is it? Onychomycosis of nails: treatment at home

Onychomycosis - what is it? Onychomycosis of nails: treatment at home

When faced with a complex medical term for the first time, most people wonder: "Onychomycosis - what is it?" A very common disease is otherwise called a fungal infection of the nails. Do I need to see a doctor if you find this ailment in yourself, or can onychomycosis be cured at home?

Red spots on the head: psoriasis and more

Red spots on the head: psoriasis and more

Red spots on the head: a minimum of knowledge about what psoriasis is, how it manifests itself. Why does a rash appear on the face, which specialist should you contact, you will learn from this article

Polineuritis: symptoms, causes, treatment

Polineuritis: symptoms, causes, treatment

Polyneuritis is a disease in the form of multiple disorders of nerve endings. It can manifest itself as paresis, decreased sensitivity, or various trophic disorders. Polyneuritis leads to autonomic, motor and sensory disorders of the nerves. The disease can be acute or chronic

How to gargle with sore throat?

How to gargle with sore throat?

It's not just what you gargle with. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on whether the patient does it correctly. It is necessary to take into account the recommendations that are given in this article

Rash on the head in adults and children

Rash on the head in adults and children

A rash on the head can be a signal of the onset of a serious illness. Any rash on the head must be eliminated in a timely manner, otherwise the man has to stop sexual activity for a while

Flat wart: treatment at home and in the hospital

Flat wart: treatment at home and in the hospital

A flat wart (treatment will be presented later) is a benign formation that manifests itself in the form of small nodules up to 5 millimeters in size, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. It is worth noting that such a disease occurs on the legs, back of the hands and face. The diagnosis of this abnormality is based on a routine visual examination and is confirmed by histological examination

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the foreskin in men: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the foreskin (prepuce), referred to in medicine as postitis, is a fairly common disease. Pathology is accompanied by pain and discomfort, and if left untreated, it can lead to dangerous complications, up to gangrene. That is why it is worth learning more about this disease

Blood pressure 200 over 100: what to do, causes and possible consequences

Blood pressure 200 over 100: what to do, causes and possible consequences

Hypertension is a serious illness, especially often detected in men and women after 40 years. The danger of the disease is that if there is no timely treatment, it can lead to a stroke and heart attack. Therefore, many are interested in what to do with a pressure of 200 to 100. First aid and treatment are described in the article

Treatment of dermatitis in a child, taking into account the etiology

Treatment of dermatitis in a child, taking into account the etiology

The article talks about several types of dermatitis, which most often occur in early childhood, and also indicates the features of treatment, depending on the form of skin lesions

Papilloma: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Papilloma: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Skin growths are a worrying symptom for many people. And papilloma becomes the cause of experiences both in the medical sense and in the aesthetic. Is it possible to get rid of such a pathology, and how dangerous is it for the patient? Let's try to figure it out below

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis: how to treat, exercises

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis: how to treat, exercises

A century ago, cervical osteochondrosis did not remind of itself until old age. Now the peak of incidence falls on 30-35 years. Ringing in the ears, shortness of breath, dizziness, decreased visual acuity and other symptoms indicate pinched nerve roots in the cervical vertebrae

Hyperthermic syndrome in children. Help with hyperthermic syndrome

Hyperthermic syndrome in children. Help with hyperthermic syndrome

High temperature in a baby often scares parents. But you should not panic. What to do with hyperthermic syndrome, what provokes a fever and what its main types are distinguished by physicians, you will learn from this article

Brain Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

Brain Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

In the world, no one doubts that oncological diseases are the most severe and intractable. Among them, brain cancer is considered almost a “death sentence” for the patient

Fingers go numb: cause, treatment and prevention

Fingers go numb: cause, treatment and prevention

Many people experience such an unpleasant symptom as numbness of the fingers. If you are one of them, it will certainly be useful for you to learn about the possible causes of your condition and how to eliminate them

Why does my heel hurt? Many reasons

Why does my heel hurt? Many reasons

With pain in the heels, according to some data, every eighth, according to others - every tenth. But regardless of the statistics, heel pain indicates the presence of serious problems. It is dangerous to ignore these manifestations, as they lead to deformation of the joints of the feet, as well as to loss of movement. Why does the heel hurt? Many causes can lead to inflammation of the heel bone and tendons. Heel spurs may be the cause of pain

Symptoms and treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis

Symptoms and treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis

In medicine, chronic calculous cholecystitis is understood as inflammation of the gallbladder itself with the presence of stones in it. This disease is currently relatively common. In this article we will talk about what are its primary signs, and how chronic calculous cholecystitis is treated

Dislocation of the forearm: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Dislocation of the forearm: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Why does a dislocation of the forearm occur and how to fix it? All you need to know about damage: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, varieties, reduction methods, first aid rules for the victim

How to check the pancreas

How to check the pancreas

How is the pancreas checked during stool and urine tests? Urinalysis is done to detect amylase. Its presence indicates an acute stage of the process. In the analysis of feces, the level of undigested food and fatty acids is detected, which may indicate insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes

Classification of epilepsy and epileptic seizures

Classification of epilepsy and epileptic seizures

Epilepsy comes in many different forms. However, most often all varieties of epilepsy classification are united by quite noticeable symptoms. Consider the most common types of epileptic seizures in medical practice

Ways of transmission of gonorrhea: the first symptoms, causes of the disease, methods of treatment

Ways of transmission of gonorrhea: the first symptoms, causes of the disease, methods of treatment

The main route of transmission of gonorrhea is sexual. And interestingly, women are more susceptible to the disease. According to the structural features of the male body, the disease affects them less often. To determine the disease, it is urgent to contact a specialist

Stenosing ligamentitis: treatment

Stenosing ligamentitis: treatment

The term stenosing ligamentitis is commonly referred to as a pathological change in the condition of the tendon and its surrounding ligaments, which leads to a constantly bent position of the finger (less often several fingers) of the hand. Due to the fact that at the beginning of the disease, a click is heard when the phalanx is extended, it has another name - “clicking finger”

Capillary hemangioma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Capillary hemangioma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

After the birth of a child, young mothers have a lot of worries, but even more worries about the he alth of the baby. And when an ugly red spot is found on the smooth, clean skin of a baby, many begin to panic. To the touch, it is defined as a thickening on the skin of an implicitly defined shape

Hemangioma of the liver: causes and treatment, reviews

Hemangioma of the liver: causes and treatment, reviews

In the article we will tell you what it is - hemangioma of the liver. Treatment with both medicines and folk methods of this disease can give good results, but only if measures are taken on time. If not, the patient may die from the bleeding that has opened up, the culprit of which will be this "harmless" tumor

What is the main symptom of overheating in the sun

What is the main symptom of overheating in the sun

Every person - both an adult and even a child - is well aware of the possibility of getting a sun or heat stroke and its danger. But when you come to the beach in summer, you can often see how all these "knowing" people lie under the bright sun for hours, not paying attention to anything. But even the usual stay under the rays of the luminary without a headdress for a long time can end in failure. Therefore, you need to know the symptom of overheating in the sun in order to prevent trouble if something happens

Stagnation of bile: symptoms and treatment

Stagnation of bile: symptoms and treatment

One of the pathological conditions that are often diagnosed by gastroenterologists and require serious therapy is bile stasis. Symptoms of this syndrome indicate problems in the liver, which produces this substance, and the gallbladder, which is a reservoir for collecting bile

The main symptoms of bile stasis in children - possible causes and features of treatment

The main symptoms of bile stasis in children - possible causes and features of treatment

Symptoms of bile stasis in children are quite pronounced, especially during the acute stage of the pathology. It can be provoked by various diseases, as well as the presence of stones in the bile ducts. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for diagnosis and subsequent treatment

GOD - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of HH

GOD - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of HH

Not everyone is familiar with the abbreviation HHP. What it is? Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm (still the same HH, abbreviated) or simply a hernia of the esophagus is nothing more than a disease characterized by the displacement of any organ (located in the abdominal cavity) through the food opening in the diaphragm to the chest cavity