Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Vasculitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Vasculitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Classification of vasculitis on the legs involves a large number of different types, but depending on the causes, the pathology is divided into primary and secondary forms. The primary is an independent disease, and the secondary occurs against the background of other pathologies. By localization, vasculitis is distinguished internal and external, appearing on the skin

Symptoms and treatment of reflux esophagitis

Symptoms and treatment of reflux esophagitis

The manifestation of reflux esophagitis is, contrary to popular belief, not a pathology at all. Of course, if a person does not experience other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But this condition can cause a lot of inconvenience

Why does my head hurt after alcohol and how to deal with a hangover?

Why does my head hurt after alcohol and how to deal with a hangover?

A noisy party, a lot of friends and a couple of glasses of alcohol - a situation that is probably familiar to everyone. In such an environment, a person relaxes, he communicates with people of his circle and just enjoys it. But are all the colors of such a holiday so bright?

Headache with low pressure: what to do?

Headache with low pressure: what to do?

Lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, severe headaches - with low pressure, this condition is observed. In medical terms, this disease is called hypotension. The main symptom is a headache with low blood pressure. Moreover, the reduced pressure is not inferior in danger to the increased indicator. What can this disease lead to and is it dangerous for a person?

Colic in newborns - how to help the baby?

Colic in newborns - how to help the baby?

One of the first troubles faced by almost 70% of new parents is colic in newborns. They are associated with a functional violation of the baby's digestion. It occurs due to the immaturity of the enzymes involved in the digestion and assimilation of food. Moreover, colic in a newborn does not mean at all that the child is unhe althy. Just during this period, young parents should gain more patience and strength

Whooping cough: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Cough with whooping cough: how to treat?

Whooping cough: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Cough with whooping cough: how to treat?

From the article you can find out how to treat cough with whooping cough, why this disease occurs, what complications may appear with such a pathology of the respiratory tract

Ingrown toenail in a baby: causes and treatments

Ingrown toenail in a baby: causes and treatments

Nail plates can grow into the surrounding roller, not only in adults. Some parents are perplexed to discover that their newborn baby has an ingrown nail. What to do? How to help the baby? Parents wonder why this happened. After all, it is known that a similar question is more about people who wear inappropriate shoes, and in this case, the baby has not even made an attempt to stand on his feet

Pneumonia in a newborn: causes, symptoms and treatments

Pneumonia in a newborn: causes, symptoms and treatments

Inflammation of the lungs is a dangerous disease. In a newborn, pneumonia is especially severe. The disease develops either immediately after the birth of the baby, or during the first month of his life. The peculiarity of inflammation in such crumbs is that the pathological process is rapidly spreading to both lungs, and therefore the condition of the newborn is getting worse every minute. Complications of this pathology can be very serious and affect the future life of the child

Parasites in the lungs: symptoms and treatment

Parasites in the lungs: symptoms and treatment

A condition in which a person has parasites in their lungs requires immediate treatment. It is very dangerous, although rare. If a person has helminths in the lung tissue, it should be treated immediately. Otherwise, the quality of life will rapidly decline. The saddest outcome is disability, further disability or death. How do parasites get into the lungs? What symptoms indicate this? Is it possible to take them out? This and much more will now be discussed

Frehley's syndrome: description, diagnosis, treatment, pregnancy and childbirth

Frehley's syndrome: description, diagnosis, treatment, pregnancy and childbirth

Frehley's syndrome is an anomaly of the kidneys of a congenital nature, in which a decussation of the anterior and posterior branches of the superior renal artery is formed. As a result, the normal functions of the organ are disrupted

Frederick Syndrome Clinic

Frederick Syndrome Clinic

Frederick's syndrome got its name in honor of the Belgian physiologist, who defined it as a combination of complete transverse (atrioventricular) blockade and atrial fibrillation, in other cases - atrial flutter. This article discusses Frederick's syndrome: clinic, diagnosis, treatment of the disease

Gon's focus in pulmonary tuberculosis

Gon's focus in pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, also called "consumption" and known since ancient times. The first stage of tuberculosis is characterized by the appearance of a focus of Gon in the lungs

Signs of sinusitis in adults and children, treatment

Signs of sinusitis in adults and children, treatment

The main symptom of sinusitis is pain in the nose. Before choosing the appropriate treatment method, you need to consult a specialist

Bruxism: treatment, causes, reviews

Bruxism: treatment, causes, reviews

The disease is a pathological phenomenon when a person has teeth grinding. This syndrome is extremely unpleasant for the patient and rather problematic for the doctor. There is an opinion that this pathology is inherent in people with unbalanced mental he alth, but it is known for sure that a similar syndrome is diagnosed in about 3% of the world's population

Treatment of thrombophlebitis: methods and their effectiveness

Treatment of thrombophlebitis: methods and their effectiveness

If the doctor has diagnosed thrombophlebitis, you should not delay treatment. The sooner the fight against the disease can be started, the better the patient's prospects will be. Modern medicine knows what approaches and medicines, activities and procedures can restore he alth with this unpleasant disease

Wen on the nose: causes and features of treatment

Wen on the nose: causes and features of treatment

Types of wen on the nose and the main reasons for their appearance in an adult and a newborn. Treatment of education through surgery and folk remedies. Is it necessary to remove the wen on the nose?

Wen on the head: causes and treatment

Wen on the head: causes and treatment

Wen on the head is a rather serious problem of a cosmetic nature. The appearance of such neoplasms spoils the appearance of a person and causes physical discomfort. What factors cause the formation of fatty outgrowths under the skin in the scalp? How to eliminate trouble? To get answers to these questions, just read our publication

Blood poisoning: symptom, prevention, treatment

Blood poisoning: symptom, prevention, treatment

Blood poisoning until recently was a 100% fatal disease. Before the invention of antibiotics, it was only possible to save the life of a person who had sepsis by amputating the affected limb (if he was “lucky” with such a location). Now the chances of survival with the appearance of sepsis in a patient are much greater, but they increase even more with the earliest possible diagnosis

Obstructive cough: causes, treatment, drugs

Obstructive cough: causes, treatment, drugs

What is an obstructive cough, obstructive bronchitis? Causes of the development of the disease in acute and chronic form. Symptoms in acute and chronic obstructive bronchitis. Diagnosis, basic and additional drugs. Complications of the disease, risk groups

Leukoplakia of the esophagus: causes, symptoms and treatments

Leukoplakia of the esophagus: causes, symptoms and treatments

Esophageal mucosal damage, or leukoplakia, involves a complex process of death of epithelial cells. The advanced form of the disease leads to a modification of the organ, which disrupts its ability to transport food from the pharynx to the stomach. In the article, we will dwell on the causes and methods of treating leukoplakia, and also tell you why you can’t drink hot tea with gastrointestinal pathologies

Pulse 100 beats per minute: causes and what to do? How to lower your heart rate at home

Pulse 100 beats per minute: causes and what to do? How to lower your heart rate at home

Increased heart rate due to physical and emotional stress is not a pathology. If this is observed at rest and without noticeable reasons, it may indicate abnormalities in the work of the heart and blood vessels. What does a heart rate of 100 beats per minute mean. Diagnosis of pathology. Methods of treatment and prevention

A sharp increase in temperature in a child without symptoms: possible causes, how to quickly knock down

A sharp increase in temperature in a child without symptoms: possible causes, how to quickly knock down

Fever is quite common in young children. Basically, the cause of this condition is infectious diseases. In 80-90% of cases they are viral in nature. However, parents should be aware that a sharp increase in temperature in a child can cause illnesses that are completely unrelated to infection

Pinging in the fingers of the left hand: the danger of the symptom, causes and treatment

Pinging in the fingers of the left hand: the danger of the symptom, causes and treatment

Do you know the discomfort in the fingers in the form of tingling? Probably yes. After all, such a phenomenon is not uncommon. Sometimes this symptom is not dangerous to he alth and life, but with its frequent repetition, you should consult a doctor. After all, a tingling sensation in the left hand can be the first sign of heart disease or the onset of a heart attack. Particular attention to such a symptom should be paid when it is accompanied by a feeling of pain and numbness

Obesity of the pancreas (lipomatosis): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Obesity of the pancreas (lipomatosis): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What role does the pancreas play in the body? What is lipomatosis? What provokes the disease, what are its causes? Clinical picture, main symptoms. Stages of the disease, complications. Diagnosis, directions of treatment: medication, auxiliary, diet. Prevention of lipomatosis

Bending the coccyx: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Bending the coccyx: symptoms, treatment and consequences

The coccyx is five underdeveloped vertebrae that complete the spinal column. One of these formations has processes, the rest are rounded. Normally, this part of the spine should be directed forward, when pressed, it easily springs, without causing pain in a person

Fingers and hands hurt: causes and treatment

Fingers and hands hurt: causes and treatment

If your fingers and hands hurt, then you need to make an appointment with a traumatologist or rheumatologist. The specialist will conduct an oral survey of the patient in order to collect detailed information about the problem, after which he will prescribe all the necessary tests

Alcohol withdrawal: symptoms, duration, how to relieve withdrawal symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal: symptoms, duration, how to relieve withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal, or alcohol withdrawal, is a complex and difficult condition. Often a sick person sees only one way to get rid of it - to drink any liquid containing ethanol. However, this is a vicious circle, as breaking will occur again and again. How to survive this state? What are the treatments?

Why itchy below the knee legs: itching of the shins. Causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Why itchy below the knee legs: itching of the shins. Causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Additional symptoms. Non-pathological causes of itching of the lower leg. Serious causes of the condition: skin diseases, varicose veins, allergies, diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver pathologies, diseases of the nervous system. Diagnosis, treatment, folk remedies, prevention

Psoriasis on the fingers: photos, causes, symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis on the fingers: photos, causes, symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic ailment that many people have. Plaque foci can be located on different parts of the body, including the hands. The disease can cause impaired joint mobility. The causes of psoriasis on the fingers and treatment are described in the article

Stroke in women: consequences, causes, predictions

Stroke in women: consequences, causes, predictions

What is a stroke? What types are different? Risk factors, symptoms. First aid, how to find out about a stroke? directions of treatment. Consequences of a stroke. What aggravates the patient's condition? What are the experts' forecasts? Requirements for rehabilitation

What is a vertebral hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is a vertebral hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is a vertebral hernia and how can it be cured? Everything you need to know about pathology: causes, symptoms, varieties, diagnostic methods, effective treatment methods and rehabilitation features

What is the treatment of herpes zoster: a review of drugs

What is the treatment of herpes zoster: a review of drugs

Shingles has another name - shingles. The causative agent of this infectious pathology is the herpes virus. The disease affects the skin and nervous system, and therefore therapy is carried out by both dermatologists and neurologists, depending on which clinical symptoms are most pronounced. Herpes zoster and chickenpox share a common etiology and pathogenesis

Sharp pressure drop: causes and what to do?

Sharp pressure drop: causes and what to do?

Low blood pressure is a condition experienced by patients suffering from hypotension. In addition, this disorder occurs in patients with pathologies of the myocardium and blood vessels. It is observed in people subject to physical and psychological overload. This article talks about the causes of a sharp drop in pressure and methods of treating pathology

Inhalations with "Rotokan" in a nebulizer: dosages for adults and children, how to dilute and apply

Inhalations with "Rotokan" in a nebulizer: dosages for adults and children, how to dilute and apply

The drug "Rotokan" is made on the basis of herbal ingredients. As part of this drug form, there are yarrow, calendula inflorescences and chamomile. The medicine helps to get rid of the signs of the inflammatory process, regenerates the damaged mucous membrane, eliminates coughing attacks and removes bleeding well, which allows for inhalation with "Rotokan" in a nebulizer for various diseases of the respiratory system

What causes a cyst? Reasons for education

What causes a cyst? Reasons for education

Cyst is a formation in the human body, which usually consists of a cavity and fluid. The structure of its cells and contents makes it possible to classify the tumor by type. Over time, if left untreated, the cyst grows, and cells may begin to change with development, which often leads to degeneration into a malignant formation. What causes a cyst, on what factors does its growth depend? Consider in the article

What does a positive Nikolsky symptom mean?

What does a positive Nikolsky symptom mean?

Diseases of the skin cover belong to a separate group - dermatological pathologies. There are a lot of varieties. Accurate diagnosis of dermatological diseases is important for the selection of adequate treatment

What to give a child with vomiting without fever: causes and how to treat

What to give a child with vomiting without fever: causes and how to treat

If vomiting is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, this is not considered a pathology in every case, and may be due to some physiological age-related characteristics. But it often happens that vomiting is a symptom of a certain disease, and this condition requires medical monitoring

How to quickly cure herpes: drugs and folk remedies

How to quickly cure herpes: drugs and folk remedies

Herpes is considered a viral infectious disease. There are many effective methods of dealing with it. Pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies are in demand. How to quickly cure herpes, described in the article

What is laryngotracheitis: symptoms and treatment

What is laryngotracheitis: symptoms and treatment

Sore throat, barking, dry cough, weakness and fever - familiar symptoms? It is these signs that most often accompany laryngotracheitis. Both children and adults are susceptible to this disease. It should be noted that in the absence of timely treatment, as well as against the background of a sharply weakened immune system, the disease can lead to extremely dangerous complications. So what is laryngotracheitis?

What is enuresis in children: causes and treatment of urinary incontinence

What is enuresis in children: causes and treatment of urinary incontinence

Forms of enuresis and their characteristics: primary and secondary, day and night, neurotic and neurosis-like. Causes of illness. What does the child feel? When should you see a doctor? Diagnosis, medication and home treatment