Pancreatitis is nothing more than an inflammation of the pancreas. Modern treatment of pancreatitis implies that you first need to establish what form of the disease the patient has. A doctor can determine this, so you should first go to the hospital. In total, there are three forms of inflammation of the pancreas - reactive, chronic and acute pancreatitis. Home treatment is possible, although it is not the easiest ailment, but it is often not wanted to be treated with conventional medicine.

Pancreatitis: causes of the disease, symptoms
The disease leads to excessive alcohol consumption or gallstones - these are the main reasons, but not all. It mostly affects men. The symptom of acute pancreatitis is pain in the upper abdomen that lasts for several days in a row. The pain may worsen after eating. In the chronic form, which is a consequence of systematic damage to the gland, there may not be pain. It happens that one acute attack is enough for the appearance of a chronicle. Alcoholism is what provokes chronic pancreatitis. Medication will certainly help, but to maintainan acceptable state will require both diet and traditional medicine. In chronic pain, pain may spread to the back or even be completely absent. The patient may feel sick, he will vomit, and weight loss may also be observed, which is caused by insufficient digestion of food due to a decrease in the amount of secreted enzymes. In fact, there is no cure for pancreatitis. But he can be kept in check. Refusal of alcohol - this is primarily required by pancreatitis.

Treatment at home
If you want to avoid surgery, you should follow some rules. First, a strict diet is required, based on vegetable proteins and excluding animal fats and spicy foods from the diet. Secondly, it is necessary to categorically refuse tobacco and alcohol. Thirdly, you will need enzyme preparations that promote better digestion: Pancreatin, Festal, Panzinorm and others. Following these simple recommendations will alleviate pancreatitis. Treatment at home also involves the use of folk recipes. The course of the disease will be facilitated by oatmeal jelly, which must be consumed regularly. It's easy to prepare. Take a large saucepan, place a colander in it, and pour the prepared oats into it. Preparation consists in the fact that oats are poured with water for several days. The mass that you get when washing is the future jelly. A few more days they insist on it, gradually draining the water until a thick liquid remains in the jar.weight. It is then boiled in a proportion of two or three tablespoons to two glasses of water. Kissel can be eaten with raisins.

Also, wormwood tincture successfully fights pancreatic disorders: one tablespoon per glass of boiling water, brew for half an hour, take half a glass before meals - this will ease pancreatitis. Treatment at home must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Trust me it will be better. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!