Thrombophlebitis of the limbs is a disease of the legs, accompanied by swelling, pain along the veins, redness and thickening of the skin.
Types of diseases
With thrombophlebitis, the walls of the veins become inflamed and a blood clot forms - a thrombus. It is the legs that are more often prone to this disease due to stronger loads. In the event that inflammation of the veins is present, and thrombus formation is not observed, the diagnosis is phlebitis.

According to the location of the disease, the disease is divided into thrombophlebitis:
- deep veins;
- superficial veins;
- hand;
- legs;
- arteries.
According to the characteristics of the flow, thrombophlebitis is distinguished:
- spicy;
- chronic;
- purulent;
- not purulent.
The most common statistically is thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the legs and small pelvis. It is most common in women.
Symptoms of thrombophlebitis
The initial signs come in the form of mild pain in the legs along the veins. The skin turns a little red in these areas, it becomes warmer to the touch and becomes inflamed. The body temperature rises to 37.5 ° C, but the course of the disease is possible without its increase. Symptoms of thrombophlebitis canmanifest as pain in the lower abdomen, in the sacrum and lower back. General well-being deteriorates significantly. The swelling of the sore leg complicates the situation. Gradually, the symptomatology is supplemented by seals of various sizes on the skin. These are blood clots that are well palpable with fingers. It hurts to walk.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the hemorrhoidal veins make the patient feel severe pain in the anus, and such pain does not depend on the act of defecation. A very sensitive swelling of the skin appears.
Life-threatening is the separation of a whole blood clot or its particles, followed by entry into the pulmonary artery.
Deep thrombophlebitis, causes of occurrence
There are many reasons for the formation of the disease: pregnancy and childbirth, trauma, gynecological operations, various surgical interventions. Such reasons as a decrease in the reactivity of the body, infections, a slowdown in blood flow, damage to the walls of blood vessels, inflammation of internal organs, changes in the composition of the blood and its coagulability can also be to blame. Oncology can cause internal thrombophlebitis. Allergies, hormonal changes, circulatory disorders of the walls of blood vessels due to stagnant blood can affect the occurrence of the disease.
Thrombophlebitis is often the result of varicose veins, it develops in superficial dilated veins.
Thrombophlebitis often occurs in inactive overweight people with chronic constipation.
The first days of treatment are recommended to formbandage with elastic bandages. As soon as obvious manifestations begin to subside, you can switch to medical tights, stockings or stockings, compression class - 2, 3. With ascending thrombophlebitis of the trunks of the large and small saphenous veins, the patient is immediately hospitalized. After the ultrasound scan, the varicose veins are surgically removed or the saphenous veins are ligated.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis are medically treated with several drugs - rutin derivatives, antiplatelet agents, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulants, polyenzyme, herbal phlebotonics.
Derivatives of routine are anti-inflammatory agents and, as it were, protectors of vessel walls. Anesthetize and remove inflammation of NSAIDs - medicines "Diclofenac", "Ketoprofen" in the form of gels or injections. With cubital thrombophlebitis, the drug "Heparin ointment" has proven itself well. Tablets are usually prescribed Trental and Aspirin in small doses.