How to treat corns on the feet

How to treat corns on the feet
How to treat corns on the feet

Dry corns, which look like extensive areas of compacted skin on the feet, are popularly called corns. What are the reasons for their appearance? What do corns on the legs look like? How to treat feet with the development of a pathological process? You can find out the answers to such questions by reading our publication.


Corns on the soles of the feet can be formed under the influence of the following factors:

  • Wearing tight, squeezing shoes that create uneven stress on certain areas of tissue and prevent normal blood circulation.
  • Excessive sweating of the feet.
  • Consequences of transferred foot fungus.
  • Failures of metabolic processes in the body.
  • The development of diabetes mellitus, the presence of significant excess weight.
  • Consequences of professional activity (ballerinas, athletes).
  • Formation of flat feet.

Clinical picture

corns how to treat
corns how to treat

Onthe initial stage, under the influence of structural changes in the tissues of the skin of the foot, small swelling and inflammation occur. Over time, the epidermis thickens in the affected area, acquiring a pronounced yellow tint. The surface of the skin at the site of corn formation becomes rough. Sometimes cracks form on the skin outgrowth, the effect of peeling is observed. The sensitivity of tissues is markedly reduced here. During walking, pronounced discomfort makes itself felt. Without proper therapy, the corns increase in size and become covered with deeper cracks.


corns on the feet
corns on the feet

How are corns on the soles of the feet treated? An excellent solution is the treatment of problem areas with liquid nitrogen. It is advisable to apply the technique in cases where there are significant layers of rough skin. During therapy, the doctor applies a special composition to the affected epidermis, which destroys pathological tissues under the influence of extremely low temperatures. After some time, the coarsened structures of the epidermis soften, and fluid accumulates inside. The corns are thinning out. The skin gradually returns to normal and is compared with the adjacent he althy areas of the epidermis.

Cryotherapy is a painless technique. However, during the rehabilitation period there is a possibility of infectious tissue damage. When recovering from the procedure, it is important to regularly treat problem areas with disinfectants, as well as pay attention to hygienic foot care.

Laser therapy

Othera painless, highly effective solution to combat corns is laser excision of such outgrowths on the skin of the feet. The advantage of the solution is the absence of bleeding. In addition, exposure to tissue with a laser protects against the development of infections.

How are corns on the soles treated with a laser? The essence of the procedure is the impact on the coarsened areas of the skin with high-frequency light radiation. The result is "evaporation" of the local tissues of the liquid. The structure of dead cells is destroyed, the epidermis becomes more supple. The skin on the corns becomes elastic and gradually smoothes out with the adjacent areas.

It is worth noting that laser removal of outgrowths on the skin of the feet is not the cheapest procedure. However, in most cases, the complete elimination of the problem occurs within one session and does not require repeated exposure to areas of corn formation.

Hardware pedicure

corns on the soles treatment at home
corns on the soles treatment at home

How to treat corns? One of the most accessible, sparing methods is a hardware pedicure. First, the cosmetologist disinfects the skin on the problem area with antiseptic agents. Next, the rough skin is removed in layers using a special apparatus, which is similar to a dental drill. Depending on the degree of tissue damage, coarse-grained or fine-grained nozzles are used.

The main advantage of the technique is the absence of pain. During the procedure, the possibility of tissue infection is excluded. The effectiveness of the application of the method in a particular case depends on the severity of the problem. In some situations, the trouble cannot be eliminated in one session, which requires re-treatment of corns.

Super Antimozolin

How to treat corns with medication? One of the best options is the use of Super Antimozolin balm. Lactic acid and carbamide in the composition of the drug produce a pronounced moisturizing effect on rough skin. The epidermis acquires an elastic structure, after which it is cleaned off with pumice or cosmetic tools without any problems. The product has a refreshing herbal fragrance, which allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors.

If corns have formed, how to treat feet with Super Antimozolin balm? The product is applied to previously cleansed, disinfected skin. At the end of the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the composition from getting on he althy areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Completely removing corns makes it possible to perform therapy for several weeks.


what do corns on the legs look like how to treat
what do corns on the legs look like how to treat

Treatment of corns on the sole at home can be done using Bensalitin ointment. The main active ingredients in the composition of the product are benzoic and salicylic acids. These components perfectly soften the skin, have a disinfecting effect on tissues.

How to treat corns using"Bensalitina"? The ointment is applied in a thin layer to cleansed skin. A gauze compress is applied on top or the problem area is covered with a medical plaster. The procedure is repeated after several hours. The therapy is continued until the hardened epidermis softens enough to be removed with cosmetic tools.


A proven way is to use a folk remedy for corns based on onions. What is the therapy? A large onion is peeled, cut into several pieces and poured with table vinegar. The product is sent for 2-3 days in a dark place. After the specified period has passed, a slice of onion is taken and applied to the site of corn formation. The site is rewound with a gauze bandage and put on over the sock. The procedure is performed at night. After waking up, the compress is removed. Softened skin is treated with a pumice stone. Therapy is continued daily until the roughened area of the skin is completely smoothed out with the surrounding he althy epidermis.


how to treat corns on the sole
how to treat corns on the sole

Celandine is another effective folk remedy for corns. The burning juice of the plant makes it possible to qualitatively soften and disinfect the skin. For treatment, take a bunch of fresh celandine. The grass is passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is applied to the corns before going to bed, having previously treated the surrounding areas with petroleum jelly to prevent burns of the he althy epidermis. The foot is wrapped with plastic wrap and put on over the sock. The procedure is performed every day until the dead skin becomes so elastic that it can be processed in any way possible.


how to treat corns on the soles of the feet
how to treat corns on the soles of the feet

Cope with corns on the foot will allow the use of aloe. It is advisable to use an old houseplant for these purposes. To perform therapy, a large bottom sheet is torn off, cut lengthwise and applied with pulp to the problem area. Over the foot is rewound with a bandage. The compress is left overnight. In the morning, the skin is washed under warm running water. After a qualitative softening of the skin, the keratinized structures are removed with a cosmetic nail file or pumice stone.

Soda and soap

folk remedy for corns
folk remedy for corns

A good way to eliminate corns on the feet is to perform healing baths based on baking soda and soap. How is the treatment performed? In two liters of boiled water, dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of soda and a similar amount of grated soap. The composition is poured into the basin. The feet are immersed here and held for 30-40 minutes. Then the softened corns are gently rubbed with a pumice stone. The problem area is smeared with a nourishing cream.

In conclusion

As you can see, there are many effective methods for dealing with corns on the feet. To prevent the problem from occurring, it is important to wear comfortable shoes that are made from pliable materials and fit the size of your foot. It is also worth giving preference to socks made of natural fabrics, which will avoid sweating of the feet. Careful skin care is also important, in particular, performing hot baths after a long stay on the legs, removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis with pumice, cosmetic tools, treating the feet with creams with a softening effect.
