Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Currently, one of the most common thyroid disorders is autoimmune thyroiditis. The article describes the symptoms of this disease, as well as the features of its treatment
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Extra-oral causes include diseases that are associated with the duodenum, esophagus and stomach. Also, the baby may have nasal ailments. For example, mucus may not be naturally expelled through the nose, but may accumulate in the paranasal sinuses, thereby allowing bacteria to multiply in that area. The smell of rotten eggs from the mouth may indicate serious liver disease
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In this article we will consider the main symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis, as well as modern methods of treating the disease
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Periodic difficulty with stools, pain after eating, nausea and weight loss - all this can indicate the most common diseases of the stomach. In no case should you turn a blind eye to them - you should not aggravate the disease
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Phospholipid syndrome is a relatively common pathology of autoimmune origin. Against the background of the disease, lesions of blood vessels, kidneys, bones and other organs are often observed. In the absence of therapy, the disease can lead to dangerous complications up to the death of the patient. Moreover, the disease is often detected in women during pregnancy, which jeopardizes the he alth of the mother and child
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Pain in the lower abdomen on the left periodically experiences every sixth person on earth, and there are many reasons for its appearance. This is due to the fact that there are many internal organs or parts thereof. Self-diagnosis in this case is impractical and even dangerous
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A real problem that affects about 3% of the population, including children and adults, is stuttering. The causes of this unpleasant condition lie in neurological disorders and genetic predisposition. Despite the difficulties in treating this deficiency, modern methods successfully cope with the cure of the disease with timely treatment and compliance with all the prescriptions of specialists
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Neisseria gonorrhea is the causative agent of a common sexually transmitted disease. It affects men, women and even young children, causing discomfort, burning and other unpleasant symptoms
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The appearance of boils, correctly called boils, is always manifested by soreness and deterioration in the general condition of a person. Children are especially vulnerable to the disease. Inflammation on the skin with purulent contents is by no means harmless and requires qualified assistance. In order to recognize the boil in time and carry out the correct therapy, it is necessary to understand the causes of the appearance and the main signs of the formation of boils on the nose
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It's no secret that the rhythm of modern life, which includes poor, improper and irregular nutrition, constant and severe stress, and attempts to relieve them by "taking on the chest" lead to stomach problems. First it's gastritis, then an ulcer, and when people relax again and stop following dietary prescriptions, limiting themselves to excesses and following medical advice, they are lured by an insidious beast - a perforated ulcer
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DIC is a disorder of hemostasis processes, which contributes to the formation of blood clots, and in addition, the development of various microcirculatory and hemorrhagic disorders. The full name of this disease sounds like disseminated intravascular coagulation, in addition, there is such a designation of the pathology as thrombohemorrhagic syndrome. Next, we will find out how the treatment of this disease is carried out and how it is diagnosed
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Many of us have not even heard of such a disease as epilepsy. What is this disease and what are its symptoms? In this article, you will learn the answers to the most important questions regarding this disease
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The heart is the perpetual motion machine of the body, and how the human body as a whole will feel depends on its functioning. In the event that everything is fine and the heart rate is constant, the internal systems with organs will remain he althy for many years. But sometimes it happens, as if the heart beats intermittently, skipping beats
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Focal epilepsy is a whole group of chronic neurological diseases, the focus of which is reliably established, and the clinic is well studied. The disease can manifest itself in different ways depending on the area of the brain lesion and the degree of pathological changes in it. About what causes this disease, how it is treated, what are the forecasts, read in the article
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Athlete's foot today are considered one of the most common fungal diseases on the planet. Such a disease can manifest itself in different forms and lead to completely different complications
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Inguinal epidermophytosis is a chronic disease of fungal origin that affects the epidermis in the groin area. This pathology manifests itself in the form of characteristic pink spots, which are accompanied by a pustular rash along the edges
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Today, 4% of all types of bone tissue damage are calcaneus fractures. This pathology is a violation of the integrity of the calcaneus, when it is impossible to apply the standard treatment option
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Wet cough got its name because it produces mucus from the lungs. In medicine, he received the name "productive." It can be argued that this process is more gentle compared to dry cough. Undoubtedly, it also contributes to irritation of the mucous membrane, but dry cough, as a rule, causes more complications
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Congenital syphilis is a disease that is transmitted to the unborn child through the placenta through maternal blood. This pathology can be of two forms - early syphilis and late
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Oral candidiasis is a very common disease. Despite the fact that oral thrush is considered a childhood disease, adults are also susceptible to it. The disease can hardly be considered dangerous. However, patients require proper and timely treatment
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Rickets is the most common diagnosis for children aged 1-12 months. Recently, this disease has become quite rare, as pediatricians pay special attention to prevention. If the child still has characteristic symptoms, parents should know the basic rules for treating rickets in infants. Timely response will help to avoid complications at an older age
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Kidney nephrectomy is a rather complicated operation, but it is not a sentence. Subject to the basic rules of the rehabilitation period, the recovery of the body occurs quickly and without complications. We talked about how to quickly return to a normal lifestyle in our article
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The symptoms of chronic fatigue are often confused with a common cold. Nevertheless, this disease has the right to a separate existence, despite the fuzzy clinical picture
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There are a large number of diseases of the oral cavity. One of them is herpes sore throat. This disease has several more names: aphthous pharyngitis, herpangina, herpetic tonsillitis. The disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, which, under favorable conditions for them, actively multiply on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and mouth
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All life processes of the body are regulated by various trace elements. One of the most important is potassium. It is involved in many intracellular processes. The lack of this trace element leads to many he alth problems. If this condition is not eliminated immediately, more serious consequences are possible, up to cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to identify the first symptoms of a lack of potassium and know how to make up for it
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Normally, children can get colds up to ten times a year. Usually these are viral pathologies that are eliminated quickly with the help of elementary means. However, some babies may develop a disease such as tonsillitis
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Almost every second mother faces thrush in a child. Well, if the baby is not the first, and you already know what to do. But what if the mother is young and does not yet know how to properly treat thrush? Follow our advice, after consulting with a specialist
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Hemorrhoids is a disease that is not customary to talk about with friends and acquaintances. For example, you can show your swollen joints or complain about high blood pressure. Many are simply ashamed to talk about this delicate ailment, because very often it is a source for jokes. But in vain
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
When a cough appears, a person feels uncomfortable, so he always wants to get rid of it. However, you should know that this is only a symptom, and first of all, you need to get rid of the cause that provoked it. How to treat cough and how to help the patient, read right now
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Valgus deformity of the thumb is becoming one of the main diseases affecting the joints of the fingers. You should know about the course of this disease and possible methods of treatment
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The appearance of a lipoma on the body is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. Many people believe that this is a cosmetic defect, but this is a real disease. Lipoma treatment can be done at home in a comfortable environment. And this article will tell you about the most effective folk recipes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Lipoma is a fatty formation located under the upper skin layers. Many people face a similar problem, and in most cases, wen become an object of concern and, of course, the cause of psychological complexes. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to treat lipomas and how it is carried out
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Giardiasis is an infectious disease, the causative agent of which parasitizes in the intestines and can enter the bile ducts and liver with the blood flow. Giardia is resistant to negative environmental conditions, and therefore the pathology requires a special approach in treatment. Children are most susceptible to the disease, but it often occurs in adults who neglect the rules of personal hygiene
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The scourge of modern man is rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment with folk remedies is considered the most acceptable, since it does not require long-term use of drugs that treat one and have an adverse effect on the other
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Tachycardia is a pathological phenomenon, which consists in an increase in the heart rate (from 90 beats per minute). This is not a disease, but a symptom indicating the presence of a disease
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According to statistics, every fourth representative of the stronger sex after 40 suffers from vascular diseases. This article will tell you how to treat varicose veins in men on the legs. You will learn the names of the main medicines that are effective in the fight against the disease. It is worth mentioning folk remedies
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
When a doctor tells some of his patients (or his parents) that a visitor has a swearing speech, most often he has to explain what he means. The term is incomprehensible even to a literate person who fully understands what chanting is. Meanwhile, the voiced symptom is very serious and, if detected, requires a detailed and multidirectional examination
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The syndrome of cerebral palsy in patients can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, these are only mental disorders, but there are also serious movement disorders. There is still no consensus on whether this disease is considered hereditary. Most experts have come to the conclusion that it still does not belong to the genetic, but the factor of influence of relatives is present. In this article, we will talk about the causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease, as well as similar diseases
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Types of ovarian cysts, their diagnosis and methods of drug treatment without surgery
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In ICD 10, rheumatoid arthritis has the code M05. This is a serious disease that can lead to a person's disability. Doctors attribute its appearance to disorders in the immune system after suffering infectious diseases