Today, pyelonephritis in a child is a fairly common disease. According to available statistics, it ranks approximately second only to known respiratory infections. It is noteworthy that girls get sick much more often than boys (about three times).
General information
In medicine, pyelonephritis in a child is characterized as an inflammatory disease affecting the pyelocaliceal system and the so-called renal parenchyma. However, experts warn that with timely diagnosis and treatment, this disease does not carry dangerous consequences.
Primary symptoms
Of course, in order to recognize this disease, you should know all the accompanying symptoms. So, pyelonephritis in a child is primarily characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature. In some cases, it may be small, but it is quite difficult to bring it down. On the other hand, small patients begin to complain of discomfort in the abdomen, lack of appetite, painfulurination, vomiting and insomnia.

Main reasons
Specialists today identify a great variety of factors contributing to the development of this disease. So, pyelonephritis in a child can occur due to intrauterine infection, reduced immunity, various kinds of chronic diseases, as well as due to prolonged use of antibiotics.
If you find all the primary symptoms described above, you should immediately seek the advice of a qualified specialist. The sooner the disease is detected, the more effective the treatment will be. For example, pyelonephritis in children under one year passes somewhat faster compared to patients in adolescence. Naturally, you will need to take a blood and urine test. The thing is that it is these systems that primarily respond to the presence of an infection in the body. Then the child will be referred to a nephrologist, who, in turn, will prescribe the appropriate therapy.
Kidney Disease Case History
Pyelonephritis in children is a disease that has been known for a long time, therefore, the current treatment methods are quite effective.

Thus, therapy involves following a special diet, a course of physical therapy, as well as taking some special medications. As for the diet itself, it should contain such products that are characterized by a reducedprotein content. As a rule, the doctor offers a complete list of acceptable foods. If we talk about medicines, then these are, first of all, various antibacterial drugs (Augmentin, Cefotaxime, Cefuroxime, etc.). It should be noted that they should be appointed exclusively by a qualified specialist. In no case should you self-medicate, because often this only harms the child, and often also aggravates the general course of the disease.