Inflammation of the foreskin (prepuce), referred to in medicine as postitis, is a fairly common disease. Pathology is accompanied by pain and discomfort, and if left untreated, it can lead to dangerous complications, up to gangrene. That is why it is worth learning more about this disease.
Why does inflammation of the foreskin develop in a child or adult male? What symptoms accompany the disease? What does modern medicine offer in terms of treatment? The answers to these questions are of interest to many readers.
The main causes of the development of the disease

It is worth noting that most often patients are diagnosed with inflammation of the head and foreskin in the complex. According to statistics, this is a fairly common pathology that affects men, regardless of age. By the way, cases of inflammation of the foreskin in boys of preschool age are quite often recorded, which is associated with poor hygiene and phimosis.
Most often the cause of the inflammatory process is the activity of pathogenic microflora. The role of the pathogen can be played by sexually transmitted microorganisms, in particular gonococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, Trichomonas. Fasting can also be associated with the activation of herpes viruses, papilloma or fungi of the genus Candida.
As you know, between the foreskin and the head of the penis there is a small cavity - the preputial sac. A secret is constantly accumulated here, which is produced by specific skin cells. This is an ideal place for the vital activity of pathogenic organisms. Here they are provided with heat, moisture and a nutritious organic substrate, thanks to which the active reproduction of bacteria and fungi is supported.
Are there risk factors?

Doctors identify several factors that predispose to the development of a disease such as inflammation of the foreskin:
- Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene (in this case, we are talking not only about the lack of care and hygiene procedures, but also about too frequent washing, the constant use of antibacterial soap).
- The presence of phimosis, paraphimosis and strictures in patients leads to the accumulation of skin secretions and dead epithelial cells in the preputial sac, and this in turn increases the likelihood of inflammation.
- Wearing too tight underwear and clothes made of synthetic fabrics irritates the skin of the genitals.
- Risk factors include the presence of inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system (for example,diseases of the kidneys, testicles, prostate).
- Sharp hypothermia.
- Decreased activity of the immune system.
- The presence of certain systemic diseases in a patient, such as psoriasis and diabetes, weakens the body's defenses, which increases the susceptibility of tissues to infections.
- Promiscuous sex life is also a risk factor, as it increases the chance of catching a sexually transmitted infection.
Non-infectious inflammation and its causes
Inflammation of the foreskin in men may be due to allergies. Itching, redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash, and then inflammation are sometimes due to contact with allergens (in some cases, by the way, allergic sensitivity to the partner's vaginal secretion is recorded).
In addition, there are a number of systemic diseases that, in addition to other symptoms, are accompanied by postitis/balanitis. Their list includes pathologies such as psoriasis, pemphigus, lichen planus, Reiter's syndrome.
It is worth noting that sometimes inflammation and ulceration on the skin of the penis is associated with the formation and growth of a malignant tumor.
Inflammation of the foreskin: photos and symptoms

Symptoms of pathology can be different. It all depends on the general condition of the body, the degree of spread of the inflammatory process and its form. Nevertheless, some characteristic features are distinguished:
- In the initial stages, the disease is accompanied by discomfort and redness of the tissues.
- The skin at the glans penis tightens with inflammation of the foreskin. Patients complain of itching, which later turns into pain.
- Urine burning and discomfort.
- Palpation of the head of the penis is accompanied by sharp pains. The foreskin is difficult to retract.
- Since inflammation is most often associated with infection, there are also general signs of intoxication, including fever, nausea, weakness, aches and pains in the muscles, drowsiness.
- Fungal and bacterial infection sometimes results in a white, slimy discharge, sometimes laced with pus.
- May cause a rash on the skin of the penis.
- Sometimes the infection spreads to the tissues of the urethra.
- In some forms of inflammation, areas of erosion and ulceration form on the tissues of the penis.
Classification: what forms of pathology exist?
Of course, there are many schemes for classifying disease. If we take into account the symptoms, then the inflammation of the foreskin can be:
- simple (the disease is accompanied by inflammation and redness of the prepuce, the patient complains of burning and itching);
- erosive (with such a disease, areas with dead upper layers appear on the skin, which then undergo erosion processes);
- gangrenous (erosive ulcers form on tissues that heal slowly).
It is worth noting that the clinical picture, as well as the method of treatment, directly depends on the form of the inflammatory process.
What the process looks likediagnostics?

In fact, already during the examination, the doctor may suspect the presence of postitis or balanoposthitis. All diagnostic measures are aimed at discovering the cause of the onset of the inflammatory process.
In the future, samples of accumulations and the preputial sac and discharge from the urethra are taken for analysis for bacteriological culture. This procedure allows you to determine the type of pathogen and find out which drug it is sensitive to. Additionally, tests are carried out for sexually transmitted infections, syphilis, HIV.
Inflammation of the foreskin in men: treatment with drugs

You already know what the described disease is. But what about a patient diagnosed with inflammation of the foreskin? Treatment in this case largely depends on the causes of the development of the disease and the severity of the inflammatory process:
- Disinfecting procedures must be included in the therapy regimen. Genitals should be washed very carefully, trying to gently move the prepuce and remove the smegma. If you have inflammation, do not use soap, as it dries the skin even more. For washing, you need to use boiled water or decoctions of herbs, after which the foreskin must be treated with an antiseptic, such as furatsilin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
- If there is a bacterial infection, then patients are prescribed antibacterial ointments. A good result is given by broad-spectrum antibiotics. For example, patients are often recommended ointments "Clotrimazole" and "Batrafen". Doctors also use Triderm, which contains antibiotics and corticosteroids that quickly relieve inflammation. In fungal forms of the disease, antifungal agents are used, in particular Fluconazole.
- Since the disease is often associated with a decrease in immune activity, patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, and sometimes immunomodulators.
- Fever is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen.
- In the most severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated - circumcision of the foreskin.
If untreated, the disease can lead to complications, including decreased sensitivity of the glans penis, inflammation of the urethra and prostate gland, and tissue necrosis.
Folk remedies for inflammation

Of course, sometimes home remedies can be used for treatment. Decoctions of medicinal herbs help relieve inflammation and swelling, alleviate the patient's condition. Sage, plantain, St. John's wort are considered effective. Oak bark also gives good results. Dry raw materials must be brought to a boil, cool and strain. The resulting liquid can be used for washing the genitals, warm baths, as well as preparing lotions and compresses. By the way, these products are harmless.
Of course, traditional medicines cannot be a full replacement for drug therapy. They can only be used inas an aid and only with the permission of a doctor.
How to protect yourself? Prevention

This is a fairly common pathology, the development of which, however, can be avoided. Men are advised to carefully monitor intimate hygiene, using a suitable soap for washing. You also need to abandon too tight, synthetic underwear. If casual sex is involved, it is essential to use protective equipment.
Proper nutrition, physical activity, injections, vitamin therapy will help reduce the risk of developing inflammatory processes, as this helps to strengthen the immune system. Don't miss out on regular medical checkups. When alarming signs appear, it is better to consult a doctor - diseases are much easier to treat in the initial stages of development.