Cervical osteochondrosis is a progressive disease of degenerative-dystrophic nature. The disease is one of the most common problems of modern civilization. Based on world statistics, about 55% of the adult population of the planet is diagnosed with a diagnosis. With cervical osteochondrosis, dizziness, pain and a feeling of stiffness in the muscles are quite natural symptoms of a vertebral neurological disorder.
Case for concern
A century ago, cervical osteochondrosis did not remind of itself until old age, now the peak incidence falls on 30-35 years. From time to time, we all experience discomfort in the cervical-occipital area, we hear a crunch when we turn our heads, but sometimes subtle signs of osteochondrosis go beyond the usual. A person cannot understand why vision is falling, ringing in the ears, shortness of breath appears, fingers tingle, etc. Such sensations indicate pinching of the nerve roots and blood vessels by the cervical vertebrae. Withoutproper therapy worsens lymph and blood flow, brain cells begin to "suffocate", the interaction of the vestibular apparatus with the central nervous system is disrupted.

Clinical signs
Cervical osteochondrosis of the 1st degree is characterized by an asymptomatic course, only occasionally prolonged loads on the parieto-occipital region or awkward movement remind of the problem. As the pathophysiological process further develops, the disease manifests itself in different ways.
Thus, the well-known symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis - dizziness and headache can be the first and only "bells" of the onset of destructive changes in cartilage tissue. Typically, patients experience vertigo when changing positions, upon waking, or at night.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine manifests itself:
- Pain in the occipital and collar area.
- Noise, ringing and fullness in the ears.
- Lack of breath, dizziness.
- Lack of appetite and nausea.
- Phobic anxiety disorders.
- Decreased visual acuity, double vision.
In addition, due to cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness, fears and depression, patients experience communication difficulties. In patients, instability of blood pressure indicators is observed, oxygen starvation of the brain leads to chronic fatigue, irritability.
Medicated treatment
Prescribing pills and anesthetic blockades,lies in the competence of narrowly focused specialists - a neurologist or a vertebroneurologist. The therapeutic regimen for cervical osteochondrosis is not limited to painkillers alone.

To improve the patient's well-being, the following groups of drugs are used:
- Muscle relaxants. Reduce the tone of skeletal muscles by blocking neuromuscular impulses. "Mydocalm", "Baclosan", "Tizanidin" and "Cyclobenzaprine" ("Miorix"), locally eliminate painful muscle spasms in cervical osteochondrosis
- Vasodilators. As a result of their use, the tone of the smooth muscles of the blood vessels decreases, the work of the vestibular apparatus is restored. This pharmacological class is represented by "Actovegin", "Trental", "Eufillin", "Vinpocetine", "Cinnarizine".
- Analgesics and NSAIDs. The drugs inactivate the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandins, thereby reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings. "Ibuprom", "Diclofenac", "Analgin", "Ketonal" and other non-steroidal drugs are prescribed in cases where dizziness occurs against the background of severe pain in the parieto-occipital region.
- Blockades. With cervical osteochondrosis, novocaine or lidocaine blockades are used, sometimes the steroid drug Diprospan is used. Blockades based on lidocaine or procaine (the active substance of novocaine) act for 1-2 hours,healing effect is immediate.
- Vitamin and mineral complexes. They restore nervous, cartilaginous and bone tissues, increase the endurance of the body, help to cope with weakness and dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis. Complivit, Vitrum, Neuromultivit, Supradin effervescent tablets are in great demand. Multivitamins have a common contraindication - hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.
If osteochondrosis is associated with the presence of chronic foci of infection in the patient's body, antibiotic therapy is carried out. A well-chosen complex of medicines allows you to quickly get rid of cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness, fears and depression, returns the patient to his former activity and optimism. The dosage and duration of treatment is set individually.
External remedies
Local application of anti-inflammatory gels, ointments, patches is the shortest way to anesthetize the muscles of the occipital and cervical region during remission. "Dolgit-gel", indomethacin ointment, "Apizartron", "Fastum" and similar drugs slow down the destruction of cartilage in cervical osteochondrosis, have a local regenerating and anti-exudative effect. Medicines stimulate peripheral nerve endings in the area of application, thereby improving blood flow and preventing dizziness.
In case of failure of conservative therapy, in the presence of massive hernias of the cervicalof the spine and an increase in symptoms of compression of the spinal canal, one cannot do without the help of a surgeon. With myelopathy, the cervical segments require a decompressive-stabilizing operation. The recovery period takes at least 6 months. At this time, the patient undergoes a comprehensive rehabilitation treatment, including physiotherapy, exercise therapy and massage.
Physiotherapy methods play an important role in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. With their help, as it were, they "treat" cervical osteochondrosis, improve the absorption of prescribed medications, and speed up the patient's recovery process.

Let's consider physiotherapy widely used in vertebroneurological practice:
- Laser therapy. The laser beam stimulates reparative processes, relieves swelling of the soft tissues around the spinal column. Typically, a session lasts about 15 minutes.
- Electrophoresis. Provides deep and painless drug delivery to the affected cervical vertebrae, activates immune and metabolic processes in cartilage tissue.
- Balneotherapy. Therapeutic baths saturate the cells with minerals, in particular, potassium, calcium and magnesium, and also regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.
- Shock wave therapy. The pulsation of acoustic waves, the frequency of which varies in the range of 16-25 Hertz, softens the structure of osteophytes, removes slag compounds from cartilage and bone tissue.
Sometimes the neck area is heated with ultraviolet rays. hardwarethe method of therapy enhances the synthesis of vitamin D, ultraviolet has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, analgesic properties.
With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, classical techniques are used (stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration), as well as elements of acupressure and segmental massage. The latter optimizes the work of the neuro-reflex zones of the autonomic system. Stimulation of biologically active points can stop an attack of dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis: massage the upper edges of the auricles, then the tragus of the ears from the outside and inside.

Strengthening the muscular frame of the neck, eliminating congestion and activating lymph and blood flow are among the few bonuses that quality massage gives. With pain and dizziness, nervousness disappears, sleep improves, and labor productivity increases. In chronic diseases, neurologists strongly recommend repeating therapeutic and preventive massage courses twice a year.
Strengthening neck muscles
The safest treatment for cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness is exercise therapy. Classes are aimed at strengthening the muscles and tendons of the cervical, back, shoulder girdle. The daily rehabilitation program is designed for 15-20 minutes.

Examples of exercises for dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis:
- Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. For 15 seconds, press on the forehead with claspedhands. At the same time, strain your neck muscles, your hands should feel resistance. Then relax, place the palm of your right hand on the back of your head and tilt your head back. After 10 seconds, return to the starting position.
- Prop your lower jaw with your thumbs, and grab the back of your head with the rest. In this position, pull your head up, look straight ahead. We do the exercise for about 20 seconds, watch how you feel.
- Standing on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Gently rotate the right and left shoulders, first alternately, then simultaneously. You have 1 minute to complete the exercise.
Regular training of the muscular corset of the back increases the height of the intervertebral space, therefore, the pressure of the cartilage discs on the nerve endings of the spine decreases, discomfort and dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis disappears. Therapeutic gymnastics allows you to achieve a stable remission without chemotherapy and operations.
Recommendations from nutritionists
A balanced diet slows down further deformation of the skeleton by reducing weight, saturating the body with vitamins, useful micro and macro elements. In combination with drug treatment of dizziness in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the diet gives excellent results.

Pay due attention to the drinking regimen: on average, you need to consume from 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day. It is desirable that each new day begins with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit or berry juice.
The listed products will help you deal withdizziness with osteochondrosis of the cervical:
- Fresh fruits, vegetables.
- Boiled chicken and beef meat.
- Dairy.
- Rye bread.
- Nuts, legumes.
- Vegetable and olive oil.
Limit your intake of s alt, smoked meats, spicy and fatty foods, processed foods, caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Instead of muffins and other sweets, eat dried fruits. Especially popular with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is the rice and s alt-free diet. Remember: good nutrition fully replaces pharmacy multivitamin complexes.
Traditional Medicine Tips
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis by folk methods includes the use of locally irritating rubbing and warming compresses. Before the development of the pharmaceutical industry, steamed horseradish leaves were applied to the diseased area of the back, eucalyptus oil, cloves were rubbed, medical compresses were applied from grated potatoes and honey.

Several effective "grandmother's" recipes:
- To prepare the rub, combine 300 ml of medical alcohol with 10 tablets of analgin, camphor alcohol and iodine (10 drops each). Apply a homogeneous mass to clean, intact skin. Relief comes quickly. Remove analgesic rubbing attacks of pain and dizziness in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
- Compress based on honey and aloe. Mix well 150 ml of vodka with 100 ml of liquid honey and 50 ml of aloe juice. moistencotton bandage in a healing solution and apply to the back of the neck. Keep the compress until completely dry.
- Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ginger powder with an equal amount of ghee and fry over low heat. We season the cooled mass with garlic gruel in a ratio of 1: 1, mix the components thoroughly. In case of osteochondrosis, lubricate the neck three times a day, it is advisable to warm the place of application of the rubbing with a woolen scarf.
Prevention measures
Many of the problems associated with cervical osteochondrosis can be eliminated even before the ossification of the skeleton. From childhood, form the habit of correct posture. Make sure that the food is varied, observe the optimal mode of sleep and wakefulness. If you regularly experience dizziness as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, get an ergonomic office chair with neck support, and a pillow-top mattress should be included in the bedding set. It is strictly forbidden to engage in power and injury-prone sports.
Recently, musculoskeletal pathologies have become widespread. The treatment strategy depends on the clinical picture of the disease and the current state of the patient; there are no universal tablets for dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis. Strictly follow the instructions of the vertebrologist and exercise therapy instructor, learn to live in accordance with the capabilities of your spine. Stay he althy!