Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide. Cures for nail fungus

Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide. Cures for nail fungus
Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide. Cures for nail fungus

Many diseases give us a lot of inconvenience, but for some reason we are sometimes in no hurry to visit a doctor. Perhaps someone is ashamed of their problem, while the other considers it not too serious. In any case, everything that is associated with the deterioration of your he alth should definitely be eliminated. In some cases, this can be done at home. Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide is exactly the case. If you don't know how to deal with a similar problem, then the following information will certainly be helpful.

nail fungus treatment with hydrogen peroxide
nail fungus treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Using peroxide

How is nail fungus treated with hydrogen peroxide? The whole process can be conditionally divided into several stages. They are:

  • Preparatory. Soak your feet in a bath with the addition of a small amount of copper sulfate. If such a tool is not available,then it can be replaced with ordinary soap shavings. The procedure should be carried out until your feet absorb maximum moisture.
  • Dry your feet and nails thoroughly. There should be no liquid droplets on their surface. Nails should be steamed, but completely dry in appearance.
  • Copiously moisten a clean cotton pad with peroxide and apply to the area affected by the fungus. A similar compress should be kept on the problem area for about seven minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure for several days in a row twice a day.

After the specified algorithm of actions is completed, you can remove the softened nail plate. Once this operation is done by you, the fungus can be treated with special means.

Alternative way: foot baths

Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide can be done by another method. You can do special warm baths, which are also highly effective. Pour warm water into a basin and add a little 3% peroxide to the liquid. Then immerse in the resulting composition of the legs. The duration of the procedure should not exceed a quarter of an hour.

nail fungus treatment
nail fungus treatment

Another original recipe

Pay attention to the fact that you will definitely need a special drug to solve the problem. After all, the treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide is only a preparatory stage, which, in combination with the right medicines, will quickly allow you to achieve the desired results. There is a rather original method, which, according toreviews, can cope with this trouble without pills, but it is quite difficult to check it for possible side effects and contraindications. It looks like this:

  • Prepare a foot treatment with ingredients such as peroxide (3%) and vinegar (3%). Their number must be equal. The mixture is kept on the affected areas for a couple of minutes until the characteristic hiss ends.
  • Immerse your feet in a basin of water diluted with a small amount of fabric bleach. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 30 seconds. Be extremely careful, do not overdo it with the amount of funds.
  • Rinse your feet with warm, clean water and pat dry with a towel.
  • Treat fungus-affected areas with a special mixture of petroleum jelly and tea tree essential oil. Remember that the proportions must be respected 1:1. Put on clean socks.
  • Repeat these manipulations for 7 days.
cure for nail fungus
cure for nail fungus

Alternative folk methods

Treatment of nail fungus at home can be carried out using other folk remedies. So, good results can be achieved with a solution of 5% iodine, applied twice a day with a cotton swab to the affected areas of the skin. On its basis, special baths are also made. Contraindications to this method include the appearance of allergies or dermatitis. In addition, effectiveness is noted only in the early stages of the disease. To the most popular means for combatingThis problem includes baking soda, celandine, blue vitriol, and a mixture of onion, lemon and garlic.

Universal remedy for fungus - vinegar

However, treating nail fungus will be most effective when using a product such as vinegar. The effectiveness of its action is due to the fact that parasites that cause diseases die in an acidic environment. That is why such a drug gives positive results not only at an early stage, but also in especially severe cases.

For starters, you can make a special foot bath. Add 250 ml of apple cider vinegar to warm water (it can be replaced with table or wine essence). This procedure takes about 20 minutes. Then your usual medicine should be applied to the affected areas. This complex works very effectively.

hydrogen peroxide for nail fungus
hydrogen peroxide for nail fungus

Vinegar compress recipe

Vinegar is an excellent cure for nail fungus. Based on it, you can make various lotions. So, by adding an equal amount of vegetable oil to it, you can make an effective and nourishing compress, which must be applied and fixed on the affected nail plate until new, uninfected areas appear. A more original cure for nail fungus consists of the following components:

  • Wine essence - 2 tablespoons.
  • Protein - 3 chicken eggs.
  • Vodka - 2 tablespoons.

Stir all the ingredients until smooth, moisten them with a clean gauze or cotton pad, and thenapply it to the problem area. The duration of application of such a lotion should not exceed 15 minutes. The procedure should be performed regularly for quite a long time. The minimum rate is 6 months, and the maximum rate is the whole year. It should be remembered that vinegar, vitriol, hydrogen peroxide from nail fungus are only auxiliary means and cannot replace full-fledged medicines prescribed by a doctor.

toenail fungus reviews
toenail fungus reviews

Popular opinion

How do people cope with such a problem as toenail fungus? Patient reviews are often conflicting. So, professional treatment did not help many, but folk methods, on the contrary, turned out to be very effective. People trust them primarily because of the naturalness of the products and ease of use. However, you should be careful with home treatment, as it may have a number of contraindications.
