Chickenpox in a child: symptoms, forms, prevention

Chickenpox in a child: symptoms, forms, prevention
Chickenpox in a child: symptoms, forms, prevention

Chickenpox in children under the age of 10 is more common than in adults and is much easier to bear. The disease is infectious, characterized by fever and the appearance of a rash on the skin and mucous membranes.

chickenpox in a child
chickenpox in a child

Chickenpox in a child: epidemiology

From the moment the rash appeared on the body, and for another five days after the appearance of its last elements, the patient serves as a source of infection. When crusts begin to form and fall off, it is no longer contagious. Some researchers believe that the varicella-zoster virus can stay in the human body for a very long time. After the illness, a latent infection can persist and last for years. Under the influence of adverse factors, it is activated and manifests itself as shingles. Infection occurs directly through the air: when coughing, runny nose, sneezing, the virus enters the body along with drops of liquid. The pathogen is not very stable, so transmission through things is not observed.

Chickenpox in a child: symptoms

Averagefrom the moment the pathogen enters the weakened body and until the first signs of this disease appear, two weeks pass.

chickenpox vaccine for children
chickenpox vaccine for children

Sometimes this period can be shortened to 11 days or extended to 21. During the day, the general condition worsens somewhat, the temperature rises slightly. Immediately after it rises to 38-40 °, or after a short time, the first bubbles appear. The rash occurs in no particular order on the head, face, limbs and trunk. It is a small shiny blisters filled with transparent contents that flow out when punctured. They dry out after a couple of days. After another week or three brown crusts disappear. Some papules have time to dry up before reaching the bubble stage. The person is worried about itching. The rash does not occur immediately, but in jolts. In this regard, the fever can be delayed up to 8 days. Sometimes there are rashes on the mucous membranes.

Chickenpox in a child: clinical forms

chickenpox in children prevention
chickenpox in children prevention

Classification depends on the abundance of the rash and the severity of the general manifestations.

1. Pustular form. In this case, the bubbles are filled with pus. Scabs may be left behind after peeling.

2. bullous form. With it, in addition to the characteristic rash, large flabby blisters with opaque contents also appear. When they burst, a weeping surface appears in their place. After healing, brownish spots often remain.

3. Gangrenous form. Some bubbles are filledblood. In their place, dying scabs form. After they fall off, deep sores remain with a dirty bottom and steep edges. As the disease progresses, they may increase.

4. hemorrhagic form. It manifests itself in weak children. A day or two after the onset of the rash, hemorrhages occur in the mucous membranes and skin, vomiting with blood is possible.

Chickenpox in children: prevention

It is based on sanitary measures. The patient must be in complete isolation for 9 days (possible at home), starting from the time the rash occurs. Then the room is well ventilated. Disinfection can be omitted, as the virus is already unstable. In order to prevent chickenpox, children are vaccinated against those who are already one year old. There is evidence that the Okavax vaccine creates immunity for 20 years. Its formation begins from the first day of inoculation and is completed after six weeks.
