Chickenpox is an infectious disease that is especially common among young children. Most people have time to recover from this disease up to ten years, after which lifelong immunity is formed, which is especially important, since at a younger age the disease is much easier to tolerate than in adulthood. What to do if your baby "brought" chickenpox from kindergarten? How is chickenpox treated in children? Let's answer these questions that concern every mommy.
Methods of infection
Chickenpox is a disease that is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets. So, in a normal environment, the virus dies almost instantly, so infection is possible only through contact with a sick person. At the same time, the ability to infect others remains with the patient until the end of the appearance of new rashes on the skin.
Before you know how chickenpox is treated in children, you need to recognize the disease. The incubation period during which the varicella-zoster virus can remain in the body without showing itself is up to three weeks. Then the main symptoms begin to appear:

- increased body temperature;
- weakness;
- specific rash;
- headache.
A rash is the main symptom by which chickenpox is diagnosed. Initially, it appears as small spots, but then quickly spreads throughout the body. Fluid bubbles form. The peak of rashes is the first few days. At this time, bubbles can form on the mucous membranes, head, genitals. Then the first ones dry up, new ones appear. Their education in children occurs in waves. The most exciting moment is that a profuse rash is accompanied by a noticeable itch, but the rash should not be combed, in order to avoid infection.
How is chickenpox treated in children?

The first thing to remember is that chickenpox is caused by a virus, so antibiotics should not be involved in the treatment. However, due to scratching the rash, a bacterial infection can occur, in which case doctors have to connect potent drugs. Most of the treatment is done on an outpatient basis. The task of parents in the first days of illness is to prevent scratching the rash, divert the child's attention to reading fairy tales, calm games. With a successful course of the disease, additional measures are not required, and over time, the bubbles will become covered with crusts and disappear on their own. The baby is all covered with dots from brilliant green, it seems that chickenpox in children is treated with this remedy. Treatment (a photo of a "decorated" baby may be bewildering toinexperienced young parents) in this case consists only in fixing existing rashes by "marking" them with bright greenery. This is important to know in order to determine at what point the child ceases to be contagious to others. In addition, Zelenka slightly dries the bubbles, disinfects them and even helps to eliminate itching a little. If the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then taking antipyretics is mandatory.
So, we looked at how chickenpox occurs in children. Symptoms, treatment of the disease should no longer raise questions. The main conclusion to be drawn is that chicken pox is a disease that sooner or later will go away on its own if simple rules are followed and basic hygiene is observed. How is chickenpox treated in children? They monitor the temperature, do not allow the rashes to be combed, mark the bubbles that have appeared with green paint to determine the course of the disease.