So, you started to notice that your fingers often go numb. The reason for such an unusual condition should be clarified first of all, because further recommendations for treatment and prevention will depend on it. So, what diseases and pathologies can cause numbness?
Tunnel Syndrome - Office Plague

In recent years, doctors talk about him especially often. There is a growing number of office workers who spend a fair amount of hours a day at the computer. And often such people are faced with the fact that they have a numb index finger on their hand, as well as the middle and big ones. The thing is that there is a powerful ligament in the wrist area. Beneath it, in turn, are muscles, nerves, tendons, as well as vessels responsible for transporting blood to the fingers. Incorrect, the position of the hand during work leads to the fact that edema occurs. It compresses the vessels and nerve trunks going to the hand.
What to do? First, accustom yourself to regularly rest your hands during work (about once every half an hour), perform simple exercises (circular rotations, squeezing andunclenching fists, shaking hands). There is one more nuance that is worth remembering for those who periodically have numb fingers. The reason described above is exacerbated under the influence of sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, try to always keep your hands warm and do not leave the house without gloves in winter. And in order to strengthen blood vessels, it is important to eat well, pay attention to outdoor activities and give up alcohol and smoking.
Problems with the cervical spine
If your fingers go numb, the reason may lie in diseases of the spine. This item includes a number of problems, from curvature and osteochondrosis to disc herniation. Numbness in this case will not be the first symptom: patients suffering from such ailments first begin to experience pain in the neck, suffer from frequent headaches and dizziness.
What to do? First of all, you should go for a consultation with a specialist who deals with spinal problems (vertebrologist). After you pass the examination and the doctor finds out how and how badly the vertebrae are affected, he will select the appropriate course of treatment for you. Most likely, you will have to do physical therapy, go for a massage - this will strengthen the spine and correct existing problems.
Vitamin deficiency

Among other factors that provoke a condition in which fingers go numb, the reason mentioned above is one of the most common. Especially oftenvitamin B12 deficiency occurs. It is found in large quantities in animal products. People who are constantly on diets, as well as vegans (strict vegetarians), experience this more often than others. In addition, the problem may be a lack of vitamin A synthesized from carotene. Sometimes numbness is a signal that there is not enough nicotinic acid in the body.
What to do? In this case, the answer is obvious: you should radically revise your diet, enrich it with products containing various minerals and vitamins. If for some reason you do not eat fish and meat dishes, add brewer's yeast to your food (you can buy them at any pharmacy). Try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. As an additional measure, you can purchase ready-made vitamin complexes in tablets.
Other possible causes
Older people often have sore and numb fingers due to injuries received many years ago. The explanation is simple: the body's defenses are weakened, and as a result, complications appear.
A rare but still likely cause is Raynaud's disease. She has her own characteristic features: in the cold, the fingertips first turn white, then become cyanotic, and after a while they turn red. This happens due to a strong spasm in the vessels, when blood circulation in the capillaries is disturbed. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that, if not properly treated, it can even lead to gangrene, in which doctors are forced to amputate fingers. ATIn this case, you should definitely be examined by two specialists at once: a rheumatologist and a neurologist, who will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
And if numbness is combined with other symptoms (feeling cold in the fingers, constant thirst), type II diabetes may be the cause. High sugar levels cause the vascular walls in the body to corrode. However, even if you do not have diabetes, try to constantly monitor the amount of sugar in your blood and keep it at a normal level.

Do I need to see a doctor?
As you have already seen, among the possible causes of numbness of the fingers there are relatively harmless ones (for example, the same beriberi). However, do not ignore this problem, because your body is not in vain giving you a signal. Get tested. If any diseases or deviations do occur, it will be much easier to deal with them in the early stages.