Winter brings not only traditional snowball fights, sledding, skiing, but also some of the problems inherent in this period of the year. At the same time, not only a cold or a bruise on sleet. The cold season brings a problem, sometimes of a rather serious nature, - frostbite of the hand. Such a nuisance can affect not only the upper limbs, but also the nose, cheeks, ears, and toes. Consider how to determine frostbite in time, and what kind of help the victim needs.

Main reasons
Before considering what to do with frostbite hands, let's talk about the factors that provoke this condition. After all, their elimination can protect the body from hypothermia.
So, all causes of frostbite can be divided into three groups:
- Clothes. It must be fully consistent with the weather. It is best to choose natural materials. Woolen mittens will create the effect of "thermos", minimizing the possibility of frostbite. In addition, do not forget that clothing should not be tight andvery close to the body.
- Weather conditions. Not only cold can lead to frostbite. Atmospheric humidity and wind speed play a big role.
- Features of the body, diseases. Many people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, tumors, endocrine diseases, become less protected from the cold. Such persons can suffer even in those conditions in which a he althy person does not freeze.
Diseases or risk factors
The possibility of getting frostbite of the hand is quite high in people under the following conditions:
- heart failure;
- obliterating endarteritis;
- Raynaud's syndrome;
- deep vein thrombosis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- injuries;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- Addison's disease;
- large blood loss;
- pregnancy - 3rd trimester;
- drunk.
Degrees of frostbite
Coldness in body tissues can cause changes, sometimes even irreversible. Under the influence of low temperatures, spasms of blood vessels occur, blocking the blood flow. The severity of these changes depends entirely on the extent of the damage.

Frostbite of the hand according to the depth of tissue damage is divided into 4 degrees. Consider them.
1 degree
This is the easiest form. With it, the affected areas do not die. The first degree is characterized by pale or purple integuments of the skin. A person feels a tingling and burning sensation in the affected area. Thereafterproblem areas are numb. Patients after first aid feels pain and itching in the damaged areas.
Typically, people with first-degree frostbite recover within a week.
2 degree
Staying in the cold for a long time, you can significantly aggravate the situation. The manifestations of the 2nd degree of frostbite are quite similar to those described above.
However, with this form, there are severe consequences. After 1-2 days after the frostbite, blisters appear on the surface of the skin. They contain a clear liquid. This is a distinctive feature that characterizes frostbite of the fingers. Treatment is delayed, as a rule, for two weeks. In addition to a long period, with this form, the patient feels much more pain discomfort.
3 degree
In case of prolonged exposure to cold, irreversible effects may occur. At grade 3, blisters appear on the surface of the skin, containing not a transparent liquid, but bloody contents.
This is a rather severe form, in which all elements of the skin die. Fingernails come off. For three weeks, skin rejection occurs on the damaged areas. Instead, scars form. New nails may grow, but in most cases they are deformed.
Scarring of the surface of the skin continues for a month.

4 degree
This is the most severe form of frostbite, characterized by tissue death. However, the danger is not onlydamaged area of the skin. Sometimes such frostbite affects the joints, bones, as a result of which the patient develops gangrene. The consequences of this state of affairs are irreversible. The patient needs amputation of damaged limbs.
Frostbite symptoms
While walking on the street, it is very important to pay attention to the signs by which the body signals an incipient pathology. In almost 95% of all cases, limbs are affected. They are the first to feel the violation of natural blood circulation.
Let's consider how frostbite occurs on the hands. Symptoms occur in a specific sequence:
- Reduced mobility. Initially, it occurs in the fingertips. Then it spreads to the limbs. This pathology occurs as a result of delayed impulse conduction. Cooling of tissues leads to changes in the walls of nerve fibers. Because of this, the speed of impulse conduction decreases.
- Reduce sensitivity. Initially, the tactile sensation is lost. Then pain sensitivity decreases. Then the feeling of one's own body is lost.
- Burning sensation. It occurs when the damaged area of the body is thawed. This stage precedes the onset of pain. This symptomatology is typical for frostbite 1 or 2 degrees. At 3 and 4 it is completely absent. Burning sensation accompanied by reddening of the skin.
- Pain. The intensity of this manifestation depends on the degree of damage. In addition, the number of nerve receptors in the affected area plays an important role. In other words, frostbite of the handswill cause more discomfort than an injured elbow. As the swelling increases, the pain will increase. Such sensations are characterized as tearing, burning, extremely sharp. It should be noted that discomfort occurs only during thawing of the injured limb. Under the influence of low temperatures, the patient does not feel pain.
- Color change. In the initial stage of frostbite, the integument becomes pale, with a matte tint. Then the limb acquires a burgundy color. If the patient has a severe degree of frostbite, then pallor is followed by cyanosis. The final stage of frostbite is black. It indicates the non-viability of tissues.
- Blisters. Their appearance signals frostbite 2, 3, 4 degrees. The fluid that accumulates in them can be clear or bloody. The patient feels a pulsation at the site of the blister.
- Itching. This sign can be observed during thawing or during the recovery period.
- Tingling. Symptoms are typical for the stage of recovery after the resulting frostbite. The patient feels such phenomena as "goosebumps", "needles".

First Aid
Everyone should know what to do with frostbite hands. Indeed, in the case of a cold injury, every minute counts.
Doctors recommend adhering to the following algorithm of actions:
- Get the victim to a warm room immediately. Take off his cold clothes. It will take time for her to warm up again. So it's better to replace itother.
- Rub damaged hands with a warm soft cloth. This promotes blood flow to them. The result is warming. It is very important, when helping with frostbite of the hands, not to rub them with snow. Such actions are contraindicated, since snow does not retain heat. In addition, it is able to leave microcracks on the surface of the skin. If they get infected, the treatment process will be much more complicated.
- Offer a hot drink to the victim. Broth, coffee or tea, once in the stomach, will become an additional source of heat, which will spread throughout the body with blood.
- Place your hands in warm water. The initial temperature is recommended around 18-20 degrees. For two hours, heat the water very slowly, trying to reach a mark of 36 degrees. It is forbidden to lower the limbs into cold water. This will increase the affected area. It is also unacceptable to use hot water immediately. Warming of damaged hands should occur evenly and slowly. Otherwise, the number of dead cells will increase.
- How to treat frostbite of the fingers if there is no way to put them in warm water? In this case, wrap them in foil. The shiny side should be in contact with the skin. It can be insulated with cotton wool or a special thermal blanket. Several layers of warm materials are applied over the foil. The torso of the victim should also be wrapped up, because the hands will warm up from the inside and very slowly. Under such conditions, the viability of many affected cells will remain.

It is important to remember that the results from your help should come within 10-20 minutes. If no changes occur, then the victim has severe frostbite of the fingers. Treatment in this case should be carried out exclusively by doctors. Call an ambulance immediately.
The victim has rather unpleasant symptoms. This should not be forgotten, as the patient may experience severe pain. How to treat frostbite of fingers? It is recommended to use the following medications to alleviate the patient's sensations:
- Anspasmodics. Such funds allow you to eliminate spasms in the peripheral vessels and contribute to the flow of warm blood to the skin. For treatment, drugs are in demand: "Papaverin", "No-shpa", "Mebeverin", "Duspatalin", "Drotaverin".
- NSAIDs. Reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in the affected area with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. When using such a group, do not forget that they are contraindicated in diseases of the stomach. The maximum duration of therapy is 5-7 days. Remember how to treat frostbite of the hands. The following NSAIDs are most suitable: Aspirin, Nimesulide, Ketorolac, Ketanov.
- Antihistamines. It is advisable to use them for allergic manifestations of any origin. In addition, they have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Often, with frostbite, the drugs "Suprastin", "Clemastin", "Zyrtec" are used.
- Vitamins. They should also be included indrug therapy. Vitamin C will have the most beneficial effect on the body. It is able to “heal” cold-damaged blood vessels and strengthen their walls.
- Ointments. They should not be forgotten. With mild degrees, for a quick recovery, it is recommended to use an ointment with reparative properties. With frostbite of the hands, the Bepanten remedy is quite in demand. You can use the balms "Keeper", "Rescuer".

Important recommendations
Before using the above medications, you should consult your doctor about the required dosage and the appropriateness of this therapy.
Also, carefully observe the condition of the victim. If the temperature does not drop to 37.5-37 degrees, the pain syndrome does not go away, be sure to contact the doctors for help. Specialist treatment will also be needed if the hands begin to fester after frostbite.
The development of allergic reactions or side effects from the undertaken drug treatment also needs to be adjusted by a qualified doctor.
In conclusion, it must be reminded that everyone can prevent frostbite. To do this, you should choose clothes appropriate for the temperature, do not wear tight shoes, be sure to wear mittens.
Besides, you shouldn't stand in one place on the street. It is recommended to move more. People with poor circulation will need very warm clothing.

Never use alcohol to keep you warm! It provides a short-term effect, after which an aggravation of freezing will follow.
Follow these rules, and you will not be afraid of any frostbite!