Varicosis is a common disease, characterized by a violation of the outflow of venous blood, which leads to their deformation, the appearance of knots. Such processes occur when the vessels lose their elasticity, they stretch, become wide and cease to function correctly. As a result - impaired blood circulation, stagnation of blood in the veins. If the disease is started, the only way out of the situation will be a surgical operation. In order not to lead to such consequences, it is important to pay attention to alarming symptoms in time and take measures - at an early stage, the disease is treatable.
The initial stage of varicose veins on the legs is manifested by a feeling of heaviness after a long walk, swelling, pain that disappears after rest. Puffiness is most often manifested when wearing high heels or standing for a long time.position.

With the further development of the disease, such a symptom appears for no particular reason, even after a slight load. Varicose veins (initial stage) can manifest themselves as spider veins (red or blue spots) and purple cobwebs that show through the skin. Often people with the initial stage of varicose veins feel heaviness in the legs, which recedes if you take a horizontal position and let your legs rest. If such signs occur, you should consult a doctor immediately (a surgeon or a phlebologist), because if you start treatment on time, you can avoid complications, blood clots and stop the development of the disease.
Impaired blood flow in the veins of the legs causes "varicose veins". The initial stage of this disease is manifested by uncomfortable or painful sensations. The main cause of varicose veins is heredity. If one of the parents suffers from this disease, then children need to be attentive to their he alth, as they are at risk of developing varicose veins. There are other causes of the disease:

- overweight, obesity,
- pregnancy, childbirth,
- malnutrition,
- unhe althy lifestyle, drinking, smoking,
- being on your feet all the time (a job that involves standing),
- excessive exercise, heavy lifting (due to occupational or sportsactivities),
- tight clothing,
- constantly wearing uncomfortable shoes, including those with too high heels,
- diabetes mellitus,
- flat feet,
- diseases of the internal organs that create pressure in the veins of the legs.
Varicosis affects both men and women, mostly over the age of 45, but it is also common in younger people.
People with a predisposition to varicose veins are advised to pay attention to their he alth and start taking preventive measures before the first manifestations of the disease. To prevent the development of the disease, you need to follow some rules:

- get rid of excess weight, do not overeat,
- quit smoking and drinking alcohol,
- keep active but don't put too much stress on your feet,
- wear comfortable clothes and shoes,
- useful at least sometimes to wear compression stockings,
- get a medical check-up at least once a year.
With careful attention to yourself and your he alth, you can prevent varicose veins. The initial stage, if it makes itself felt, then at a more mature age.
Diagnosis and treatment
If it was not possible to avoid the disease and varicose veins appeared, the initial stage is treated quite effectively. The main thing is to take action in time. Treatment can be carried out independently, at home, for this there are methods such as self-massage, exercise, baths. A doctor's consultation is obligatory in this case, he will additionally advise ointments for fatigue and swelling in the legs, and also prescribe, if necessary, medications in the form of tablets. To diagnose the disease, a specialist needs a visual examination of the limbs, on which the first signs of disorders have already appeared.

The doctor will clarify all the manifestations that disturb the patient, find out the presence of pain, heaviness, swelling, when and how these symptoms appear and how long they last. Also, the doctor should review the history of other diseases that may be the cause of varicose veins (for example, flat feet), examine the result of blood tests. If such measures are not enough to make a diagnosis, ultrasound or phlebography is used, which can detect violations of the valves of the veins, their patency.
Water treatments
What to do if varicose veins are found, the initial stage? Treatment can begin with a contrast shower, which will strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This procedure must be carried out every day for the onset of the effect. The best time to shower is in the evening, before bed. Contrast baths also belong to such methods of treatment. We change the water temperature from cold to hot at least five times, finishing with cold water.

It's good to do pouring on the legs before going to bed. Cold water should have a temperature of 16-20 degrees, hot - from 40. For the treatment of the initial stage, a foot wrap is used. We wet the bandage incool water and wrap your legs to the knees for 30 minutes. Baths are good to take with an infusion of herbs. So, sage has a calming and analgesic effect. Apply this procedure twice a week. Decoctions of oak bark and willow help with pain.
When the initial stage of varicose veins develops, how to effectively treat it with self-massage? Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to lie down for 15 minutes with your legs extended above the level of your heart in order to improve the outflow of blood through the veins. You should start from the hips: from the knee to the groin, we knead the muscles, make stroking movements. Next, we knead the knee joint, massage the popliteal fossa well with circular movements.

Lying on your back, bend your knees and stretch your lower leg from the inside and outside. Next, massage the foot, toes. In conclusion, we stroke the entire surface from the bottom up. This procedure will help restore blood circulation. If you feel pain during the massage, you should consult your doctor.
Elastic bandage
If varicose veins appear on the legs, the initial stage, how to treat with elastic underwear? At an early stage, it is best to use special bandages. They are superimposed in the knee area or on the entire surface of the leg. The wearing time should be determined by the doctor, as excessively long therapy can be harmful. At night, after freeing your legs from the bandage, put them on a raised platform (for example, in the form of a rolled up blanket).
The effectiveness of this method lies in the pressure,which supports weak vascular walls and improves blood flow. Elastic bandages can be replaced with more expensive compression stockings.
Physical exercise
Physical activity improves the blood supply to the legs, so if you have varicose veins (the initial stage), you do not need to give up sports. The main thing is not to give excessive loads on the legs. The development of the disease is much more conducive to a sedentary lifestyle. There are special sets of exercises that should be performed if the initial stage of varicose veins develops. How to treat the disease in this way, the attending physician will tell you.
Creams and ointments for veins will help stop the development of the disease at the initial stage, they help well in combination with other methods of treatment. The most popular means: "Troxerutin", "Troxevasin", "Antistaks", "Trental", "Venitan", heparin ointment, "Kurantil", "Trombofob", "Lyoton-gel", "Aescusan", "Detralex".

Anti-inflammatory effect has ointments with heparin and vetonics. Phlebotonic preparations relieve swelling and pain, improve tone. A patch for varicose veins is used to eliminate symptoms.