Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Dermatitis: symptoms and treatment, photo

Dermatitis: symptoms and treatment, photo

Currently, scientists have studied a lot of skin diseases. The most common is dermatitis. Symptoms and treatment (photos showing what the affected areas of the body look like with one or another type of ailment are presented to your attention below) is the main topic of this article. This disease is divided into several types, which differ not only in the clinical picture, but also in the causes of occurrence

How to treat cough in children at home?

How to treat cough in children at home?

The occurrence of a cough in a child is a nuisance that causes serious concern for every responsible parent. To eliminate it, it is far from always worth resorting to the use of medicines. There are many effective folk recipes, the use of which makes it possible to relieve cough symptoms in babies in a short time. It is these tools that will be discussed in our publication

Treatment of lichen in a child: what parents need to know

Treatment of lichen in a child: what parents need to know

What should I do if my baby's skin has lichen? How to treat this disease? The reader can find answers to these questions in this article

What is otitis media: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease in adults and children

What is otitis media: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease in adults and children

What is otitis media? This question is asked by many people, because this disease is extremely common. Pathology is accompanied by an inflammatory process in any part of the ear. The disease is accompanied by severe pain and, in the absence of therapy, leads to very dangerous complications

Rabies in a cat: symptoms of the disease and the need for prevention

Rabies in a cat: symptoms of the disease and the need for prevention

What is the causative agent of the most dangerous virus and how does rabies manifest itself in a cat? The symptoms described below will help pet owners to always be on the lookout to protect their family in any case from possible infection with accidental bites

How to lower blood sugar: effective drugs, foods and traditional medicine recipes

How to lower blood sugar: effective drugs, foods and traditional medicine recipes

How to lower blood sugar - only an endocrinologist can tell you, who will select the most effective medications, folk remedies and methods, physical activity. In addition, proper nutrition will help normalize glucose levels

Pityriasis versicolor in humans: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pityriasis versicolor in humans: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Everything that every person should know about pityriasis multicolor: causes of the disease, clinical picture, main symptoms and methods of treatment

How to treat different types of lichen?

How to treat different types of lichen?

Modern medicine can quite easily answer the question of how to treat lichen. However, she still does not know why some people are prone to this unpleasant disease, while others never suffer from it

Protruding bone on the leg: reasons, how to treat

Protruding bone on the leg: reasons, how to treat

Shoes are one of the most important details of a woman's wardrobe, because ladies' feet should always be shod in something beautiful and elegant. However, today more and more women are faced with a problem that simply does not give them the opportunity to wear charming shoes or boots

What is polyodontia in humans? Polyodontia in humans

What is polyodontia in humans? Polyodontia in humans

Polyodontia - an anomaly of development, the number of teeth exceeding the norm. As a general rule, an adult should have 28 teeth plus 4 wisdom teeth. Moreover, the absence of the latter is not considered a deviation from the norm

An effective remedy for acne on the face. How to overcome pimples on the face

An effective remedy for acne on the face. How to overcome pimples on the face

Why do pimples appear on the cheeks, chin and other parts of the face? Overview of the most effective drugs and methods that can cope with the problem as soon as possible

Spur on the heel: symptoms and treatment. Causes of spurs on the heels

Spur on the heel: symptoms and treatment. Causes of spurs on the heels

What is a heel spur? What does pathology look like? Is it possible to cure the disease with folk remedies? The answers to these questions are given in the article

Is it possible to take a bath at a temperature. Pro Tips

Is it possible to take a bath at a temperature. Pro Tips

For some reason, it is generally accepted that bathing with a cold is contraindicated. How objective is this opinion? The article will talk about whether it is possible to take a bath or shower at a temperature. The most effective recipes for anti-cold baths are also given

Earlobes fused: possible causes and features

Earlobes fused: possible causes and features

Lobes in humans are located in the lower part of the auricles, they consist of a leathery shell, which is filled with adipose tissue. In the lobe there are small capillaries along with nerve endings. It does not carry any functions that would be associated with the reception of sound, but its value in the aesthetic sense can hardly be overestimated, since this part of the ear is actively used to wear jewelry

Treatment of photodermatitis. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Treatment of photodermatitis. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Allergy to the sun doctors call photodermatitis. This disease occurs mainly with increased sensitivity of the skin to bright sunlight. This phenomenon cannot be called rare, since almost 20% of the world's population faces it

Chronic dermatitis: types of dermatitis, causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Chronic dermatitis: types of dermatitis, causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

What does the term "chronic dermatitis" mean? After the allergen enters the human body, the first stage begins - acute, with itching and blisters. After it comes the second - subacute, in which crusts begin to appear and skin flakes peel off. If the patient is not helped, then the third stage begins - chronic, with thickening and dark pink skin color

Tracheitis: contagious or not?

Tracheitis: contagious or not?

What is tracheitis, is it contagious or not, how long does it take to heal? These are the questions that today's article will be devoted to

Cyst of the brain in a newborn - types, causes and features of treatment

Cyst of the brain in a newborn - types, causes and features of treatment

A brain cyst is a three-dimensional spherical structure that is filled with fluid that replaces the affected tissues. In newborns, it is a very common diagnosis than it might seem at first glance. Every third child, as a rule, is born with this pathology. Sometimes the size of the formation is so small that the baby may not even show any anxiety. Over time, the cyst may dissolve without a trace

The main symptoms of colpitis

The main symptoms of colpitis

Colpitis is one of the most common gynecological diseases. This disease affects women of all ages. At the same time, it rarely occurs among representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who have not yet entered into an intimate relationship

Gingivitis: symptoms, treatment, photos

Gingivitis: symptoms, treatment, photos

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. It should be noted that the inflammation concerns only the gums, the connecting area of the gum and the tooth remains in order. Ligaments of bone and tooth are also not covered by the inflammatory process. This is a fairly common disease, it occurs very often in adults and much more often than in children

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear in children: causes and methods of treatment. Which doctor treats lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear in children: causes and methods of treatment. Which doctor treats lymph nodes

Lymph nodes in a he althy person are almost invisible: their size is small, they are not felt during movement and do not cause pain to the patient. But at some point they can become inflamed and increase. This may indicate various conditions and ailments. The fact is that just the same lymphatic system supports the body, helping it to resist various virus viral infections. Parents quite often face the fact that a lymph node becomes inflamed behind the ear in a child

It hurts for a child to swallow: causes and methods of treatment

It hurts for a child to swallow: causes and methods of treatment

Very often, children complain of sore throat when swallowing, which in most cases occurs during the off-season and SARS epidemics. Pain is often accompanied by symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and weakness. The main reason for this, as a rule, is angina and other bacterial and viral lesions of the laryngeal mucosa. In the article we will consider what to do if it hurts for a child to swallow

Causes, symptoms and treatment of rubella in children and adults

Causes, symptoms and treatment of rubella in children and adults

Rubella is one of the most common childhood diseases. Therefore, many parents are interested in what are the symptoms and treatment of rubella. In addition, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with information about the prevention of the disease

Rubella in a child: symptoms and treatment

Rubella in a child: symptoms and treatment

What are the symptoms of rubella in a child? Is it always just a red rash and fever? Can the disease occur with cough and runny nose? How is rubella treated and how dangerous is it?

Rubella in children: symptoms, incubation period and treatment

Rubella in children: symptoms, incubation period and treatment

Rubella is an acute disease that most often affects preschool children. Among the most common infections are the "Group of Five". It includes diseases caused by similar pathogens. These include rubella in children, the symptoms of which are characterized by high fever and rash. To treat the disease, you need to understand what causes and signs it manifests itself

Complications of intramuscular injections. Correct execution technique

Complications of intramuscular injections. Correct execution technique

Intramuscular injection is the most common and easiest way to administer drugs. However, if performed incorrectly, complications of intramuscular injections may occur, which can be avoided if the manipulation is performed correctly

Eosinophilic pneumonia: description, symptoms, causes and treatment features

Eosinophilic pneumonia: description, symptoms, causes and treatment features

Eosinophilic pneumonia occurs in humans and animals with increased immune reactivity. It is a complication that develops due to excessive accumulation of eosinophils in tissues

Cat allergy how does it manifest itself? How to cure a cat allergy

Cat allergy how does it manifest itself? How to cure a cat allergy

According to the World He alth Organization, about 15% of the world's population suffer from some form of cat allergy. How does this condition manifest itself, why does it occur and what are the most effective methods of dealing with it?

Right ventricle, hypertrophy: causes. Signs of right ventricular hypertrophy on ECG

Right ventricle, hypertrophy: causes. Signs of right ventricular hypertrophy on ECG

Hypertrophy of such an organ as the heart is a phenomenon that occurs quite often. At the same time, muscles, various departments are affected, blood flow worsens. Most often, changes in the left ventricle are diagnosed. But the right ventricle can also be problematic, hypertrophy of its muscle tissue is often found in children

Arthritis of the foot: symptoms and treatment

Arthritis of the foot: symptoms and treatment

Arthritis of the foot is a lesion of the joints, manifested by inflammation of any part of the foot. This is a very unpleasant and painful pathology, which is accompanied by deformation. As a result, there are difficulties when walking, choosing shoes, as well as psychological disorders

Heaviness in the legs: causes and treatment

Heaviness in the legs: causes and treatment

Most people have had to feel heaviness in their legs. In most cases, this condition is due to a strong load and pressure exerted on the legs. In this case, this is a completely normal reaction of your body to the load. However, what are the causes of heaviness in the legs, if you did not do exhausting exercises and did not load your legs at all? Find out in the article

Treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures: surgery, rehabilitation

Treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures: surgery, rehabilitation

According to statistics, most Achilles tendon ruptures are recorded among people involved in active sports. This is an injury in which the tendon that connects the muscles of the back of the leg to the calcaneus is completely or partially torn

Hodgkin's lymphoma: first signs and symptoms

Hodgkin's lymphoma: first signs and symptoms

One of the most dangerous oncological diseases known to modern medicine is Hodgkin's lymphoma. Malignant processes affect the lymphatic system. The disease got its name on the initiative of WHO in 2001, but cancer itself was described as early as 1832. It was in honor of the author of those works, the English doctor Hodgkin, that the disease was named. Alternative names - granuloma, lymphogranulomatosis

Why does my feet tingle?

Why does my feet tingle?

Each of us periodically feels tingling in the legs, especially after prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position. However, there are cases when such a phenomenon occurs spontaneously and for no apparent reason. It is worth considering whether this is such a harmless symptom?

Causes and symptoms of enterocolitis

Causes and symptoms of enterocolitis

Enterocolitis is a fairly common disease, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small or large intestine. Such a disease can occur for various reasons. However, it is important to know what the symptoms of enterocolitis look like

Acute enterocolitis: causes and forms of the disease

Acute enterocolitis: causes and forms of the disease

Acute enterocolitis is a fairly common disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. As a rule, the process extends to the tissues of the large and small intestine (and is often accompanied by gastritis)

Diseases of the pituitary gland: diseases, symptoms

Diseases of the pituitary gland: diseases, symptoms

Disorders of the pituitary gland are diseases that in recent years have been diagnosed more often than before. Each person needs to imagine such problems in general terms in order to consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis at the first symptoms. It must be understood that diseases associated with impaired activity of the pituitary gland are dangerous - this is not only a decrease in the quality of life, but also a high probability of various complications

Temperature after laparoscopy: reasons, what to do?

Temperature after laparoscopy: reasons, what to do?

Temperature after laparoscopy is both a sign of a normal physiological process and a symptom of a pathological condition. The recovery period, spent under the supervision of medical professionals, reduces the risk of adverse effects, and if they occur, allows them to be eliminated as quickly as possible

How to cure a runny nose? Medicines and folk remedies for the common cold

How to cure a runny nose? Medicines and folk remedies for the common cold

Know how to cure a runny nose, any person should, because this trouble falls upon us with almost every change of seasons. However, there are options: you can use pharmaceutical preparations or folk remedies

Hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands: symptoms and treatment

Hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands: symptoms and treatment

Hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands is a pathology in which they greatly increase in size. This condition leads to an increase in the function of the organ. This is fraught with serious consequences. Why does this pathology occur? What is the reason, what are the prerequisites? By what symptoms can you find out about the problem? And most importantly, how do you deal with it?