Inflammation of the auricle: photos, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the auricle: photos, symptoms and treatment
Inflammation of the auricle: photos, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the auricle, which in medicine is better known under the term "perichondritis", is a very common problem. The disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process, which is localized in the skin and perichondrium. Of course, many people are interested in additional information. Why does ear inflammation develop? Symptoms and treatment, risk factors and possible complications are important points to be aware of.

What is a disease?

As you know, the structural basis of the outer ear is cartilage. It, in turn, is covered with the perichondrium, which, in fact, provides nutrition and regeneration of cartilage tissues.

Skin damage in the area of the outer ear may be accompanied by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (viruses and bacteria) into the tissue of the perichondrium. The activity of microbes under certain conditions entails the development of an inflammatory process. Perichondritis is a dangerous disease that should never be ignored, because if left untreated, the infection penetrates even deeper, affecting cartilage tissue.

Main causes of inflammation

Inflammation of the auricle causes
Inflammation of the auricle causes

Inflammation of the auricle always has an infectious nature. The disease is associated with the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues of the skin and perichondrium. In most cases, Staphylococcus aureus, as well as streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some other microorganisms act as pathogens.

The mechanism of infection can be:

  • primary, when bacteria or viruses enter tissues from the external environment through wounds or cracks in the skin;
  • secondary, when pathogenic microorganisms are transferred to tissues along with the blood flow from other organ systems.

In any case, you should not ignore the signs of the disease, because in the absence of therapy, the likelihood of developing inflammation of the cartilage of the auricle is not ruled out, and this is already much more dangerous.

Risk factors

Most often, the infection enters the tissues of the auricle through cuts and microcracks. Gates for pathogenic microorganisms can be animal bites, ear piercing, injuries, scratches. Inflammation of the auricle in a child often appears at the site of insect bites (mosquitoes, mosquitoes) - the baby combs the damaged skin, and often does it with dirty hands, which leads to tissue infection.

Perichondritis sometimes complicates diseases of the external auditory canal, andalso otitis externa and middle ear. Inflammation of the skin and perichondrium can develop against the background of furunculosis or eczema.

The risk factors also include exposure to the auricle of too low or, conversely, too high temperatures - statistics show that inflammation of the auricle often develops after frostbite of the skin or as a result of burns.

The state of the immune system is also of great importance, because, as you know, pathogenic microorganisms can actively multiply only if the body does not fight the infection. Therefore, risk factors include influenza and colds - during this period, immunity is weakened. Long-term use of antibiotics can also lead to depletion of the immune system.

Serous inflammation of the auricle: photos and symptoms

Inflammation of the auricle signs
Inflammation of the auricle signs

The serous form of inflammation is relatively rare. It is characterized by a sluggish course, so patients rarely go to the doctor at the initial stages of the development of the disease. The affected auricle turns red, swells. Patients note the appearance of a sensation of heat and burning in the area of the affected tissues. The skin of the ear itself acquires a characteristic glossy sheen and becomes hot to the touch.

In addition, there are systemic violations. Patients complain of constant weakness and fatigue, which, however, are attributed to general malaise and overexertion. There may be problems with sleep, a decrease or complete lack of appetite, the appearance of outbreaks of irritability.

Features of the clinicalpictures with purulent inflammation

Purulent inflammation of the auricle is a much more dangerous, but at the same time more common pathology. Systemic disorders are more pronounced: there is a sharp increase in body temperature, the appearance of weakness, chills, muscle weakness, body aches.

Symptoms of ear inflammation
Symptoms of ear inflammation

The auricle swells and turns red, and as pus accumulates, it becomes cyanotic, even purple. On the cartilage form visible nodules and tubercles. Any touch to the auricle is accompanied by bouts of intense pain, which is localized not only in the ear, but also radiates to the temples, neck, and back of the head. If the ear cartilage softens and the tissues begin to flake off, you may notice that the skin of the ear wrinkles, and the shell itself decreases in size.

Don't ignore these symptoms and hope that everything will go away by itself - in this case, every minute is worth its weight in gold, because it is very important to start therapy on time.

Diagnostic measures

If you have symptoms of ear inflammation, you should immediately contact an otorhinolaryngologist. As a rule, in order to make a diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to get acquainted with the medical history and conduct a general examination. If we are talking about the early stages of the development of the disease, then it is worthwhile to carry out a differential diagnosis that allows you to separate perichondritis from erysipelas of the auricle (the treatment in this case will be different) and hematoma (a pathology accompanied by accumulation of blood in spacebetween cartilage and perichondrium).

Inflammation of the auricle diagnostics
Inflammation of the auricle diagnostics

Sometimes additional procedures are prescribed, in particular blood tests, tissue scrapings. This makes it possible not only to confirm the presence of an inflammatory process, but also to identify the pathogen and, therefore, to select the most effective drugs.

Possible Complications

You already know about the symptoms of inflammation of the auricle. On the outside, the skin of the ear turns red, then swells. Gradually, the pathological process covers the entire perichondrium, the formation and accumulation of pus begins.

The list of complications includes purulent inflammation of the cartilage of the auricle. If the contents of the abscess are not evacuated in time, and the patient does not undergo appropriate treatment, then there is a possibility of the so-called purulent fusion of cartilage. Cartilage tissue succumbs to the process of necrosis and simply disappears. The auricle loses its natural shape and the skin on the ear wrinkles. The whole process is accompanied by fever and severe pain. Such changes are irreversible - even after the inflammatory process is eliminated, the patient will need plastic surgery to restore the cartilage.

Moreover, there is always the possibility that an infection that has affected the perichondrium and cartilage will enter the bloodstream and lead to systemic complications.

Inflammation of the auricle: what to do? Medical Therapy

Treatment of ear inflammation
Treatment of ear inflammation

Choicemethods of treatment and drugs largely depends on the cause and stage of the disease. But regardless of the form of inflammation, patients need rest, bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, a light but high-calorie diet, rest, taking vitamin complexes.

Since most often the disease is associated with the activity of bacterial microflora, the treatment of inflammation of the auricle includes the use of antibiotics. As a rule, patients are prescribed medications such as Tetracycline, Ampicillin, Sulfadimisin, Erythromycin. Medicines can be used both in tablet form and in the form of injections.

The auricle is treated with creams with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Effective are "Flutsinar", Vishnevsky's ointment, "Polymyxin ointment". Alcohol compresses, as well as camphor-ichthyol lotions, help to cope with the inflammatory process and suppuration.

Additionally, patients are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac. These drugs help to relieve pain, eliminate fever.

As a rule, serous inflammation responds well to complex drug therapy, but in the case of purulent perichondritis, surgery may be required.


Treatment of inflammation of the auricle often includes various physiotherapy procedures:

  • UHF therapy is considered effective. This technique involves exposure of tissues (in this case, the auricle) to high-frequency electromagneticfield. Such procedures help to improve the circulation of lymph and blood, stop the development of the inflammatory process, increase the permeability of capillary walls, improve tissue trophism, thereby facilitating the access of immune bodies to the site of inflammation.
  • Patients are often referred for microwave therapy. Its essence is in the effect of microwaves on tissues. Under their influence, blood vessels expand, spasm of smooth muscles is eliminated, the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins is normalized. Microwave therapy provides analgesic, antispasmodic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effects.
  • In inflammatory diseases of the skin (including in the auricle area), good results are obtained by UV-therapy - treatment with ultraviolet irradiation. Such treatment has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, improves tissue trophism, and stimulates the activity of the immune system.

As a rule, such treatment is prescribed for patients with serous forms of inflammation of the auricle. If we are talking about purulent perichondritis, then first you need to deal with the purulent process, clean the abscesses - only after that can various procedures be carried out.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment of purulent inflammation
Surgical treatment of purulent inflammation

Statistics show that purulent inflammation of the auricle in most cases requires surgical intervention, because it is very important to clean the tissues from purulent masses in time and remove areas of necrosis, if any.

The procedure is usually performed underlocal anesthesia (the patient remains conscious). First, the doctor makes one or more incisions behind the ear (usually parallel to the ear crease), after which the pus is completely removed and the surgical field is cleaned of dead tissue. After that, a special tube is inserted into the wound to provide drainage, after which a bandage is applied. For several days or weeks, the wound is regularly washed with antiseptic solutions.

In the event that the disease ended in the destruction of cartilage tissue, sometimes additional plastic surgery is required to restore the natural shape of the ear.

Treatment at home

Is it possible to treat inflammation of the auricle at home? This question is asked by many patients. You need to understand that the consequences of the disease can be extremely severe, so you can’t ignore the symptoms - you need to start antibiotic treatment as soon as possible.

Of course, traditional medicine offers a huge number of recipes that are effective for inflammation of the skin and cartilage. But remember that they can only be used as an aid and are by no means a complete alternative to medical treatment.

Some folk healers recommend lubricating the auricle with fresh juice from aloe leaves 4-5 times a day. The extract of this plant has antiseptic properties and also fights inflammation. Compresses from a strong decoction of chamomile will also come in handy - this plant is also an anti-inflammatory agent. For disinfection, the auricle can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, "Furacilin"go iodine. Lotions from juniper broth are considered effective.

In any case, you can use such home remedies only with the permission of an otorhinolaryngologist. Do not forget that self-medication can be hazardous to he alth.

Prognosis for patients

Inflammation of the auricle complications
Inflammation of the auricle complications

If the patient went to the doctor in time and started treatment, then the symptoms of the disease, as a rule, can be stopped, and then the inflammatory process is completely eliminated. But there is also the possibility of complications. For example, an ailment can move to cartilaginous tissues and lead to necrosis. If there was a "melting" of the cartilage, then large scars and cosmetic defects in the ear area may appear.

Prevention measures

Of course, it is much easier to try to avoid infection than to treat it later. What do we have to do? Minimize exposure to risk factors.

  • Very often, perichondritis develops after an ear piercing, especially if the procedure involves cartilage piercing (a piercing in the earlobe is much safer). If you still want to become the owner of an earring, then you need to be very responsible in choosing a salon, familiarize yourself with the methods of sterilizing instruments used by specialists - all needles and other devices must be disinfected. After a piercing, the piercing site should be regularly washed with antiseptics, as well as antibiotic solutions (in the first few days).
  • Avoid pinna injury. If you are doingcontact sports, cycling or motorcycling, remember to wear head protection (helmet).
  • Insect bites, as well as wounds and scratches in the ear area, should be treated with antiseptic solutions.
  • In winter, wear a hat that covers your ears - this way you protect fabrics from exposure to low temperatures.

And remember that if any symptoms appear, it is important to see a doctor in time and in no case refuse therapy.
