Deformed arthrosis, causes and treatment

Deformed arthrosis, causes and treatment
Deformed arthrosis, causes and treatment

Deformed arthrosis (osteoarthritis) refers to diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus, which affects almost 15% of the population, and the number of cases increases with age. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint, but those with the most stress are most commonly affected.

deformed arthrosis
deformed arthrosis

Arthritis and arthrosis are not the same thing

Arthrosis is called a gradual articular age-related deformity (over the age of 45). Arthritis, on the other hand, is inflammatory in nature and often develops at a young age.

Women and men have the same risk of developing arthrosis, but deformed arthrosis of small joints is more common in older women. In children and adolescents, the disease sometimes manifests itself in the injured joint.

Causes of osteoarthritis

Degenerative changes in articular cartilage are affected by a range of different factors. Depending on the causes of development, deformed arthrosis can be primary and secondary.

Idiopathic (primary) osteoarthritis develops for no apparent reason. It is believed that the main role here belongs to the hereditary factor, in which the development of cartilage components, its membrane and structure is disrupted.

Secondary osteoarthritis is characterized by a predominant lesion of one, two or more joints.

deforming arthrosis treatment
deforming arthrosis treatment

The reasons for its development are as follows:

  • Mechanical damage, that is, trauma to the joints or intra-articular bones, leading to a violation of their structure. Long-term microtraumatization and a constant load on the arms and legs, for example, in athletes, are important. Sometimes skeletal anomalies lead to uneven distribution of the load on the bones, as a result of which the articular surfaces are heavily loaded and gradually destroyed.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis), hemarthrosis, aseptic bone necrosis.
  • Disturbed metabolism, in which deformed arthrosis occurs as a complication of diseases such as gout, hemochromatosis, rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis.
  • Disturbances in the endocrine system.
  • Poor blood supply to the tissues of the joint (varicose veins, atherosclerosis, endarteritis obliterans).

Symptoms of disease

At first, patients complain of crunching in the joint, mild and aching pain.

deforming arthritis treatment
deforming arthritis treatment

It is possible that “starting pains” may appear, when the pain is observed at the beginning of the movement, and then decreases or disappears. As arthrosis develops, painful sensations appear with a load onjoint, gradually becoming permanent. The patient complains of lameness, stiffness of movement, difficulty climbing stairs.

Deforming arthritis, the treatment of which is especially relevant today, is an inflammatory disease, so it is important to determine the root cause here. This depends on the means of treatment. These can be analgesics, antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy are also effective.

Deforming arthrosis, treatment

The scheme of therapeutic measures is determined by a doctor or a group of doctors who should be contacted immediately if infrequent and mild joint pain occurs. Usually, the disease is approached in a complex way. The treatment consists in the use of chondroprotectors, medical procedures and massages.
