Many people have numb hands at a young age. Should this phenomenon be of concern, or is it of little importance? After all, if you ask a doctor about this, he will answer that hand numbness is not the most common complaint among he althy people. Find out in the article why, if your fingers go numb, you should first consult a doctor.
First, it is important to understand that if any part of the body becomes numb, this indicates that the nerve supply to this area has been stopped. It is not uncommon for fingers to become numb during sleep: when you sleep, some nerve that runs from your neck to your arm is compressed. The key to a he althy nervous system is good circulation.
When pressure is applied to a nerve, the blood supply is cut off, and the nerve eventually becomes starved of oxygen and also suffers from a lack of nutrients. If the blood supply is restored soon, the nerve seems to wake upagain after depressurizing. However, prolonged oxygen starvation associated with a lack of oxygen leads to a weakening of the nerve: by the way, it is slightly damaged each time it experiences a lack of oxygen.

Fingers go numb: causes
What causes numbness? What is its nature? Is numbness in any part of the hands a he alth hazard? After all, why do fingers go numb? Let's consider this phenomenon in more detail. Hand cramps or numbness can be caused by something normal, such as sleeping in the wrong position can block circulation. But on the other hand, if your hands go numb not only in a dream, then this does not necessarily have to do with the position of your body. This unpleasant sensation, which sometimes manifests itself in other parts of the body, may indicate the development of serious diseases.
Our hands contain some of the most sensitive sensory receptors in the entire body. And all these sensory receptors are connected to our central nervous system, that is, the brain. If even one of these nerves (or some part of the nerves) is pinched or damaged in some way, our brain stops receiving all the sensory information that the nerve endings in the hands send.
It is as a result of the termination of the interaction between the nerve endings and the brain that numbness occurs. So, for example, if the left hand goes numb, then the nerve leading from the brain to the hand is pinched. Of course, such a phenomenon may be due to a temporary cessation of the blood supply to the nerve,caused, for example, by squeezing a nerve during sleep. However, numbness can also indicate the development of complex diseases.

Reason 1: cervical (spinal) stenosis or arthritis
The most popular and common reason why a hand goes numb is cervical or, as it is also called, spinal stenosis. Also, numbness is often caused by arthritis of the bones of the cervical spine. The thing is that a violation of the structure of the skeleton leads to pinched nerves, and therefore to problems in their he althy functioning.
If the right hand goes numb in a dream, the reason for this is that the neck is in the wrong position at night. Interestingly, to get rid of this phenomenon during a night's rest will help the neck collar for sleep, which helps the neck to take the optimal position.
Reason 2: Thoracic outlet syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome is notable for the disruption of the nerves in the shoulder area. This disease is a common and already common problem for modern computer users, since most people do not pay attention to their posture while using a computer. As a result, the shoulder and head come forward - this leads to compression of the nerve. Actually, often this disease is the explanation of why the hand goes numb.
Reason 3: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Doctors say one of the most common causes of hand numbness is carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition in which the median nerve, which connects the forearm and hand, is pinched inwrist. This often happens to people who spend a lot of time working at the computer.
Especially dangerous are hand positions where you rest your wrist on the edge of a table or on a hard surface, such as when typing or operating a mouse. The wrists can also be overloaded with any other manual work: the use of scissors, tools, sewing - all this can disrupt the he althy functioning of the nerve endings in the hand.
It is important to note that carpal tunnel symptoms include swelling or tingling sensations in one or more fingers, especially the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Accordingly, if, for example, the index finger of the right hand goes numb, the cause may be hiding in the carpal tunnel syndrome. Experts recommend using simple wrist braces - they will be an excellent prevention of hand numbness.

Reason 4: tennis elbow
Tennis players and other sports enthusiasts who require repeated and vigorous twisting of the arm around the wrist or elbow are at high risk of developing a condition called "tennis elbow". It is associated with wear or weakening of the tendons that envelop the elbow. While in the later stages of development, "tennis elbow" tends to present with pain in the elbow or forearm.
Early signs of the disease are numbness or tingling of the hands. If you observe numbness in your hands after physical exertion, you need to take a short break in training and be sure totell your doctor.
Reason 5: Thyroid disease
This may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but a thyroid disorder can indeed lead to hand numbness. An underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism can damage the nerves that carry information from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body.
Pay special attention to the functioning of the thyroid gland if, in addition to the fact that, for example, the little fingers on the hands go numb, other symptoms of thyroid diseases also appear: weight gain or you constantly experience cold.
Reason 6: Cysts
Ganglion cysts are not cancerous tumors. They can form anywhere in the human body, but usually appear in the joints. And if a cyst forms on the wrist, then numbness is a common symptom of this phenomenon.
Sometimes these cysts go away on their own. If this does not happen, and their development is accompanied by pain, numbness, then surgical intervention is necessary. Most often this is an aspiration procedure.
Reason 7: Guillain-Barré Syndrome
If the right arm and leg go numb - the reason may be hiding in the Guillain-Barré syndrome. This is an autoimmune disorder in which a person's immune system mistakenly attacks the nerves, causing damage that can in turn lead to hand numbness.
Most research links Guillain-Barré syndrome to Dengue fever and some other viral infections. if youhave suffered from any kind of infection and are now experiencing weakness, tingling or numbness in your arms or legs, see a doctor immediately.

Reason 8: Addiction to alcohol
Neurologists say that prolonged heavy drinking can lead to "alcoholic neuropathy" or nerve damage. If you have a numbness in your right hand, it may be due to excessive alcohol consumption.
About 50% of people who abuse alcohol suffer from numbness in the arms or legs, as well as a strange sensation of "needles" in the limbs, muscle weakness and spasms. Try to give up alcohol. You will immediately notice how the "numbness" of the limbs will disappear or become a much rarer guest.
Reason 9: Lyme disease
Is your right arm or other limbs numb? It is likely that this is Lyme disease - a disease transmitted through the bite of a tick. In fact, the symptoms of Lyme disease also include extreme fatigue, skin rashes, and flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, or body aches). Joint pain and numbness of the hands or limbs may indicate late stages of Lyme disease.

Reason 10: multiple sclerosis
Interestingly, if the left hand goes numb, the reason may be multiple sclerosis. This disease is characterized by the fact that the human immune system attacks a fatty substance that protects the nerve fibers of the central nervous system. This, in itsturn, may cause numbness of the hands.
It is important to understand that multiple sclerosis can overtake a person at any age. In addition, women suffer from this disease twice as often as men.
Reason 11: Stroke
You should also not rule out the possibility that numbness or tingling of the hands may be associated with a stroke. Of course, along with the dysfunction of the limbs, other symptoms of a stroke appear, for example, a crooked smile, slurred speech, dizziness, blurred vision.
It is worth noting that a stroke can hit a person even if he is young. So, about 10% of all victims of the disease are under 45. Also remember that maintaining a he althy and active lifestyle does not guarantee the absence of the risk of stroke.
Reason 12: Unhe althy diet and lifestyle
Being overweight, not exercising, eating disorders or eating disorders can all lead to swollen feet and hands. So, fluid retention in the body can lead to tingling and numbness of the limbs.
Vitamin B deficiency can lead to frequent hand numbness. In general, the wrong diet and lack of vitamins can lead to fatigue, drowsiness, pale skin, feeling like you are experiencing tachycardia.

Reason 13: Diabetes
Many people know that frequent urination, excessive thirst and high blood sugar are all signs of prediabetes - or a condition in which the risk of developing diabetes is excessively high. If you are experiencing any-any of these symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately.
It is important to note that the development of full-blown type 2 diabetes can lead to frequent hand numbness. If the right arm is numb, it is likely due to nerve damage from diabetes.
It is important to remember that simple numbness of the hands at night may not be a big danger, but if you are increasingly noticing this phenomenon with your limbs, then immediately consult a specialist. Hand numbness is often ignored by doctors who are not experts in musculoskeletal treatment, but take it seriously and find out what the root cause is.
The left arm, right arm or legs go numb - all this may indicate, as mentioned above, the development of serious and dangerous diseases. So, even just a pinched nerve can lead to weakening or loss of sensitivity by the nerve endings, or constant pain in the shoulders, elbows and arms. It is important to provide the patient with timely assistance, otherwise it may be necessary to perform an operation.
Numbness of hands: how to fight
Is it possible to cure hand numbness with folk remedies? Of course, if the cause of numbness lies in an unhe althy diet, unhe althy lifestyle, or overwork, then the following methods can help ease the discomfort.
- Drink a tablespoon of flaxseed oil before bed. Medical research indicates that it is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that has a special effect onlimbs. It can relieve discomfort or completely eliminate numbness in the hands with regular use.
- Perform the procedure for soaking hands in cold fresh water. Add a few ice cubes to the bath - this will make the procedure much more effective. How will it help if, for example, the fingers on the left hand go numb? Such therapy will relieve pressure and relieve inflammation, improve the functioning of nerve endings and reduce pain. Do the procedure before bed. You will notice that this will make you feel much better.
- Reduce your s alt intake or temporarily eliminate it from your diet. Refuse spicy foods, as well as foods that are prohibited with increased acidity of the stomach. They increase inflammation and pain - better get rid of them.
- Drink at least two liters of water a day: if you have numb fingers on your left hand, then maintaining water balance is one of the most important points of treatment. For example, you can make an artichoke drink: it has numerous diuretic and cleansing properties and helps prevent fluid retention in the body. All you have to do is boil a few artichokes in water, filtering it later. Then mix with the juice of half a lemon.
- Be sure to fortify your diet with vitamin B. Tuna, potatoes, bananas and all other leafy green vegetables are high in this essential vitamin. Also, do not neglect supplements from the pharmacy or he alth food stores, which can just as much complement your diet and make youhe althier.
- If you have to do repetitive manual work that involves using your hands and wrists for hours, don't forget to wear a compression strap. It will provide enough pressure to the arm area and protect your nerves and joints and help prevent them from being overloaded.
Of course, if you suffer from the fact that your fingers on your left hand or even your whole hand go numb, and folk remedies and the above procedures do not alleviate suffering, then it is imperative to consult a specialist. After all, there are a lot of reasons for numbness, and only a professional can establish the true one.

Hand numbness is usually caused by damage, irritation or pinching of one of the nerves or branches of nerves in your hand or wrist. Diseases such as diabetes, which usually affect the peripheral nerves, can also cause numbness. Although numbness usually starts in the legs with this condition.
In very rare cases, numbness can be caused by disorders of the central nervous system, although in such cases, weakness or hand failure also occurs. Numbness is often associated with potentially life-threatening disorders such as strokes or tumors.
Your doctor will need detailed information about your symptoms in order to diagnose the cause of numbness, so before you go to a specialist, carefully study the nature of numbness, analyze your lifestyle, diet and habits. Remember, that,before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of the disease.