It is extremely unpleasant and annoying if a child has seizures. This problem is often perceived by others as the result of poor hygiene. But it is not always the case. Seizures can signal an infection in the body or a serious illness. It is important to start by finding the source of the problem. That is why you should consult a doctor if your child has seizures. Only a specialist can correctly determine the causes and treatment.

Characteristics of pathology
What are seizures in a child? These are small cracks that appear in the corners of the lips. Initially, redness occurs in this place. Then a small crack appears. If such a pathology is not treated in a timely manner, the process can reach erosion.
Pathology causes the baby severe discomfort, sometimes even pain. The child tries to open his mouth less, to talk. Unbearable pain can provoke the use of s alty, spicy or sour foods.
In the advanced stage, crusts and bleeding ulcers often appear. Self-treatmentcan lead to purulent complications.
Main reasons
Seizures in the corners of the mouth in a child provoke yeast-like fungi Candida or streptococci. However, the disease does not occur on its own. The appearance of the disease is dictated by the influence of adverse factors. Against their background, seizures develop in a child.
Causes that provoke the appearance of pathology:
- decreased immunity;
- iron deficiency;
- hypovitaminosis (especially lack of vitamin B2);
- maceration of the skin caused by increased salivation;
- allergic reactions;
- poor oral hygiene;
- gingivitis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- caries;
- injuries to the skin near the lips;
- inflammation of the tonsils;
- intestinal dysbacteriosis or other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Characteristic symptoms
At the initial stage, seizures in a child resemble small bubbles that appear in the corners of the mouth. They open up quickly. Cracks form in place of burst bubbles. Subsequently, they are covered with yellow crusts. The skin cover near the jam is red and swollen.
Depending on the nature of the pathology, the symptoms will differ:
- Streptococcal congestion. To all the above signs of the disease, a burning sensation in the affected area and itching are added. Symptoms are aggravated while taking s alty, spicy foods. It hurts the child to open his mouth, he tries not to talk.
- Candidamic pathology. With this form of the disease on the crackno crust is formed. The defect is only visible when the mouth is open. Such seizures rapidly become chronic. In this case, as soon as the immune system decreases or the body begins to lack vitamins, the disease will immediately appear.
Some features related to age
In babies, seizures most often occur against the background of a fungal or microbial infection. In younger students, as a rule, beriberi provokes pathology, caused by improper, unbalanced nutrition.

In this case, the child has the following symptoms:
- skin peeling;
- scab formation on the face (especially on the wings of the nose);
- burning, redness of the tongue;
- rapid fatigue;
- poor appetite;
- reduced performance.
Particularly noteworthy are frequent seizures in a child. Such a patient should be examined in detail for the presence of serious pathologies. Start with the GI tract. Most often, it is the pathologies of the digestive system that lead to the constant formation of a jam.
Diagnostic Methods
Do not rush to treat your child's seizures on your own. Causes and treatment are closely related. Only by determining the true source of the problem, you can choose an adequate therapy. Therefore, with such a pathology, you should definitely contact a dermatologist.
The little patient will be prescribed:
- Laboratory research. A scraping taken from the affected area will confirm (refute)fungal nature.
- Blood test. Allows you to determine inflammation, anemia.
- Sugar analysis.
- Diagnosis for the Wasserman reaction. This test allows you to identify streptococcal infection.

In addition to a dermatologist, a child may be given consultations:
- hematologist;
- endocrinologist;
- dentist.
Treatment of pathology
An integrated approach is needed. This is the only way to cure seizures in the corners of the mouth in children.
Treatment based on activities:
- Diet variety. This will significantly strengthen the immune system. Particular emphasis should be placed on food rich in vitamin B2. Such products are buckwheat, veal, dairy products, eggs, spinach, green peas. At the same time, it is important to exclude from the child's diet food that causes irritation of the mucous membrane: marinades, pickles.
- Meticulous hygiene. Be sure to keep your baby's hands clean. Household items, toys must be steamed.
- Drug therapy. Such treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.
- Using folk remedies. Lubrication with aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil will benefit. You can use rosehip oil or tea tree oil. This procedure should be repeated 5-6 times a day. An excellent effect will be provided by lotions from a decoction of a string, chamomile, calendula.

Drug therapy
Only by determining which pathogenpathology is provoked, the doctor will prescribe medications. It was said above that cracks near the mouth can be caused by streptococci or fungi.
The following medicines can be used to cure corners in a child:
- Antifungal agents. The most effective are Fluconazole, Nystatin, Ketoconazole, Lamisil, Levorin, Nizoral. These drugs are intended for internal use. They are recommended if the fungal nature of the disease is identified.
- Antibiotics. These medications are effective if the disease is caused by streptococci. They are recommended to a child only when a large area of skin is affected. They select those antibiotics that can effectively fight the pathogen.
- Vitamins. It is important not to forget about the need to strengthen the immune system. Children are recommended multivitamins, brewer's yeast (medical). To lubricate the affected area, an oil solution of vitamin A, E is prescribed. But the latest drugs can only be used at the stage of recovery. They are not recommended for use in an acute period.
- Ointments. It is important to remember the need for treatment not only from the inside, but also from the outside. With candidamic pathology, ointments are prescribed: Nystatin, Levorin, Sulfur-salicylic, Levorin. These drugs perfectly heal seizures, eliminate pain. If the pathology is based on a streptococcal infection, then antibiotic-containing products are recommended: “Erythromycin ointment”, “Synthomycin liniment”.
- Probiotics. Often the occurrence of jam is dictated by the pathology of the small intestine. That's whycomplex therapy for children often includes drugs that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: Bifiform, Linex.

Remember, in order to protect the child from the formation of a jam, you should strengthen his immunity, balance his diet. If necessary, in autumn and winter, it is recommended to support the body with special vitamin complexes.