Osteochondrosis is a problematic disease of the spine, which affects every fourth inhabitant on planet Earth. Among the most common diseases in the world, this disease ranks second, second only to cardiovascular diseases. Most often, osteochondrosis, the photo of which is presented to your attention, affects the lumbosacral spine.

The back experiences constant stress, but the lower back suffers the most. Therefore, the intervertebral discs in it are subjected to greater deformation than in other departments. Problems caused by various diseases of the back are the result of a systematic and prolonged stay of a person in a sitting position. Due to the lack of reasonable physical activity, the muscle corset begins to change, which leads to pain. Timely identified symptoms and properly prescribed treatment will help get rid of pain and the disease in general.
What is osteochondrosis?
Osteochondrosis is a common disease of the musculoskeletalapparatus in which the cartilaginous surface of the bones changes. Most often, this disease affects the lumbosacral spine. Its free and active movement occurs due to the intervertebral discs, which are an accumulation of cartilage tissue.

When these structures are affected by osteochondrosis, the photo of which you see, their elasticity is lost, over time they delaminate and deform. As a result of such changes, the distance between the vertebrae is reduced. Nerve roots are compressed, pain appears. If the disease is left untreated, pain and swelling increase, as the nerve bundles of blood vessels become even more infringed over time.
How to know what it is osteochondrosis?
Osteochondrosis is an ailment that affects many muscles and internal organs of a person, as there is an infringement of the neurovascular bundles, which impairs innervation and blood supply. So, if the lumbar spine is involved in the process, a person begins to have problems with the digestive and urinary systems, impotence. The exact diagnosis is established depending on the localization of pain in the spine. Back in the last century, osteochondrosis was mainly suffered by older people.

Currently, very young people are exposed to this disease. According to statistics, in our country, more than 90% of the population has some kind of disease of the supporting apparatus. Thousands of people suffer from such an ailment as osteochondrosis of the sacral region.spine, which negatively affects the functioning of the body as a whole.
Sacral spine
The spinal column consists of several departments, one of which is the sacral. It has five vertebrae, which, due to the lack of intervertebral discs, are fixed to each other and are an integral part of the pelvis. The lumbar spine has the same number of vertebrae and intervertebral discs.
Osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by damage to the intervertebral discs. Since they are not in the sacral region, therefore, osteochondrosis of this zone of the spine is very rare. It is one of the stages in the development of lumbar osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is a lesion of the discs. They are located between the lumbar vertebrae and the last vertebra that attaches to the sacrum.
Stages of disease
If lumbosacral osteochondrosis is not treated, the disease will progress and may reach the last stage of development (there are only four of them), which leads a person to disability. Let's take a look at each one.

- The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the appearance of cracks in the intervertebral discs. There is discomfort in the lower back, which increases markedly during exertion, and disappears when resting. Pain can be both permanent and temporary, with shooting. But this does not cause tangible inconvenience to a person, and he is in no hurry to see a doctor.
- The second stage is characterized by a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae, pinched nerve endings and destruction of the fibrous ring. Pain becomes pronounced, often given to the thigh and lower leg. During attacks there is profuse sweating. A person has a desire to seek medical advice.
- At this stage of the disease there is a curvature of the spine. Severe pain is felt, which can occur unexpectedly and give to the fingers and leg. Bone osteophytes appear. They begin to compress blood vessels, nerves and tissues.
- When the disease reaches the fourth, last stage of development, a person experiences great difficulties during movement, as his spine is curved. There are growths on the bones. Lumbosacral osteochondrosis in advanced form leads to disability.
What are the causes of osteochondrosis?
- Lack of physical activity. It is experienced by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
- Excessive physical activity on the spine and lifting of excess weight. This disease often affects people involved in weightlifting.
- Incorrect posture, uncomfortable body position during sleep, work or exercise, if this occurs systematically and for a long time.
- Hereditary predisposition, anomalies in the development of the spine, the fragile structure of cartilage tissue.
- Flat feet, in which the foot is not able to evenly distribute the load on the entire spine.
- The weight of a person, if hefar exceeds the norm.
- Injuries to the lumbosacral spine that can result in deformed discs.
- Diseases of the heart, digestive and endocrine systems.
- Diseases of the spine. So, rheumatoid arthritis can cause osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.
- If a person adheres to the wrong lifestyle: eating haphazardly, chronically lacking sleep, not observing the daily routine, constantly experiencing stress, prone to depression.
- Hypocooling of the body and prolonged exposure to drafts.
- Changes with age, when the intervertebral discs lose their elasticity and begin to react sharply to all sorts of adverse conditions.
Symptoms of disease
When the disease reaches the second or third stage of development, the symptoms of the disease begin to appear. An exception may be severe hypothermia or stress suffered by a person. In this case, the disease makes itself felt with bouts of sharp pain already at the first stage of development. By itself, it does not threaten human he alth. But the development of the disease is accompanied by dangerous symptoms that lead a person to disability, contribute to the development of heart and vascular diseases, and become an impetus for the beginning of protrusion of discs between the vertebrae. When a person has back pain, most often it is lumbosacral osteochondrosis. The symptoms of the disease are:
- Pain with sudden movements and physical exertion. Gradually, the pain becomes more frequent and becomes prolonged. They can occur with the slightest exertion, such as sneezing or coughing. The pain is accompanied by numbness.
- Losing sensation in legs.
- Chronic fatigue and constant depression appear.
- Mobility of the sacrum is disturbed.
Characterized by pinched nerves lumbosacral osteochondrosis. Symptoms are characterized by other unpleasant sensations:
- Muscle weakness appears.
- The reflex ability of the tendons decreases.
- Sweating is disturbed.
- Spasms of the arteries and a feeling of coldness in the feet appear.
- The normal functioning of internal organs is disrupted.
Polysegmental osteochondrosis. What is it?
The spinal column has 24 segments, five of them belong to the sacral region. Each segment has its own spinal nerves responsible for the work of certain human organs. The composition of the spinal motion segment includes: adjacent vertebrae with ligaments and intervertebral discs. Polysegmental osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine affects several segments simultaneously.

This disease can be identified by dysfunction of the abdominal organs and pain in the pelvis. They may also appear in the thigh, lower leg, or buttocks and be accompanied by lameness. The consequence of this form of osteochondrosis may be the displacement of discs between the vertebrae. This is dangerous because the spinal nerves beginnarrow down. Over time, this condition leads to infringement and inflammation of the roots.
Polysegmental sacral osteochondrosis, the symptoms of which are very diverse, most often affects the spine. Aching pain in the back often prevents walking and sitting normally. She worries, even if the person is motionless. The cause of this condition is a pinched nerve. This disease cannot be completely cured. But the right therapy will relieve pain, prevent all kinds of exacerbations and complications.
How to treat sacral osteochondrosis with medicines?
The primary task in treatment is to eliminate or slow down the destructive processes in the intervertebral discs. Lumbosacral osteochondrosis, the treatment of which begins with pain relief, cannot be eliminated without medical treatment if the disease has reached the second or third stage of development. The appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketorol, Nimesulide and others, is mandatory. If the pain is mild, your doctor may prescribe these medications as a gel, ointment, or cream. If strong - in the form of injections, capsules, tablets or suppositories.
At the same time, the patient is taking medications that relieve spasms of the spinal muscles, such as Mydocalm. With very severe pain that is not relieved by the drugs listed above, the doctor prescribes Prednisolone, Dexamethasone and others. These are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs, they will quickly relieve pain. But they are used in extreme cases, as these drugs have side effects.
If the pain is very strong, the treatment is carried out by position. A person, lying on his back, chooses a position in which pain is least felt. As soon as it subsides, a complex of physiotherapy exercises is carried out with a gradual increase in load. At the same time, the patient is prescribed a massage that relaxes, strengthens the back muscles and supports the spine. To enhance the therapeutic effect, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.
How to cure osteochondrosis?
Only a load on the spine does not improve he alth. Active drug treatment is needed. To improve blood circulation in the spine area help: "Nicotinic acid", "Trental". Thanks to these drugs, blood flow to the arteries of the spine improves. The outflow of venous blood is activated by drugs such as Askorutin and Troxevasin. To ensure the flow of energy to the cells, it is necessary to stimulate cellular metabolism. Vitamin B contributes to this. Protect cartilage tissue from destruction such drugs as Chondroitin, Donna, Structum.
Treatment with folk methods and means
With a disease of the spine, people often wonder how to cure osteochondrosis. If the disease is at the initial stage of development, the person does not think to see a doctor. But he wants to get rid of unwanted symptoms. In this case, folk methods and means come to the rescue.
Back pain can be eliminated with an ordinary rolling pin. You need to alternately take it, then in the right, then in the left hand and tap on the spine. Exercise followsperform regularly, and the result will not be long in coming

- S alt deposits can be broken using a rolling pin. To do this, lie on her back and ride for 15-20 minutes. Your back will hurt the next day, that's the way it should be. Don't stop doing the exercise. The main thing is regularity.
- It is useful to apply compresses. Any ointment for rubbing the joints, such as "Sustamed", "Chondroitin", rub into the skin in the lumbar region and cover with polyethylene. It is better to use fresh leaves of lilac, mint, sage or lemon balm instead. On top of the second layer impose leaves of cabbage or burdock. The back is wrapped with a woolen scarf or blanket. If there is no time to patiently lie with a compress, you can fix it and walk with it.
Recipes of alternative medicine
If the disease is not treatable with drugs, we treat osteochondrosis at home with folk remedies. Recipes for some of them:
- Burdock compress is applied to the lower back, covered with cellophane, then with a woolen scarf and kept for 20 minutes. It is easy to prepare a decoction: the leaves of the plant are crushed and 250 ml of boiling water is poured. Infused for half an hour, filtered, cooled. A soft cloth is wetted in the broth. The compress is ready.
- Compress of elderberries. Tincture of 4 parts of alcohol and 1 part of berries is infused for 7-10 days. For a compress on the back, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3.
- Decoction of parsley roots. It is prepared as follows: 3 tsp. dry plant and 500 mlwater is boiled over low heat, filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. every 12 hours.
Exercises of the first group of complexity
They are intended for the elderly, in the period of exacerbation and in the severe stage of the disease. Exercises are performed lying down.

- Stretch with outstretched toes. Repeated several times.
- Legs bend at the knees. Alternately, each knee is clasped with hands and pulled on itself and back. The exercise is done 10 times.
- The starting position is the same. One leg straightens and slowly rises, then lowers. Repeat 4-5 times and switch to the second leg.
- Get off the couch and slowly stretch up, and then release the tension. To do this, you need to bend over and go limp with your arms down.
Second difficulty group
Next, we will tell you what exercises are there for lumbosacral osteochondrosis of the spine, when the disease is in the third stage of development.
- The complex begins with the last exercise of the previous group.
- Torso turns to the right and left with relaxed arms.
- Hands at the waist. Tilts are made 5 times to the right and left, forward and backward.
- All movements of the last exercise are sequentially connected. First, the slopes are performed clockwise, then counterclockwise.
- The rotations of the lower body are made in the likeness of the last exercise.
- Stand on bent legs, put your hands down or put onhips. Bend in the back, shoulder blades back. Then arch your shoulders, bring your shoulders together.
- Same exercise, only kneeling.
- Lie on the floor and perform the exercise from the first group complex with pulling the knee, but with a deeper amplitude.
- Bend your knees and alternately put them to the right and left.
Third group of difficulty
Exercise is available to people with the first stage of development of osteochondrosis and in the period of recovery of the body after an illness.
- Lie on your back, raise your outstretched legs and hold them for a few seconds. Then lower, rest and raise again. Do this 10 times.
- Lying on your back, slowly turn both legs to the right and left at the same time. Repeat 10 times.
- Lie on your back, legs straight. Taking small steps.
- Cross legs - scissors. Don't forget to rest.
- Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body, raise your body and swing to the right and left.
- Lie on your back, hands behind your head, raise and lower your upper body 10 times.
- Kneel at close range, raise your right leg and left arm. Then vice versa.
- Sit on the floor, spread your legs. Perform alternate tilts to the legs.
- Do the same while standing. The slopes are deep.
Exercises are divided into groups conditionally. Depending on the stage of the disease and sports training, they will seem simple to one person, and difficult to another. Everyone will choose something in between. The main thing is not to be lazy and do these exercises regularly.