Salpingoophoritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It does not arise by itself, but due to the influence of provoking factors.
How does it happen? What symptoms indicate the presence of this disease? How is the diagnosis carried out? Can it be cured and what is needed for this? This and much more should be told now.

Before we move on to review information about the symptoms and treatment of salpingo-oophoritis, it is necessary to discuss what causes it to appear. There may be several reasons.
The first is parasitic infestation. First, some pathogenic microorganism enters the female body - Mycobacterium tuberculosis, gonococcus, E. coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc. Then, if the woman ignored the symptoms and did not consider it appropriate to start treatment, these parasites begin to develop and multiply. As a result, pathogenic microflora spreads throughout the body. Bacteria penetrate into organs, into tissues. And they can, in case of weakened immunity and internal protection, get into the fallopian tubes, after which - into the ovaries.
Also, the appendages often become inflamed due to overwork, weakened immunity, bathing in cold water.
More pathology often occurs against the background of an infectious disease. The causative agent in the pelvic area can even get from the primary focus - purulent plugs in the tonsils or maxillary sinus.
A girl can catch an infection due to unprotected intercourse. Especially if it occurred during menstruation, after an abortion or other intrauterine intervention.
By the way, the appendages can become inflamed as a result of surgical termination of pregnancy. If it was done inaccurately or during this period the patient's immunity was weakened.
If we talk about provoking factors, then they include stress, hypothermia, lack of a balanced diet and chronic overwork.

Acute stage
First, it is worth briefly characterizing the clinical picture, and then proceed to consider the principles of treatment of salpingo-oophoritis.
So, the acute stage proceeds with characteristic symptoms:
- Pain in the lower abdomen of an intense nature that radiates to the sacrum and anus.
- Unpleasant, pronounced sensations on the side of inflammation.
- Mucoid or purulent dischargecharacter.
- Fever.
- Bruised, chilly, weak.
- Bloating and urinary disorders.
- Irritations of the peritoneum (symptoms of muscular protection), which are detected by palpation.
- Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leukocytosis with a shift to the left side (detected by examining blood submitted for analysis).
As a rule, bilateral salpingo-oophoritis is detected. Treatment cannot be delayed. In addition, this ailment is usually combined with inflammation of the uterus.
The disease is often accompanied by algomenorrhea (painful menstruation) and menorrhagia (long and heavy periods).
It is also important to note that with an increase in inflammation, a purulent saccular tumor can form in the area of the appendages. This is called a tubo-ovarian abscess. With this disease, the fallopian tube and ovaries simply melt. As a result, one cavity is formed, filled with purulent contents.

Treatment of acute salpingo-oophoritis
If a woman is diagnosed with severe inflammation of the appendages, she will be immediately admitted to the hospital. In severe inflammation of the appendages, treatment is carried out only in stationary conditions.
Doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics by intravenous or intramuscular injection. Also, a woman is given means, the reception of which is aimed at inhibiting the growth of anaerobes - parasites that receive energy in conditions where there is no oxygen.
You will also need to removesymptoms of general intoxication. To do this, the patient is given intravenous drips, through which vitamins and solutions are injected into the bloodstream.
Required to take immunomodulators. If a woman is sick, then her body is weakened. And it is necessary to support the immune system through drugs, which include substances that can strengthen it.
As mentioned earlier, with this disease, the development of peritonitis or the formation of purulent sacs in the area of the appendages is not excluded. This happens only in extreme, advanced cases, but if this happens, then surgical intervention is indispensable.
Now doing laparoscopic surgery. A woman is made an incision on the anterior abdominal wall 2-3 centimeters long, and then all the necessary manipulations are performed.
If we talk about first aid, then only applying cold to the suprapubic area will help. The use of a heating pad is contraindicated.
Subacute stage
When discussing the symptoms and treatment of salpingo-oophoritis, this issue cannot be ignored. The subacute stage is characterized by the development of inflammation only in the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes. It is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Heat temperature.
- Bloating in the lower abdomen.
- General weakness.
- Chills and shivering.
- Pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by intercourse.
- Colitis.
- Irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
- Foul-smelling discharge.
- Burning and itching of the genitals. Feelings are similar to those that a woman experiences whenthrush.
The problem is that the subacute form resembles a female cold in many of its symptoms. And they go pretty fast.
If a girl does not go to the doctor, but simply starts to pick up medicines for herself, and even for a cold, then the disease will develop into chronic salpingo-oophoritis. And the treatment of this form is of great difficulty.

Therapy for subacute stage
If the doctor prescribes treatment on time (and this depends on the timely recording of the patient for diagnosis), then it will be possible to prevent the formation of cicatricial changes in the uterine appendages, which is fraught with persistent infertility.
The doctor prescribes certain drugs for the treatment of salpingo-oophoritis. Their list is quite wide:
- Antiviral suppositories, injections and pills. The most effective drugs are Clindacin, Acyclovir, Betadine and Terzhinan.
- Analgesics. They help relieve pain. The most common drugs are Neolgin, No-Shpa and Ibuprofen.
- Desensitizing agents. They relieve allergic reactions. Usually prescribed "Dimedrol", "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Diprazin" and "Diazolin".
- Immunomodulators. The importance of their reception has already been mentioned earlier. One of the best drugs in this category is Cycloferon.
- Antibiotics. What a woman needs depends on the pathogen that provoked the disease. They can prescribe "Cefotaxime" and "Ceftriaxone", or they can prescribe macrolides and"Doxycycline".
- Probiotics. Necessary for the normalization of the microflora of the vagina and intestines. Widespread "Profibor", "Bifiform" and "Lineks".
- Hormonal drugs. Without them, it is difficult to normalize the menstrual cycle. There are many of them - "Regulon", "Yarina", "Lindinet", "Jess", "Klayra", etc. The drug is prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist after examining the patient and studying her tests.
As you can see, the treatment of salpingo-oophoritis, in which the fallopian tubes are not yet affected, seems to be simpler, unlike the previous case.

Chronic disease
This form is diagnosed if a woman has been struggling with an illness for several months. And before talking about the treatment of chronic salpingo-oophoritis, you need to figure out how the disease goes into this stage.
So, this is a polyetiological process of a pathological nature. First, the tissues of the internal organs are damaged, then inflammation occurs. And all this is due to the vital activity of parasites and other pathogenic microorganisms.
Depending on what exactly is the pathogen, exactly how it got into the body, and also by what mechanism the disease developed, a nonspecific and specific infection is isolated.
It should also be noted that the disease can become chronic due to incorrect or untimely treatment of bilateral salpingo-oophoritis.
If a woman suffers from this particular disease, she hasremissions. Her condition improves, and the inflammatory reaction ceases to be pronounced. All signs may disappear altogether. But then an exacerbation of salpingo-oophoritis is possible. Treatment in this case is necessary immediately. For frequent "outbreaks" of the disease lead to such consequences:
- Development of endometritis. The inner mucous layer of the uterine wall becomes inflamed.
- Pelvic fiber becomes inflamed.
- Development of a purulent process.
- Formation of a limited cavity filled with pus (abscess).
- Phlegmon. This is the name of purulent acute diffuse inflammation that has no boundaries.
- Changes in hormonal levels.
- The formation of adhesions. If the disease lasts for a long time, then the damaged cells of the ovaries or fallopian tubes are replaced. Because of them, the gap narrows. This either leads to infertility or increases the risk of later ectopic pregnancy.
In general, chronic salpingo-oophoritis, the treatment of which will now be discussed, is the most difficult form of the disease in question, since it entails functional and hormonal changes in the female body.
Fight against chronic inflammation
It is also necessary to talk about it, since we are talking about the symptoms and treatment of salpingo-oophoritis in women. Of course, in this case, as in all others, all recommendations and therapeutic measures are established by the attending physician.
Treatment of salpingo-oophoritis with antibiotics and drugs of other categories is not universal. All activities differ depending on howthe inflammatory process is actively proceeding.
Also, the doctor separately describes the treatment of relapse and the actions that must be performed during remission. All recommendations must be followed. This will help to avoid aggravation, which brings a lot of problems.
If in general to describe the recommendations, then the treatment regimen looks something like this:
- Mandatory mode, which implies restriction of motor activity.
- You need to take drugs that are effective against the infectious agent.
- Need to drink anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Required to take antispasmodics, which will help reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the walls of the fallopian tubes.
- Requires taking antihistamines to reduce the severity of allergic reactions that are triggered by an infectious process.
- Performing detoxification.
After treatment of salpingo-oophoritis, the severity of the inflammatory response is significantly reduced. This is what indicates remission.
At this stage, measures should be taken to destroy the infectious agent, if possible. Also, a woman will have to actively restore her immunity, and also, if the doctor recommends, undergo a course of any of the procedures listed below.

Other treatments
They also need to be told. Treatment of salpingoophoritis may include a lot of different procedures aimed at eliminating the problem. In addition to the above, the following methods are practiced:
- Puncture of the vaults of the vagina. It is used to inject antibiotics directly into the pelvic organs.
- Ultrahigh frequency inductothermy. It implies the impact on the appendages using a high-frequency electromagnetic field. In simple terms, the technique is based on thermal exposure.
- Magnetotherapy. A method from the field of alternative medicine.
- Treatment of salpingo-oophoritis with current. It has a neurostimulating, vasodilating and plastic effect.
- Treatment in a sanatorium-dispensary.
- Plasmapheresis. A certain amount of blood is taken from the patient, cleansed of infections, and then returned to the body.
- Gynecological massage of the uterus. It is aimed at restoring ovarian function, as well as eliminating defects in the appendages. Performed manually by a doctor.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is possible to cope with the disease through any of the methods listed. But this is only if the patient did not ignore the ailment and went for diagnostics to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment in this case will be timely and effective.
However, in difficult, neglected situations, one has to resort to extreme measures. Namely, to the removal of appendages.
Folk methods
According to the reviews, the treatment of salpingo-oophoritis with self-prepared products is also effective. Doctors are generally skeptical of this claim, but as a preventive measure, some "medication" will be helpful. Here are some recipes:
- In equalsproportions mix dry linden and chamomile. Pour 50 grams of the resulting mixture into a saucepan and pour 1 liter of water. Send the container to the fire and boil. Then remove, cool and strain. Use the resulting decoction for sitz baths or douching for 14 days.
- Mix equal amounts of rowan, strawberry and hawthorn fruits, string, nettle, mint, birch leaves and immortelle flowers. Pour 20 grams of the collection with boiling water (400 ml). Remove to a dark cool place to infuse. Can be used after 12 hours. You need to drink three times a day, 70 ml for 10-14 days.
- You can try the treatment of salpingo-oophoritis with folk remedies that have an antiseptic and desensitizing effect. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions the fruits of alder, licorice, elecampane, aralia rhizome, immortelle, horsetail, string and wild rose. Chop everything. Pour 30 grams of the mixture with boiling water (0.5 l). For 8 hours, send to a dry and cold place. Then strain. Drink in 5 doses per day, always after meals. The course is at least ten days.
- The rhizomes of the marsh iris must be crushed. Pour a few tablespoons of the plant with boiling water (200 ml). Remove for 3 hours in a dry place. Then strain. Either drink 3 tablespoons four times a day, or use for douching. The course is two weeks.
- Crushed echinacea in the amount of 15 grams pour medical alcohol (500 ml). Close the container and let it brew in a cool dark room. Let it brew for 14 days, shake occasionally. Then add a little boiled water to dilute the fortress. Take 6 times a day5 drops for ten days.
Folk treatment of salpingo-oophoritis is popular. There are dozens of other recipes. But before you start taking any homemade medicine, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself.

This is the last thing. A girl will never experience salpingo-oophoritis if she is:
- Remember that even one unprotected intercourse can provoke the transmission of infection.
- Use contraception - condoms, suppositories and vaginal tablets. It must be remembered that the decency and fidelity of the only partner does not always exclude the presence of an STD.
- Regularly visit a doctor with a partner in order to undergo an examination. You can do it together before the first intimacy happens.
- Avoid anal-genital intercourse without prior hygiene procedures.
- Follow a balanced diet, which includes all the microelements and vitamins necessary for the female body. A nutritionist can help with its compilation.
And most importantly - in the presence of 2-3 signs of the disease, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. If you want to avoid the above consequences and expensive, not always without complications treatment, you must not ignore the symptoms.