The thymus gland is enlarged in a baby: what to do?

The thymus gland is enlarged in a baby: what to do?
The thymus gland is enlarged in a baby: what to do?

Many parents face the fact that the thymus gland in the baby is enlarged. It is in infancy that this organ is most involved in the performance of its functions. So, experts pay special attention to him when it comes to children under one year old. However, the parents themselves may, on certain grounds, suspect an enlarged thymus in the baby and urgently contact a pediatrician who will prescribe a diagnostic examination and a treatment regimen.

What is the thymus gland?

the thymus gland in the baby is enlarged is it possible to vaccinate
the thymus gland in the baby is enlarged is it possible to vaccinate

In medical science, this organ is called the thymus. It is located in the chest, somewhat adjacent to its upper part. This is an organ that consists of two lobes. The laying of the thymus begins in the middle of the first trimester of pregnancy, and its maximum formation occurs in the first year of human life. In the same period, iron performs its maximummain functions. In the future, the growth of the thymus begins to stabilize, and after about 20 years, the thymus gland gradually involutes, but does not stop functioning completely. The organ belongs to the endocrine and immune systems.

Main Functions

The main functions of the thymus are related to the orientation of specific immune cells, which belong to the category of T-lymphocytes. Their precursors penetrate into the thymus gland from the bone marrow and undergo full or partial maturation. This is what the immune function of the thymus gland is based on.

The endocrine function includes not only the release of elements that affect the formation of T-lymphocytes, but also the creation of certain hormones that determine the interaction of the neuroendocrine and immune systems. At the same time, the thymus gland interacts with the adrenal glands, parathyroid, thyroid and sex glands, the pituitary gland, which determines the proper development and functioning of the body.

The fact that the thymus gland in an infant (thymomegaly) is enlarged can significantly affect its functions. Therefore, the reasons that cause the growth of the thymus are very important to medical science, so that in the future it would be possible to avoid the development of such a process or start observation and treatment in a timely manner.

Causes of thymomegaly

thymus gland in breast
thymus gland in breast

Scientists today do not fully understand why the thymus gland in infants can be enlarged. However, hypothetical causes of this pathological phenomenon have been babies. Doctors attributed several factors to them:

  1. Infectious diseases during pregnancy, including tuberculosis and syphilis.
  2. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and certain hazardous substances during pregnancy.
  3. Prematurity.
  4. Radiation exposure of the fetus.
  5. Complicated delivery.
  6. Having a genetic predisposition.
  7. Rhesus conflict.
  8. Rickets, allergies, malnutrition of the child.
  9. Infant transmission of infectious diseases.
  10. Surgical interventions.

In addition to the above reasons that can lead to thymomegaly, parents need to know the signs of this pathology, in which case they should consult a doctor.

How is it manifested that the thymus gland is enlarged in infants?

Symptoms of pathology

thymus enlarged in infants symptoms
thymus enlarged in infants symptoms

Parents can independently detect the first signs of the pathological process, which become evidence that their child has an enlarged thymus gland. These symptoms include:

  • abrupt change in baby's weight;
  • high birth weight;
  • too frequent cases of SARS;
  • cough that is not associated with infectious pathologies of the respiratory system and often occurs or increases at a time when the baby is in a horizontal position, for example, during sleep;
  • pallor, marbling of the skin;
  • increased lymphoid tissue;
  • bluish tint of the skin during crying or other stress;
  • appearance of a vascular network in the chest area of a child;
  • abnormal heart rate;
  • food allergies and other dermatitis (Atopic dermatitis is most common in the first year of life).

Lymphoid diathesis

enlarged thymus gland in infants how to stop coughing at night
enlarged thymus gland in infants how to stop coughing at night

The presence of these symptoms indicates the likelihood of such a pathological phenomenon as lymphoid diathesis, which is always accompanied by an increase in the growth of the thymus gland. However, they are not strict indicators of thymus pathologies. In any case, it is better to consult a pediatrician who will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures to find out the causes of the pathology.

When the thymus gland is enlarged in an infant, symptoms and treatment are interrelated.

Diagnosis of thymus diseases in infants

the thymus gland is enlarged in the baby what to do
the thymus gland is enlarged in the baby what to do

On examination, a specialist can visually determine only a pronounced increase in the thymus gland in a child, and also suspect this if the above symptoms are present. For the most accurate diagnosis, two main types of examination are carried out:

  1. X-ray with an assessment of the location of the shadow of the thymus and the determination of the CCT index. If the indicator of the latter does not exceed the value of 0.33, then it is considered that the thymus gland has a normal size. KKT from the upper limit of the norm to 0.40 isa sign of the first degree of an increase in the size of the thymus. An index value of more than 0.4 is the value of severe thymomegaly.
  2. Ultrasound of the thymus today is preferable to X-ray, which is due to the safety of this diagnostic procedure for infants and the possibility of monitoring the dynamics of size changes. Ultrasound assesses the mass and size of the thymus gland in accordance with the body weight of the baby and its age.

Only a pediatrician, immunologist or endocrinologist can make a diagnosis based on the results of the studies. The same specialists may later prescribe additional tests to study the immune status and other examinations, as well as prescribe treatment.

Thymomegaly classification

There are primary (congenital) and secondary (acquired) thymomegaly. In the congenital form of this pathology, the gland is formed correctly, but enlarged, and this is accompanied by a decrease in its secretory functions, dysfunction of the neuroendocrine system and hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue.

Enlargement of the gland can be functional (for example, with pneumonia, SARS and other diseases). In such cases, after recovery, the immuno-hormonal parameters and the size of the thymus return to normal.

Organic thymomegaly is also known, which is caused by a direct lesion of this organ.

So, the thymus gland is enlarged in a baby, what should I do?


enlarged thymus gland in infants symptoms and treatment
enlarged thymus gland in infants symptoms and treatment

Currently, the issues of managing infants with thymomegaly and the need for corrective treatment are not well developed. Nevertheless, it is generally accepted that with an insignificant increase in the thymus, special therapeutic measures are not required. At the same time, they recommend rational nutrition, breastfeeding, limiting stressful situations and contacts with people during infectious diseases.

The volume of drug treatment, when the thymus gland in an infant is enlarged, is determined by an immunologist who observes a child with thymomegaly. Every few months, sick children are shown taking biostimulants and adaptogens (pantocrine, ginseng, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis). For the purposes of immunocorrection, cattle thymus extract is used. Twice a year, up to 5-6 years of age, the baby is prescribed courses of inducers of glucocorticoid production (etimizol, ammonium glycyrrhizinate).

In case of stress, severe illness, and before surgery, infants with thymomegaly are prescribed glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, prednisolone).

A frequent symptom of pathology is a painful cough. It manifests itself especially during sleep.

If the thymus gland in a baby is enlarged, it is important to find out in advance how to stop coughing at night.

For this, medicines are prescribed that stop the cough reflex. They act on cough receptors, which are responsible for the development of this symptom, and with the help of such drugs, you can significantly alleviate the condition of the child inperiod of illness.


enlarged thymus gland in infants
enlarged thymus gland in infants

If the thymus gland in a baby is enlarged, is it possible to vaccinate?

While taking certain medications prescribed for the treatment of thymus enlargement, you should refuse to vaccinate. In this case, it is impossible to vaccinate a child, since an inflammatory process develops in the body and a decrease in immune defenses occurs, so the child can endure the vaccination very hard. He could have serious complications from being vaccinated at this time.

We looked at what to do when the thymus gland in the baby is enlarged. What it is is now clear.
