Nutrition after appendicitis surgery: menu, recipes list of products

Nutrition after appendicitis surgery: menu, recipes list of products
Nutrition after appendicitis surgery: menu, recipes list of products

Appendectomy is considered to be a fairly common operation faced by a large number of people. Removing the appendix is considered a fairly safe and uncomplicated procedure. But this does not mean that after an appendectomy, a person can lead the same lifestyle as before. It is very important to maintain proper nutrition after appendicitis surgery. The rate of recovery of the human body will depend on this. If the patient does not adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, then he may aggravate his situation and face unpleasant consequences.

Basic information

First of all, it is worth understanding what exactly happens to a person when a diagnosis of appendicitis is made. The appendix is a small process located in the caecum. If its severe inflammation occurs, then a similar phenomenon is called appendicitis. Not only adults, but also children face such a disease. There are many reasons why appendicitis can develop, so it is important to pay attention to pain symptoms in the peritoneal area and visit doctors in a timely manner.

Make up the menu
Make up the menu

It is worth paying attention to the fact that today there is no medical treatment for this disease. Therefore, the only possible way out is appendectomy. The inflamed process is carefully removed through a small incision. After that, the recovery process is quite fast. However, no matter how well a person feels after the procedure, it is very important to follow a special diet. You need to be especially attentive to food in the first days after the removal of appendicitis. It is important to listen to all the doctor's recommendations and follow them clearly.

Basic rules of diet in the postoperative period

Before considering nutrition after appendicitis surgery, here are some helpful tips:

  • Meals should be exclusively fractional. This means that food is taken at least 5-6 times a day. Portions should be small enough so that after breakfast, lunch and dinner the patient continues to experience mild hunger. If you heavily load the gastrointestinal tract, then this can lead to quite serious complications.
  • Boiled or steamed food is best.
  • When it comes to allowed products after an appendectomy, it is important to always check that they are fresh and have the right consistency. This means that even if it is allowed to eat vegetables or fruits, they must be grated and served in liquid form.
  • Introducing new foods to the menu after appendectomy should be done very carefully. Better serve new foodvery small portions. If there is discomfort or pain, then it is better to refuse new products.
  • Don't eat cold or hot food. This can lead to intestinal irritation and spasms. The temperature of the dish should be between 37-38 degrees.
  • S alt is allowed, but only in a very minimal amount. The permissible dose for an adult is not more than 8 g per day. However, if the patient can refuse s alt, then it is better to do so. The fact is that this seasoning provokes blood clots. Because of this, decay products linger in the human body much longer. As a result, the healing process is complicated.
  • A patient who has undergone an appendectomy should completely abstain from alcohol. Alcoholic products have a depressing effect on tissues, slowing down their regeneration.

What happens if you don't diet

If a person does not adhere to the rules of nutrition after appendicitis surgery, then he risks harming himself. First of all, if you do not give up bad habits, this will lead to a longer healing and recovery process. In addition, the wrong approach to your diet only provokes the rapid development of the bacterial environment.

natural juices
natural juices

In the postoperative period, gas formation, bloating, constipation and diarrhea are very dangerous. Accordingly, by using prohibited foods, a person only runs the risk of provoking serious complications, exacerbation of chronicpathologies and the development of new ailments. Therefore, in no case should you ignore the recommendations and instructions of a doctor.

How long does the diet last

Precisely determine the time frame during which a person must adhere to strict recommendations, only a doctor can. Also, a lot depends on the type of appendicitis, possible complications, as well as the method of performing the appendix removal procedure. Of course, the individual characteristics of the patient are also considered.

For example, if a laparoscopy was performed, the healing process is much faster. Therefore, the diet can last from several weeks to a month. In the case of more "clumsy" methods of surgery, more tissues are damaged. In this case, the diet lasts up to 2 months.

If we talk about the diet for the days after the removal of appendicitis, adult patients are recommended table number 0A. This means that you need to eat 7-8 times a day. Food should be predominantly in liquid form.

First day of the diet

When starting this diet, it is important to draw up a clear menu with the doctor and clarify with him the list of prohibited and permitted foods. After that, on the first day of the diet, you should start with strained compote. The next meal will consist only of sweet rosehip broth. After that, you can drink some weak tea with a little sugar. The second part of the day is distinguished by a richer menu. It is recommended to cook a hateful broth on lean meat. The next meal consists of boiled rice. You can't eat at night. It is best to drink strained jelly and after a while a littlejuice. However, it should be borne in mind that the latter must be diluted with water in a ratio of 50/50.

On the first day, you should be extremely careful when choosing food after appendicitis surgery. Do not eat stale food. Juices and jelly must be natural. It is important to avoid food and liquids that can cause gas. Therefore, you need to give up grape and vegetable juice.

Small compote
Small compote

The next few days of the diet, you must adhere to the table menu No. 0B. In this case, we are talking about six meals a day. One meal should not exceed 400 g.

2-3 days

In this case, you can start the day with liquid and pureed porridge (doctors recommend eating oatmeal, rice or buckwheat). You can cook it on the broth, which is previously recommended to be slightly diluted with water.

It is also allowed to eat slimy light soups on cereals, meat broths (you can add a little semolina). You can make an omelette or soft-boiled eggs. However, such dishes are only allowed if they are steamed only. Fried foods should be completely eliminated from the diet.

Also, the second and third day of nutrition after the removal of appendicitis in adults may include soufflés cooked from lean meat or fish. You can add a little cream to the dishes (but not more than 100 g per day). For dessert, treat yourself to berry jelly or mousse.

liquid food
liquid food

The next two days, the diet should correspond to table No. 0B. In this case, it isabout relatively rational, but still dietary nutrition.

Following days

On the fourth and fifth day you can cook light puree-type soups. You can also treat yourself to pureed cottage cheese with the addition of a small amount of milk or cream. A little steamed fish, chicken or minced meat is allowed. You can eat 100 g of white crackers (but without seasonings). You can drink fermented milk products.

Doctors allow cooking mashed potatoes without milk and butter. Potatoes can be replaced with pumpkin or zucchini. For dessert, bake apples or grate some fruit. In the evening, mono drink tea with milk.

This is where the nutrition on the so-called zero diet ends. After that, the doctor recommends sticking to table number 1. It also includes light meals and completely excludes fatty, s alty, smoked, spicy, hot, carbonated or too cold foods.

How to eat
How to eat

What foods can you eat

The list of permitted foods is enough to diversify your menu. For example, doctors are allowed to cook grated soups using a weak meat broth. Also, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina or rice porridge is added to liquid nutrition. If we talk about butter, then it should not be more than 5 g in soups. Starting from the 4th day, a little meat or fish can be added to liquid nutrition, but only in the form of minced meat.

Those who love chicken should be careful with this seemingly light meat. First, the fillet is prepared in the form of a soufflé, and onlyafter that, the creation of cutlets or dumplings is allowed. The same goes for fish. It must be passed through a meat grinder. If we talk about the type of fish, then it is better to give preference to low-fat varieties. It is recommended to choose cod, pollock or hake.

If you don’t feel like eating vegetables after removing your appendix, you can replace them with baby food.

Eggs are recommended to be consumed every day. They can be cooked soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet. As with other dishes, steaming is only possible.

Drinking pure milk is not worth it, as it can provoke flatulence. It is best to add it to cottage cheese or tea. The same goes for cream. They can be used to season soups a little, but drinking them is strictly prohibited.

If we talk about what fruits you can eat after removing appendicitis, then preference should be given to non-sour apples. However, when fresh, they can also cause bloating and diarrhea. Therefore, they must be baked or cooked on their basis as jelly. Only at the very end of the diet are doctors allowed to gradually switch to hard apples.

Eating an apple
Eating an apple

Which foods will have to be excluded

In the diet of a person who has undergone such an operation, in no case should contain legumes (peas, lentils, beans, etc.), as well as cabbage. These products not only provoke gas formation, but can even lead to quite severe intestinal colic.

Also, you can not eat hard sausages, you need to give up smoked meats. Mayonnaise, ketchup and various sauces are also excluded.

Mushrooms are very difficult to digest by the human body, so they should not be on the table, even if they are steamed.

Also have to completely exclude:

  • Baking (even if it's bread).
  • Canned food and lard.
  • Sweets (especially ice cream).
  • Junk food (never eat fast food).
  • Spices (even if not spicy).
  • Too fatty or s alty cheeses.
  • Pasta.
  • Sour berries or fruits.

If we talk about diet recipes after appendectomy, then, as a rule, all food is steamed. For example, consider the simplest liquid diet recommended by doctors.

Lots of legumes
Lots of legumes

Chicken broth

This simple dish requires some chicken fillet, onion, carrots and herbs. First, the chicken fillet is sent to the water. After that, you need to finely chop the onion and cut the carrot into cubes. All these components are also sent to the chicken. Next, you need to bring the broth to a boil and leave on low heat for another hour. Greens are added a few minutes before full readiness. The resulting liquid is decanted and cooled to 37-38 degrees, after which the delicious broth can be drunk.

Menu example

First of all, it is worth saying that the diet after the operation involves a gradual expansion of the diet. Thus, the body again gets used to a particular food and goes into the usual The first week is considered the most difficult, as the patient must keep himself within the limits. Most of the day he will be forced to be hungry. But if you follow your desires, you can harm the body.

On the first day, you can make the following schedule:

  • 8:00 - drink tea with a little sugar and liquid jelly (fruits will have to be thrown out). Drinking volume - 100 g.
  • 10:00 - no more than 180 g of compote is allowed, but only without adding fruit.
  • 12:00 - You can make a light chicken broth. Drink no more than 200 g.
  • 14:00 - for lunch, you can prepare 150 g of fruit jelly and drink it with the same amount of rosehip infusion.
  • 16:00 - only 200 g of tea is allowed (you can add a slice of lemon).
  • 18:00 - for dinner, you can cook a decoction of rice porridge (no more than 180 g), and treat yourself to fruit jelly for dessert.
  • 20:00 - nothing to eat. You can drink 200 g of rosehip infusion.

A little compote is allowed at night without pieces of fruit or berries.

However, this menu is an example. Each day of the diet should be compiled by an experienced specialist. Do not take risks and make your own menu. If a person has additional pathologies (for example, a stomach ulcer), then the diet is strictly revised. It is possible that the list of allowed products will be significantly reduced.
