The regulation of lipids in the body has a great impact on the life and functioning of the body. Therefore, in case of violation of fat metabolism, timely diagnosis and treatment is required. For the timely detection of failures in the body, you need to take into account the main indicators.
If you do not carry out competent, complex treatment, then various complications may arise. It is very important to know the causes of lipid metabolism disorders, as well as quite characteristic symptoms.
What is lipid metabolism
Before determining how exactly a violation of fat metabolism occurs and proceeds, you need to know what exactly it is. When fats enter the body, they are processed in the stomach. However, complete breakdown does not occur here due to the high acidity and lack of bile acids.

When they enter the duodenum, lipids undergo an emulsification process. This implies partial mixing with water. The pancreas synthesizes the enzyme lipase. It is he who acts on the molecules of fat, splitting them into glycerol and fatty acids.
As a result, these substances penetrate the intestinal wall, where the biosynthesis of lipids required by the human body takes place. Then they combine with proteins and, together with the blood flow, spread throughout the body. More active biosynthesis is observed in the liver and fatty layer.
There are several diseases associated with the deterioration of the metabolic process. These include a violation of protein-fat metabolism. This manifests itself in the form of intestinal diseases, deterioration of the functioning of the kidneys and liver, overexcitation, neurosis, gout and urolithiasis. There may also be obesity or, conversely, a sharp weight loss, an increase in cholesterol levels. When carbohydrate-fat metabolism is disturbed, diabetes appears.
Main classification
Each person can independently calculate the degree of obesity by body mass index, so that even before going to the doctor, at least approximately know their diagnosis. Violation of fat metabolism of the 1st degree is characterized by the fact that the weight is slightly higher than normal, and the waist loses its shape. Increasingly, the pressure rises, sweating increases. If you change your lifestyle in time and start treatment, then the extra pounds will quickly go away.
At the 2nd degree of violation of fat metabolism, the changes are already visible to the naked eye. It becomes very difficult to walk and exercise. There is severe shortness of breath. There is a chance of recovery, but it takes quite a long time.
When a violation of the 3rd degree occurs, the pathology is difficultamenable to therapy. The pressure is very high, diabetes develops, joints hurt, many other diseases appear. There is a strong irritability, depression, as well as complexes. It is important to identify the problem in a timely manner and visit a doctor for treatment.
Main reasons
A number of diseases are caused by a violation of fat metabolism. The most important of them should be called obesity and atherosclerosis. The accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Over time, they increase in size and can block the lumen of the vessel and interfere with normal blood circulation. If this results in poor blood flow in the arteries, then angina pectoris or myocardial infarction develops.

Among the causes of fat metabolism disorders, one can single out a hereditary factor, an unhe althy lifestyle, as well as a number of other pathological processes. Among the provoking factors it should be noted:
- single or multiple mutations of certain genes;
- atherosclerosis;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- tobacco smoking;
- abuse of fatty foods;
- diabetes;
- alcoholism;
- cirrhosis.
Very common hereditary disorders of fat metabolism, which are difficult to treat and occur for a long time. It is very important to determine the presence of a violation in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive treatment.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of disorders of fat metabolism in many waysassociated with diseases that arise from this cause. It is possible to detect an existing problem only after performing laboratory tests. Among the main signs, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- formation of fat deposits in the corners of the eyes;
- enlarged liver and spleen;
- weight gain;
- increased vascular tone;
- characteristic signs of neurosis, endocrine diseases, atherosclerosis.

In addition, nodular neoplasms containing cholesterol appear on the skin. They are localized on the feet, face, palms, chest, shoulders. All these manifestations are characteristic of an increase in fat levels. With a decrease in lipids, signs such as:
- weight loss;
- stratification of the nail plate;
- menstrual disorders in women;
- hair loss.
Regardless of the symptoms and causes of fat metabolism disorders, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination and therapy.
If there are signs of a violation of fat metabolism in the body, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis to detect pathology. Initially, you need to contact a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination and make a diagnosis, which will allow you to choose a treatment.
In the future, the patient will be redirected to a specialized specialist, namely a nutritionist, gastroenterologist, psychotherapist. If, in violation of fat metabolism, pathology of the thyroid gland, pancreas, as well asadrenal glands, then treatment should be done by an endocrinologist, and if there are signs of atherosclerosis, by a cardiologist.

To correctly diagnose, it is necessary to pass tests. Primary diagnosis is based on:
- studying medical history;
- taking an anamnesis;
- performing a physical examination;
- detailed survey of the patient.
Laboratory diagnostics in the presence of a lipid metabolism disorder necessarily includes:
- blood and urine test;
- biochemical blood test;
- immunological study;
- hormone test.
Instrumental diagnostics includes computed tomography, ultrasound, MRI and radiography. However, all these methods are prescribed only if there are suspicions about the development of complications.
Feature of treatment
Treatment of disorders of fat metabolism begins with the elimination of the main causes that provoked it. It is necessary to adjust the diet and diet, reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed.
Patients need to regulate the mode of rest and work, avoid stress or try to respond to them more calmly. In addition, it is recommended to play sports, as this will help to significantly increase energy consumption and add vigor.
If the problem is very serious, then a person simply cannot do without competent medical assistance. If pathological changes in the body have already appeared, the patientmust undergo a course of therapy. This may be treatment with hormonal drugs, taking thyroid drugs if thyroid function is impaired or insulin levels are elevated. For very serious violations, surgical intervention is indicated.
Drug therapy
Treatment of disorders of fat metabolism is often carried out with the help of medications. These should include:
- Lovastatin.
- Simvastatin.
- Pravastatin.
- Atorvastatin.
Lovastatin helps control cholesterol levels. The medicine is taken at 20 mg daily, immediately after dinner. "Simvastatin" is prescribed not only to normalize cholesterol levels. The initial dosage is 20 mg per day, but if necessary, it is doubled.

"Pravastatin" is an active substance that does not require transformations in the liver. This drug helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications. This remedy is prescribed at a dosage of 20-40 mg daily. It can be taken at any time, which greatly simplifies the treatment process.
The steroids "Oxadrolone" and "Methylandrostenediol" contribute to the growth of muscle mass, as well as reduce body fat. Medicines "Orthosen" and "Xenical" do not allow excess fats to be absorbed. In case of lipid metabolism disorders, treatment with medications should be started only after consulting a doctor.
Folk remedies
In violationfatty liver metabolism must be used folk remedies. Take 2 tsp. walnut leaves, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist for an hour. Filter, drink 0.5 tbsp. 4 times daily before meals.

Take 100 g of St. John's wort, immortelle, chamomile flowers, birch buds, transfer to a glass bowl, close tightly. Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture of 500 ml of boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes, filter and squeeze a little. Drink before bed. In the morning, drink the remaining infusion on an empty stomach with the addition of 1 tsp. honey. Drink a course every 5 years.
Take 350 g of garlic, grate. Then 200 g of the mass pour 200 ml of alcohol and put in a dark cool place. After 10 days, filter and squeeze. Drink the tincture after 3 days, starting first with 2 drops and gradually increasing them to 25. The duration of the course is 11 days.
Proper nutrition
If lipid metabolism is disturbed, you must follow a special diet. You need to eat often. The interval between meals is 2-3 hours. If the interval is longer, then the body will begin to store fat. Only light food will help normalize the metabolism.

Be sure to include fish in the diet, as it contains omega-3 fatty acids. They contribute to the production of enzymes that help break down fats and prevent their accumulation. You need to drink as much clean water as possible. It is recommended to do this 30 minutes before meals and an hour after it. should be excluded fromyour diet of unhe althy fats, starchy foods, as well as unhe althy foods.
Physical activity
In violation of fat metabolism in children and adults, sufficient physical activity is required, as it has a positive effect on metabolic processes. Therapeutic exercise:
- increases metabolism;
- increases the energy costs of the body;
- tonifies the nervous system.
Exercises are selected individually, taking into account the reasons that provoked a violation of metabolic processes. Initially, a person must adapt to moderately increasing loads. Special exercises, walking and self-massage are recommended.
Massage in violation of lipid metabolism is quite effective. It helps reduce body fat and stimulates blood circulation. It is recommended to have a session in the morning after breakfast or after lunch. With weakened abdominal muscles, shock techniques cannot be done.
If the patient's condition worsened during the session, then the procedure should be stopped. The intensity of massage movements is increased gradually. It is recommended to massage 1-2 times a week. A short rest is required before and after the procedure.
The effect increases when performing a massage in a steam room or bath. However, you must first consult a doctor. During treatment, it is recommended to follow a special diet. In case of severe obesity, when a person cannot lie on his stomach and suffers from shortness of breath, he should lie on his back, and under his head and kneesa roller is placed.
Initially massage the lower extremities. After that, rubbing, stroking, vibration techniques are used. They are alternated with kneading.
Chronic lipid metabolism disorder
To prevent the occurrence of chronic lipid disorders, you need to give up bad habits, as well as lead a he althy lifestyle and try to move more. Not everyone can notice the signs of a problem in a timely manner. Among the main signs of a violation, it is necessary to highlight the following:
- quick weight gain for no reason;
- weakening of tooth enamel;
- changing skin tone;
- inflammation of the oral cavity;
- fragile nails;
- shortness of breath;
- diarrhea or prolonged constipation.
In case of a chronic lipid metabolism disorder, it is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist who will select the right treatment.
Possible Complications
When a person notices lipid metabolism disorders in himself, he tries to eliminate the existing problem on his own and cleanse the body. This not only does not bring any result, but can also harm your he alth. A doctor's consultation is required.
The liver cannot cope with a large amount of fat, and as a result, cholesterol begins to accumulate in the body, which settles on the walls of blood vessels and provokes the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Among the main complications, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- atherosclerosis, which affects the vessels of the brain and heart;
- educationblood clots;
- stenosis of the vessel lumen;
- rupture of blood vessels.
Quite often Gierke's disease develops against this background. This congenital disease is often detected in infancy. It manifests itself in the form of stunting, protrusion of the abdomen and a decrease in blood sugar.
Forecast and prevention
The prognosis of lipid metabolism disorders largely depends on the characteristics of the course of the pathology. A similar problem is observed in various diseases. With a mild degree, the condition can be normalized by following a special diet, as well as physiotherapy exercises. For complex stages, surgery may be required.
To prevent the occurrence of a violation, it is imperative to take certain preventive measures. Among the main recommendations to consider are:
- leading a he althy lifestyle;
- prevent obesity;
- balanced and proper nutrition;
- exclusion of emotional overstrain;
- timely fight against arterial hypertension.
In addition, you need to undergo a full medical examination at the first signs of a problem. This will eliminate the disease as quickly as possible and prevent the occurrence of even greater disorders.