Carpal tunnel syndrome is a pathology that is associated with a change in the structure of the carpal tunnel (the disease is also called carpal tunnel syndrome) and damage to the median nerve. Of course, the disease brings a lot of inconvenience to a person's life. Nevertheless, modern medicine offers quite effective methods of dealing with the disease.
What disorders are associated with carpal tunnel syndrome? The main causes of the disease

Disappointing statistics indicate that over the past few years, cases of this disease have increased significantly. That is why many people are very actively interested in information about what carpal tunnel syndrome is, the symptoms, and its treatment.
As mentioned above, the disorder is associated with gradual compression of the median nerve, which leads to discomfort and pain. In fact, the reasons for the change in the normal structure of the carpal tunnel can be different: inflammation of the joints, and constant swelling. Nevertheless, this syndrome is considered to be to some extent an occupational disease. For example,much more often, people who, by virtue of their profession, are forced to strain their wrists all the time or perform monotonous work, suffer from an illness. Yes, median nerve compression is much more common among pianists, computer workers, chauffeurs, packers.
However, there are some other risk groups, these include patients with arthritis and rheumatism, diabetes, acromegaly, thyroid lesions. Much less often, carpal tunnel syndrome develops during pregnancy, as women "in position" often suffer from swelling. In any case, patients need specialist help.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Symptoms

This disease develops gradually, sometimes over many years. As a rule, at the initial stages, patients complain of numbness of the fingers, which worries in the morning, but disappears rather quickly. As the disease progresses, numbness becomes an increasingly frequent companion of a person, only burning and tingling in the fingers also join it. In more severe cases, burning and numbness extends to the elbow. Sometimes the discomfort becomes so severe that patients wake up at night. Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome complain of a change or loss of sensation. Often a person is not able to hold small objects in his hand, such as a needle or pen.
Carpal tunnel syndrome: how to treat?

In fact, this disease does not threaten human life. However, if left untreated, the median nerve is severely damaged, causing the hand to no longer function.
As for therapy, it depends on the severity of the disease. For example, in the initial stages, the doctor may recommend regular therapeutic exercises, even during work it is necessary to take breaks to stretch the fingers and wrists, this will increase blood flow and relieve soreness. In some cases, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory and painkillers. At night, special splints can be placed on the wrists, which keep the joints in an extended state and relieve pressure from the median nerves. With swelling, diuretics and a specially selected diet are used. Surgery for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome is required only as a last resort, when there is a high probability of severe damage to the nerve fibers.