Today, streptococcal infection in a child is a fairly common and common disease, but not all adults understand what it is connected with and how to deal with it. In this article, we will consider the causes, symptoms, and methods of treating this pathology in children of different ages.
Streptococcal infection in a child: what is the disease?
In fact, there are many ailments belonging to this category, and all of them are caused by streptococci, but at the same time, microorganisms have different types (strains). Consider the most common of them:
- Diseases caused by group A streptococci include diseases of the throat, skin, as well as pneumonia and puerperal sepsis. Such diseases give the body serious complications in the form of autoimmune pathology (rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, etc.);
- Diseases caused by group B streptococci occur in both newborns and adults. Children develop meningitis and sepsis, but adultspopulations genitourinary ailments, diabetic ulcers, abdominal abscesses and arthritis.

Streptococcal infection in a child is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through dirty unwashed hands and through damaged skin. In newborns, bacteria can be transmitted through an unhealed umbilical wound.
Symptoms of disease
It is very important to navigate the symptoms that occur when streptococci multiply in the body, because such infections are very common in babies. The incubation period lasts about three to four days. The first symptoms occur 72-96 hours after infection. It becomes very difficult for the child to swallow, while the body temperature rises. Tonsils increase in size, and a purulent plaque may form on them. Lymph nodes become inflamed and become sharply painful.
It is very important to identify the causative agent of the disease in time, because with untimely or improper treatment, very serious complications can develop.
Usually, the disease makes itself felt with the following symptoms:
- The first thing that will bother the baby is weakness throughout the body, a headache.
- Further body temperature rises.
- A rash may be noticed a few hours after the onset of the fever. The rash first appears on the arms and legs, and then moves to other parts of the body.
- Usually, the maximum amount of rash appears on the third day of illness. Rashes will decrease only afterweek. This is how a streptococcal infection makes itself felt.
A child may have immunity against streptococcus. In this case, scarlet fever does not develop, and the baby suffers from the usual streptococcal tonsillitis.

When the skin is affected by streptococci, edema and hyperemia occur. In some cases, blisters appear on the skin and hemorrhage occurs.
Manifestations of infection in newborns
Bacteria can attack the body of even such a small child. In this case, the disease often occurs in the first hours of a baby's life. Usually the disease begins to progress according to the principle of acute sepsis. There are foci of hemorrhage on the skin and mucous membranes. Body temperature rises sharply, breathing becomes difficult, apnea attacks are possible. The spleen and liver are enlarged.
Types of streptococci
Streptococcal infection in children, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is a disease caused by gram-positive bacteria streptococci. Bacteria reach a diameter of up to 1 micron. Usually they have the shape of an oval or a ball, arranged in pairs and chains. To date, the group of streptococci includes 21 representatives. They are designated by the letters of the English alphabet. Most often, group A bacteria are found in an adult, while groups D, C, B are found in a newborn baby.
Having settled in the human body, bacteria begin to produce various toxic substances in it. The most dangerous of them is exotoxin. Heleads to significant tissue damage throughout the body and dramatically reduces immunity.
Streptococci can retain their properties even at low and high temperatures. But they can be destroyed through the use of special antibiotics. Bacteria exist in the environment for a long time, being on different objects, as well as in pus and sputum.
Diagnostic Methods
Streptococcal infection in children on the skin, as well as in the throat, must be confirmed by special methods, and only then can treatment be started. Thanks to bacteriological studies, specialists will be able to identify the pathogen and determine which group it belongs to. It is very important to do an antibiotic susceptibility test. Today, there are a huge number of bacteria that are resistant to some types of antibiotics.

Streptococcal infection in children on the skin is very easy to determine if it is caused by group A bacteria. Express diagnosis can be done in just twenty minutes. However, even if the tests showed that streptococci are present in the child's body, this will not be evidence that they caused the disease. In fact, the baby can be a carrier, and at the same time, the disease can be triggered by other bacteria or viruses.
Streptococcal throat infection in children: symptoms and causes of development
As you know, a small amount of streptococci is found in the oral cavity of every he althy person. However, according toFor some reason, their number begins to increase, and this leads to the development of serious diseases.
If streptococci affect the throat, then this can be seen by the following symptoms:
- throat starts reddening and child complains of severe pain;
- body temperature rises rapidly (up to forty degrees Celsius);
- at the same time, the tonsils become inflamed, and you can see a white coating on them;
- a large number of red dots appear on the sky;
- child complains of headache, muscle weakness and fatigue;
- often a rash appears all over the body.

Causes of streptococcal infection in the body
Streptococcal infection in children, the symptoms and treatment of which you can read in this article, most often occurs due to a weakening of the local or general immunity of the baby's body. However, besides this, there are also other factors that provoke the development of such a pathology:
- sometimes streptococci begin their vigorous activity after severe hypothermia;
- immunity can be weakened by the presence of other viral diseases in the body;
- another reason is the presence of stomatitis and other infections in the oral cavity;
- disease can occur against the background of dental diseases;
- streptococcal infections begin to progress in the presence of various diseases of the nasal cavity.
However, there is also a huge numberother reasons that may contribute to the development of streptococcal infection in the child's body. The doctor will be able to identify probable risk factors after examining a small patient.
Streptococcal infection of the skin
Streptococcal infection in children on the skin (photo can be seen in this article) most often manifests itself in the form of erysipelas. Usually, the infection is acute in nature, while blood and skin lymphatic vessels are involved in the process. Most often, this disease affects young children. Often, the infection appears on the skin of the face. Not surprising, because this part of the body is closest to the respiratory tract, in which the largest number of harmful microorganisms accumulate. Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin can also occur as a result of infection of surgical wounds or against the background of fungal skin lesions on absolutely any part of the body.

Streptococcal skin infection in children, the treatment of which will be described below, develops very quickly. Initially, the affected area begins to itch and itch. Then the child develops weakness, headaches are noted. After that, an inflammatory process occurs on the skin. The affected area of the skin becomes very hot to the touch and acquires a red tint. At the same time, the boundaries of the inflamed skin are fuzzy. Bubbles may form on the affected area, which will burst and crust over time.
It is worth considering that the symptoms of a streptococcal infection in a childvery bright, and it is quite difficult not to notice the disease. Rashes are often accompanied by fever and general malaise. To get rid of the disease as quickly as possible, it is very important to see a doctor in a timely manner.
How to treat?
Streptococcal throat infection in children is treated on an outpatient and inpatient basis. In this case, the method of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as on the degree of neglect of the disease. The main method of therapy is the use of antibiotics that are effective against streptococcus. With the help of such therapy, it is possible to eliminate the bacteria that attack the throat, as well as to eliminate inflammatory processes in it.
Treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out both in adults and in children of different ages. Usually, specialists prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to small patients. These drugs include penicillins and cephalosporins. Such substances are contained in such preparations as Fromilid, Penicillin, Augmentin, Macropen, Sumamed and many others. In this case, antibiotics can have different forms of release. These can be suspensions for children, injection ampoules, or capsules and tablets for internal use. The choice of a specific drug will depend on the identified causative agent of the disease, drug resistance, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathology. It is forbidden to use antibiotics without consulting a doctor! This threatens the development of adverse reactions and serious complications.

Streptococcal throat infections in children treated with antibiotics can lead to other he alth problems. For example, taking antibiotic drugs will always be accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora. Doctors strongly recommend taking probiotics during the course of treatment, which will protect and restore intestinal microflora. This should be especially taken into account in the treatment of young children in whom the intestinal microflora has not yet fully formed. Quite often, for this, doctors recommend taking drugs such as Linex, Laktovit, Bifiform, and many others.
Skin treatment
The severity of rashes in a child and an adult can be different, and the choice of the method of therapy is primarily determined by the severity of the patient's condition. Do not hope that the disease will go away on its own, and the skin will not suffer. No, this will not happen. Be sure to consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear. Once diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately.
In order for the inflamed skin to itch less, you need to sprinkle it with talc or powder containing zinc oxide. Lubrication of the affected areas with white clay is practiced. But the maximum therapeutic effect can only be achieved using special ointments. All of them contain antibacterial components. It is important to remember that the skin of babies should not be treated with products containing alcohol. For children, special ointments have been developed that simultaneously removeinflammation, eliminate itching, and also have an antibacterial effect.
Preventive measures
Vaccination against streptococcal infection in children is the most effective way to prevent the development of the disease. Streptococcus vaccination is not included in the vaccination calendar. However, such a vaccination is recommended for children with immunodeficiency who have reached the age of two. Babies suffering from diseases of the kidneys and spleen should also be vaccinated.

A very important preventive method is to increase the child's immunity. How to do it?
- Be sure to control your diet.
- Don't forget about hardening.
- Make time for sports and outdoor play.
- Keep your child away from contact with already infected children. Streptococcal infections are transmitted by airborne droplets and household contact.
- Always dress your child for the weather. It is very important not to get too cold, as this condition can lead to the development of a streptococcal infection.
- Be sure to treat other diseases present in the baby's body. It doesn't really matter what nature they are. Any chronic pathology reduces immunity.
Be he althy and take care of yourself. Remember: a streptococcal infection that has settled in the body is not a sentence. With timely diagnosis and treatment, you can get rid of the disease and avoid the development of complications.