Elbow bursitis: home treatment with folk remedies and drugs

Elbow bursitis: home treatment with folk remedies and drugs
Elbow bursitis: home treatment with folk remedies and drugs

In the article, we will consider the treatment of ulnar bursitis at home. This is a disease that occurs during the development of the inflammatory process in the synovial bag. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the patient does not feel discomfort and any other symptoms. Over time, bursitis develops and, in the absence of adequate therapy, can provoke a patient's complete disability.

elbow bursitis symptoms and treatment
elbow bursitis symptoms and treatment

Description of the disease

Elbow bursitis (ICD-10 - M70.2 and M70.3.) is often found in clinical practice. The disease has a special mechanism of progression. The joint capsule is a specific cavity filled with synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant for the joints. Also, the synovial fluid plays a protective role for the bones, if there is any negative impact.

In the inflammatory process, the volumethe synovial fluid in the joint bag increases significantly. Over time, its characteristics and properties change. The patient begins to feel pain in the elbow, and the surrounding tissues gradually swell.

In running form

If the bursitis has a neglected form, then the articular bag increases significantly in size. In the case when bursitis develops under the influence of an infectious agent, the onset of the process of suppuration is not excluded. Such a process can have the most unpredictable consequences. If the pathological condition is of a protracted nature, adhesions and some other associated ailments begin to appear.

A feature of the elbow joint is that it is not protected by muscles or fatty tissue. In this regard, the impact of any nature can provoke the development of bursitis. In the elbow part there are three articular bags. Statistics report that the disease begins to develop in the bag, which is located at the elbow end.

Treatment of ulnar bursitis at home should only be done under medical supervision.

ulnar bursitis which doctor to contact
ulnar bursitis which doctor to contact

Causes of bursitis in the elbow joint

In the treatment of bursitis of the elbow joint, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the main factor, as a result of which the pathology was formed. The most common causes of bursitis are:

  1. Presence of viral and bacterial agents in the patient's body. In cases where the weak point of the bodyit turns out that the elbow joint, pathogenic microflora within a short period of time causes the development of a purulent lesion in it.
  2. Processes of inflammation in the joint. Gout, arthritis and some other articular pathologies can lead to inhibition of the mobility of the upper limb as a whole. It is not excluded the occurrence of ruptures of the bag and filling it with lymph.
  3. Traumatic injury to any part of the elbow. In this case, the reaction to injury may be delayed. Therefore, the root cause may not be set correctly.
  4. Also, the cause of bursitis of the elbow joint is the constant load on the upper limbs, the systematic arrangement of the hands in the same position. Athletes and office staff are at risk.

Also, bursitis can develop as a result of a variety of autoimmune diseases, specific diseases and intoxication. Experts often note that pathology develops under the influence of several factors at once. It is this feature of bursitis that makes it difficult not only to diagnose, but also to treat it.

Symptoms and treatment of elbow bursitis will be discussed below.

Varieties of bursitis

The disease can be in chronic and acute form. The acute form of bursitis develops unexpectedly if the elbow joint is exposed to infection or mechanical damage. Symptoms of the disease are pronounced and require immediate medical attention. Chronic bursitis is characterized by a relapsing course. Joint mobility is not impaired, but studies allowidentify the presence of a dense formation in the elbow.

Therapy for ulnar bursitis should be given very quickly. Otherwise, infection of the serous fluid may occur, and such a condition can threaten the patient's life.

Classification by liquid type

In addition, bursitis is usually classified according to the type of fluid that accumulates in the joint bag.

  1. Purulent form of bursitis. In this case, the infection of the synovial fluid is accompanied by the addition of pathogenic microflora.
  2. Hemorrhagic form of bursitis. The content of the bag contains a blood component secreted from other tissues and joints.
  3. Serous form.

The most dangerous and complex form of bursitis is purulent. With this form of the disease, therapy involves immediate surgical intervention.

Symptoms and treatment of elbow bursitis are interrelated.

bursitis disease of the elbow
bursitis disease of the elbow

Symptoms of bursitis

When ulnar bursitis symptoms can develop the most diverse, it depends on the form of the disease. Serous and hemorrhagic bursitis is accompanied by minor pain. The skin in the affected area has an elevated temperature, there is a slight swelling. Elbow movements are limited. In some cases, a protrusion appears, which has a spherical shape. At the same time, the general condition of the patient remains normal.

If ulnar bursitis has a chronic course, the patient feels moderatepain and discomfort. The mobility of the hand is preserved almost in full. However, the continued effect of the irritating factor causes the structure of the formation to thicken.

Purulent bursitis

Symptomatic of purulent bursitis is the most pronounced in comparison with other forms. Severe pain is characteristic. Its intensity depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. To the touch, the elbow is hot, the skin swells, movements are severely limited. In addition, purulent bursitis is characterized by signs of severe intoxication. The patient has a high temperature, weakness and a feeling of weakness.

How to identify the disease of elbow bursitis?

Diagnosis of ulnar bursitis

It is possible to determine the nature of the impact of bursitis and prescribe therapy only after certain diagnostic measures have been taken. The diagnosis of the disease should be carried out by a traumatologist or orthopedist, who first collects an anamnesis and visually assesses the patient's condition. Advanced situations may require some research.

antibiotics for elbow bursitis
antibiotics for elbow bursitis
  1. X-ray examination. Allows you to identify the presence of the inflammatory process and determine the area of its localization.
  2. Ultrasound. Allows you to specify the location and size of the affected areas of tissue. With the help of ultrasound, the volume of exudate is also determined.
  3. MRI. It is prescribed to the patient only in the most extreme cases, ifthe doctor assumes the possibility of complete removal of the bag of the joint.

How is elbow bursitis treated at home?


The treatment of ulnar bursitis, regardless of its form, is the same in all cases:

  1. If an inflammatory process in the elbow is detected or if the pathology is suspected to be bursitis, an elastic and tight bandage should be applied immediately. It will reduce motor activity and thus provide rest to the joint.
  2. Reducing the severity of pain will allow alternately applying a hot and cold compress.
  3. In order to avoid the progression of the pathology, traumatologists advise to ensure complete rest for the affected elbow.
  4. Increasing stress on the joint as it recovers should be slow and gradual.

Which doctor should I see for elbow bursitis?

After a superficial examination of the victim, familiarization with the medical history, the therapist refers the patient to a specialist. These specialists are:

  • traumatologists;
  • orthopedists;
  • surgeons;
  • rheumatologists;
  • arthrologists.

Doctors have a certain specialization, they will help in the treatment of elbow bursitis.

elbow bursitis causes
elbow bursitis causes

Drug therapy

Treatment of elbow bursitis should always begin with fixation of the elbow joint with an elastic bandage. For severe pain, doctors recommend taking anti-inflammatory drugs.medicines. To date, the most popular of them are drugs based on ibuprofen.

When bursitis in the acute stage, it is necessary to use glucocorticosteroid injections or ointments. Hydrocortisone in their composition is able to quickly stop the symptoms of inflammation, reduce the amount of synovial fluid in the joint bag.

The most commonly used antibiotics for elbow bursitis are:

  • "Cefalothin";
  • Oxacillin;
  • Clindamycin.

In case of a non-specific disease, antibiotics are used that purposefully act on pathogenic microflora and sulfa drugs.

If there is a suspicion of infection, the patient is shown aspiration. Such a procedure can be not only therapeutic, but also diagnostic. Pain in the joint is relieved by the fact that the doctor reduces the amount of fluid in the bag during aspiration. After the procedure, the resulting liquid is sent for laboratory testing. Taking into account the results of bacteriological tests, antibiotic preparations can be prescribed to the patient. The use of antibiotics is allowed only if the bursitis is hemorrhagic or serous, and is strictly contraindicated if the bursitis is purulent.


One of the most effective drugs for the treatment of inflammation in the ulnar synovial bag is Dimexide, which is used for compresses. The drug must first be diluted withusing boiled water in a ratio of 1:4, and then apply on a gauze bandage and attach to the damaged elbow for half an hour. The drug is able to draw out pus and prevent its appearance.

The most popular and effective ointments for elbow bursitis are:

  1. Indomethacin.
  2. Diclofenac.
  3. Voltaren.
  4. "Traumeel S".

In cases where the process of inflammation develops as a result of professional activity, experts recommend that the patient think about changing jobs. Each case of therapeutic exposure for bursitis should be completed with a course of physiotherapeutic procedures. This will prevent recurrence of the disease.

Also, in the treatment of ulnar bursitis at home, folk remedies are used.

ulnar bursitis mcb 10
ulnar bursitis mcb 10

Therapy with folk remedies

An alternative treatment for bursitis is the use of leeches. They should be placed slightly above or below the elbow joint. Hirudotherapy allows you to accelerate the movement of blood in the affected area, reduce stagnation and tissue ischemia.

The leech affects the inflammatory process with several active substances, one of which effectively fights the formation of blood clots, blood clots that can appear in the affected area.

Compresses for elbow bursitis are very effective.

May use some mixtures prepared according to folk recipes. They are applied to a bandage and a compress is made on the affected area. However, expertsreport that with bursitis, the use of agents with a warming effect is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to use exclusively non-aggressive agents:

  1. Burdock root. It must be prepared in the off-season, when the green part has not yet appeared. For therapy, a decoction should be prepared from a pre-ground root. You should take a tablespoon of burdock root, pour it with very hot water in the amount of one glass. It should be taken three times a day, 150 ml of decoction. These proportions of ingredients are used to prepare the composition for the compress.
  2. Cabbage leaf. It is necessary to take a soft leaf of white cabbage and lightly beat it with a meat hammer. Juice from a broken leaf stands out more actively. Next, the sheet is applied to the affected area and fixed with an elastic bandage, which, together with the sheet, is left overnight. The course of therapy using cabbage leaves should be at least 25 procedures. This method has an advantage over other means - it is allowed to use a cabbage leaf for bursitis in a purulent form.

Quite often, in the folk treatment of ulnar bursitis, a cake is used, in which onions and honey are added. To prepare it, take the juice of one onion, mix it with honey in the amount of two tablespoons. Add enough flour to make the dough thick. A small amount of alcohol is added to the prepared mixture. The dough obtained in this way must be applied to the sore elbow, fixed with an elastic bandage, tied with a woolen product and left fornight.

ointments for elbow bursitis
ointments for elbow bursitis

Surgical methods for the treatment of ulnar bursitis

If drug therapy is ineffective, specialists resort to surgical treatment. Surgical methods are effective even in the presence of complications. When performing a manipulation, the surgeon removes part of the wall of the articular bag or excised the bursa. If there is a purulent discharge, it is not excluded the need to open the affected area in order to treat it with an iodine solution.

Following the surgical intervention, drug therapy should be prescribed. It involves the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Currently, surgeons use a laser to open the bag of the joint.

Prevention of bursitis

Methods for preventing ulnar bursitis are quite simple. It is imperative to treat wounds and injuries of the joint, to act in a complex way in case of any manifestations of inflammation. In cases where labor activity is associated with frequent trauma to the elbow, it is recommended to use special protective bandages.
