Very often a rash appears on the tongue of a child and an adult. Definitely, this is a manifestation of some kind of disease. Why does a rash appear on the tongue or body and how to treat it? Read about it in the article.
What does a normal tongue look like?
Whenever a person comes to see a doctor, he will be required to show his tongue during the examination. Few of the patients wonder why this is necessary. So, this is really a mandatory procedure. According to the state of the tongue, the doctor may notice the onset of a disease.

Normal tongue is always moist and pink in color. It looks velvety in appearance. Necessarily covered with a thin layer of white plaque. With its help, sounds are formed and the taste of those foods that a person eats is determined. There are ten thousand receptors on the tongue. With their help, the tongue recognizes sweet, bitter, s alty, sour. The tongue is the most flexible muscle in the body.
How to identify the disease by the location of the rash?
Depending on the location of the rashes, it is possible to determine the background of what diseases they appeared. This is very important for making a correct diagnosis. The rash may appear on the following partslanguage:
A rash on the tongue of an adult and a child, at its very tip, is a sign of glossitis. First, small bumps form, which later become white pimples. This is a very painful process, accompanied by discomfort when eating. Chinese healers believe that the appearance of a red rash in this area of the tongue indicates a disease of the heart and blood vessels. Perhaps the disease has not yet manifested itself, but is already developing

- At the base of the tongue - a rash is typical for a disease such as stomatitis. Rashes in the form of small pimples of white, bright red or pink color. During eating, especially when swallowing food, there is a burning sensation and severe pain. A white rash indicates thrush. Red dots often appear in this area of the tongue. An unpleasant odor comes from the mouth. The cause may be a disease of the stomach or mouth.
- Under the tongue - the cause of the rash is glossitis. Accompanied by high fever, swelling of the lymph nodes and tonsils. Localization of the rash under the jaw may be a consequence of diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis. A rash under the tongue is a harbinger of salivary gland disease.
- On the sides of the tongue - stomatitis, the occurrence of which is associated with improper oral care or the use of unwashed foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
How to identify the disease by the color of the rash?
It is very difficult to know with accuracy whether there is a pathology or not by the place of the rash. More aboutthe color of the rash can tell:
- The rash is white, sometimes with a yellow tint - a sign of stomatitis or thrush. In the case of the first disease, pimples appear on the tongue, and with thrush - a white coating.
- Rash red can have different shades of this range and manifest itself as a result of allergies, herpes and burns.
- Black rash appears as a result of injuries or hemorrhage of blood vessels during injuries.
Causes of rashes on the tongue
The rash is caused by infectious diseases. A rash on the tongue in a child and an adult violates the usual course of life: there is discomfort in the mouth, discomfort and pain while eating. A rash is a sign of diseases such as:
- Allergy.
- Angina.
- Flu.
- Enterovirus infection.
- Stomatitis.
- Candidiasis.
- Herpes.
- Glossy.
- Scarlet fever.
- Diseases of a hereditary nature.
- Vitamin deficiency.
- Microbial infection of the oral mucosa.
A rash that appears on the tongue is the beginning of some kind of disease. You need to see a doctor, he will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Causes of rashes on the body and tongue in infants
The appearance of a rash in newborns is the development of some kind of disease. In childhood, many of them go away on their own. Causes of a rash may include:

- Postpartum adaptation of the newborn to the new environment. In thatperiod, the child's body is completely rebuilt, and this can cause a rash.
- Often, babies have white small pimples. It could be thrush or mom's allergy to flowering plants.
- Rash caused by a viral disease, herpes, chicken pox. This often happens when hygiene rules for caring for a baby are not followed: they rarely bathe him, put on stale clothes made of artificial fabrics.
- The appearance of white pimples on the face occurs because the baby's skin sebaceous glands have not yet formed. You don't need to do anything, everything will pass in a month and a half.
- The rash appears due to a violation of the feeding regimen of the baby and the associated stress of his small body.
- In some cases, a rash cannot be avoided during the period when teeth erupt. This process is accompanied by profuse salivation, as a result of which a rash appears.
- The cause of the rash is prickly heat, especially if the child was born in the summer. The baby is hot, he sweats a lot, hence the rash.
There are many reasons why a rash appears on the body and tongue of babies. A mother, preparing for the arrival of a child, should study a lot of information on caring for him in order to help the baby if necessary.
Manifestations of allergies on the child's tongue and body
Allergens of any origin affect the digestive and respiratory organs. Language is their integral part. Therefore, allergic manifestations will first of all be noticed in the tongue. Often no attention is paid to this in the hope that everything will pass by itself. itwrong and dangerous to he alth. In the case of allergies, a rash on the tongue can lead to swelling.

A sign of allergy is a small rash on the child's tongue. It can cover any part of the body. The rashes are painless, often accompanied by itching. A situation is considered dangerous when urticaria appears on the face, and Quincke's edema appears in the oral cavity, the lips and tongue increase in size, and the breathing process is disturbed. A rash on the tongue of a child, the causes of which are the effects on the body of irritants of various origins, must be treated.
Candidiasis in a child
If a child has white spots in his mouth, it's thrush. It manifests itself as a whitish-gray plaque on the mucous membrane, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

The child painfully endures this condition, eats and drinks badly. It is especially difficult to cope with this disease if it occurs in a baby.
Candidosis treatment
Thrush often resolves on its own without special treatment. After a week, the rash on the tongue and the curd on the mucous membrane will disappear, the child's oral cavity will be clean. In case of high fever and severe pain, the child is treated by a doctor. Usually prescribed treatment is paracetamol, ibuprofen, methylene blue, antifungal solutions, anesthetic gels.
Stomatitis in a child
Whether stomatitis appears or not depends on immunity. If the protective functions of the body are high, the diseaseproceeds much easier, in many cases asymptomatically. Most often, infants suffer from stomatitis. This is because their immunity is just beginning to form, it is difficult for babies to resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
Stomatitis is a viral disease. Its causative agents are herpes, rubella, chicken pox, SARS, measles. A manifestation of stomatitis in a child is a rash on the tongue and oral mucosa. In most cases, these are small blisters, like with chickenpox. When they burst, painful erosions form, lymph nodes increase, dry mouth appears, which are signs of dehydration. With these symptoms, the child needs medical treatment.
Treatment of stomatitis regardless of origin
If a rash appears and the disease is severe, medication is prescribed. If stomatitis is caused by herpes, the doctor prescribes Acyclovir tablets, ointments and gels. To wipe the baby's tongue and gums, solutions of herbs such as chamomile, sage are used. Older children can be treated with solutions prepared in the pharmacy.
Rash in infectious diseases
A rash on the tongue and body of a child appears with a disease such as chicken pox. It rarely occurs on an isolated area of the skin, more often on its entire surface.

When diagnosed with scarlet fever, the entire tongue is covered with a white coating. After two or three days, it clears up and acquires a brightCrimson. Chronic pharyngitis is accompanied by the formation of cone-shaped spots on the tongue. They are painless, but often disrupt diction.
Herpetic manifestations on the tongue
Herpes is an infectious disease in which a rash appears on the tongue and lips. Accompanied by the defeat of the tongue blisters, which contain a clear liquid. The blisters burst and ulcers form. At the same time, the temperature rises, weakness and irritability appear.
Causes of stomatitis in an adult
This disease in adults is called catarrhal glossitis. Often there is a rash on the tongue in an adult. The photo clearly demonstrates this. The cause of the disease lies in a bacterial or viral infection. It can be measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever, worms, diseases of the digestive organs and much more. This is how a rash appears on the tongue of an adult. The causes of the disease are as follows:

- Inadequate oral hygiene and dental care. The presence of dental diseases - caries, periodontitis and others.
- Stomatitis in adults is not only a separate disease, but a whole complex of other ailments that give complications.
- Frequently occurring stomatitis is a sign of the presence of worms in adults. Parasitic organisms may not declare themselves for a long time. Gradually, the body begins to function according to their needs. Other symptoms will appear: pain in the joints, head, intestines, upset stool and others.
- Persistent stomatitis is the result of permanentmechanical injuries from dentures, braces, tartar, seed or nut shells. More often, sores form on the side of the tongue.
- Tongue stomatitis is caused by smoking and alcohol.
- Glossitis appears due to viral diseases: herpes, chickenpox, influenza, measles and others.
- Allergic reaction to irritants of various origins: flowering plants, food, medicines and others.