Folliculitis is a pustular infectious disease. Such a pathological process is provoked by bacterial, viral or fungal agents. It occurs on the outside of the head in the hair follicle, sometimes it can penetrate much deeper. The disease is more typical for the male sex, in rare cases it occurs in children and women. When it gets inside the scalp, the disease becomes chronic. What is scalp folliculitis, treatment of this disease, diagnosis, symptoms and prevention is the topic of this article.
What is this disease?
Folliculitis is a purulent-inflammatory disease that manifests itself in the hair follicle. The disease is difficult, formations in the form of medium-sized red-pink blisters turn into an abscess with a yellow-green liquid in a few days. Upon contact with them, a person experiences pain. The pain on the surface of the head is cutting and continuous.

Folliculitis hairypart of the head is typical for southern countries with a hot and humid climate, which contributes to the development of infections. Also, similar inflammatory processes occur in people living in unsanitary conditions.
Disease development
A diseased follicle is shaped like a ball containing pus. Such a formation affects not only the bulb, but also the adjacent sebaceous glands. Scalp folliculitis occurs in several stages:
- Development.
- Height.
- Transition stage.
- Stage of rest.
This skin disease is characterized by both superficial and internal lesions. According to statistics, internal inflammation is most often diagnosed.

What contributes to the development of the disease?
The cause of the development of a disease such as scalp folliculitis, the photo of which you see above, can be, for example:
- Poor personal hygiene, scalp contamination.
- Incorrectly or untimely applied tight airtight bandage, which is used for wounds on the head.
- Climatic conditions (high ambient temperature).
- Using various drugs.
- Injury to the scalp.
- Use synthetic quality tight hats.
- Diseases (diabetes mellitus, liver dysfunction) and malnutrition.
The likelihood of infection entering the follicle increases in the presence ofitchy dermatoses, minor microtraumas or lesions on the scalp.

Disease types
Any bacterium or fungus can provoke the development of the disease. Scalp folliculitis has various forms, each with its own symptoms and treatment:
- Staphylococcal.
- Hoffmann's folliculitis.
- Decalculating.
- Candidiasis.
- Herpetic.
- Syphilitic.
- Parasitic.
Staphylococcal folliculitis. The causative agent is a bacterium, manifests itself externally and internally. Such a disease can occur in men when shaving their heads baldly, as small scratches contribute to the entry of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. If the disease acquires an internal character, then the formation of a boil is possible.
Hoffmann's folliculitis of the scalp. The course of the disease of this variety is quite rare. Its symptoms are practically unknown. It is believed that the inflammatory process in some cases becomes chronic, this is Hoffmann's folliculitis of the scalp. The reasons are associated with the occlusion of the sebaceous hair follicles. The long course of the disease can affect not only the hair follicle, but also parts of the skin around it. This form of the disease has a fairly large affected area. In the affected areas, hair growth stops completely. The launched process leads to irreversible consequences, since the hair in these places falls out, and theirno further growth is possible. Ulcers formed on the skin heal for a very long time, leaving behind deep scars.
Decalculating. It is chronic, can develop due to fungi and infections. This type of folliculitis develops mainly in dark areas of the hairline.
Candidiasis. A form of folliculitis caused by fungi. It appears as large blisters in the center of the hair follicle. This disease occurs in patients who are constantly lying down, on their backs.
Herpetic. The cause of this form of the disease is the herpes virus. First, bubbles form, and then they burst and dry, forming a crust. This type is quite common in the nasolabial triangle in men.
Syphilitic. This is secondary syphilis. Appears as a red rash, it is often oval or round in shape, and in these places the hair does not grow.
Parasitic. Caused by a parasitic mite. The affected areas have roughness and roughness of the skin.
Symptoms of disease
Folliculitis manifests itself in the form of pustules, having an average size. In shape, such acne resembles a cone. A reddish contour is almost always observed around the bladder, which indicates an inflammatory process. In most cases, a person does not experience any pain or itching. The disease progresses within 2-5 days. After that, the bubbles burst, the wound dries up, at this stage itching and peeling are possible.
During the internal course of folliculitis, dense subcutaneous pimples form, they can cause pain. Such nodes also have a rim of inflammation, but less noticeable. If you press on the formation, it bursts, releasing pus and an unpleasant odor. After that, the wound heals, forming a crust, but the most unpleasant and painful period for a person is the process of maturation of subcutaneous nodes.
Disease in babies

Such a disease is dangerous enough for children in infancy. The development of the disease is usually provoked by bacteria that have fallen under the skin. The disease manifests itself in the form of bubbles filled with a white or red liquid.
If parents notice similar symptoms in their children, they should immediately consult a doctor. To a greater extent, this disease is treated with folk methods, such as tea tree oil. With this solution, the affected areas are lubricated several times a day.
There is an opinion that such a disease is not dangerous - this is a delusion. It is very important to consult a specialist at the slightest sign, he will diagnose the folliculitis of the scalp, determine the causes and treatment in accordance with the stage of the disease. Timely medical therapy will help to quickly eliminate the disease.

If folliculitis is manifested, it is important to determine its causative agent, as well as possible diseases that can provoke its complication. A dermatologist examines the patient, performs dermatoscopy, takes a sample of discharge from a pimple for examination. Such an analysisallows you to establish the nature of the disease and its pathogen, this method will help you choose the right treatment and therapy.
How to get rid of this disease?
Therapeutic therapy will be much more effective if the patient starts fighting the disease at the initial stages of the inflammatory process. Although today drugs are widely used against such a severe form of the disease as deep folliculitis of the scalp. There is the following treatment algorithm:
Acne formed and the surface of the scalp must be treated with antiseptic preparations (salicylic or camphor alcohol (2% solution), Zelenka, "Fukortsin")

- A large accumulation of deep pimples is opened by a specialist, followed by treatment with an antiseptic solution.
- In order for healing to proceed faster, special ointments are used that treat the affected skin several times a day (for example, ichthyol ointment).
- If the disease is severe, the specialist prescribes a special course of antibiotics, based on the study of fluid bubbles.
- In some cases, drugs are used to boost immunity.
In order to avoid scars on the skin, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy, but only after the disease subsides.
Folliculitis of the scalp: treatment with folk remedies
A large number of people treat this disease at home. There are the following effectiverecipes:
- Chamomile decoction.
- Mixed herbs.
- Fragrant woodruff.
- Dandelion infusion.
- Infusion of burdock.
How to prepare such decoctions?
Traditional medicine can offer a huge list of remedies to get rid of scalp folliculitis. These medicines are very easy to prepare at home.
To prepare a decoction based on chamomile, you need to take a tablespoon of the flowers of the plant and pour one liter of boiling water. After let it brew. The resulting solution wipes the affected areas of the skin.
For herbal decoction, you need: rose hips and viburnum, about 150-250 g each, 150 g of nettle and 25-50 g of walnut bark are added to them. All pour water and mix, put on fire and boil for 7-9 minutes. Such a decoction should settle, after which it is added to cottage cheese or honey, mixed and masks are made. This method is quite effective in the treatment of folliculitis. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
For treatment, use the gruel of fragrant woodruff, prepared from the leaves, the procedures are performed in the form of dressings, several times a day.
Dandelion decoction taken orally 2-3 cups a day. In order to prepare it, you need to take the leaves and roots of the plant, chop and pour boiling water. This is a great way to treat internal folliculitis.
Infusion of burdock is taken 3-4 times a day. For cooking, grind the root of the plant, pour it with one liter of boiling water and let itsettle down. Then strain and cool.
Traditional medicine today is a fairly common method of treating a huge number of diseases.
How to prevent the recurrence of the disease?
Important in the treatment of a disease such as folliculitis of the scalp, prevention. Timely measures will help prevent the development of the disease. The main rule is personal hygiene of the scalp and hair.

When even small wounds appear on the skin, they must be treated with antiseptic or disinfectants. Great attention should be paid to this procedure by men after shaving their heads.
Such a disease as scalp folliculitis must be treated, its consequences can have a bad outcome, and if it is accompanied by some other ailment, this can seriously complicate the situation. That is why it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor at the slightest symptoms. A specialist dermatologist will conduct a full range of examinations, perform a blood test, as well as the fluid contained in the blisters. Such data will help to easily establish the symptoms and type of the disease and select the necessary drugs for treatment.