Muscle hypotrophy is a kind of dystrophy that occurs as a result of a complex metabolic disorder in the body. The pathological condition develops due to a lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the muscle tissues necessary for their normal functioning.
Such a disease is very dangerous, because if left untreated, a person not only has reduced physical capabilities, as a result of which he ceases to cope with even simple tasks, but he can also remain permanently disabled. Let's see why muscular dystrophy develops, as well as what methods of therapy exist in modern medicine today.
Main causes of pathology

Let's take a closer look at this. Muscular dystrophy has been encountered in our country for a long time. According to doctors, the causes of muscle wasting can be different, but among the most common are the following:
- Maternal poor nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- The consequences of various diseases suffered by a woman.
- Tobacco and alcohol abuse.
- Stressful situations all the time.
- Unhe althy working conditions.
- Maternal dystrophy.
- Intrauterine pathologies of infectious etiology.
- Chemical poisoning.
- Intoxication caused by impaired circulation of muscle tissue.
- Metabolic disorder.
- Hereditary dystrophic diseases of the muscular system.
- Effects of long-term use of glucocorticoids.
Thus, the loss of muscle mass in a child depends largely on the mother. If she leads an unhe althy lifestyle and eats poorly, then this will all affect the development of the fetus and the he alth of the baby. Therefore, women who are preparing to become a mother should take care of themselves.
Clinical manifestations
What should I pay attention to first of all? Muscle wasting, like any other disease, has certain symptoms, on the basis of which a pathological condition can be detected. Among the most characteristic manifestations are:
- general weakness in the body;
- regular muscle pain;
- inability to perform even simple movements;
- strong loss of muscle mass;
- formation of the hypodermis in the peritoneum and sternum;
- strong exhaustion of the body.
If these symptoms occur, you must go to the hospital, because muscle dystrophy in its ownsymptoms are similar to some other serious illnesses.
Muscle wasting is divided into different types depending on a number of factors. By the time of manifestation, the disease is distinguished:
- innate;
- purchased.
Depending on the degree of muscle damage, pathology can be:
- generalized;
- localized.
The first is extremely rare in medical practice. When it occurs, the muscle tissue of the entire body is damaged. Localized, in turn, is the most common. Hypotrophy of the muscles of the lower extremities can manifest itself in the thigh or lower leg. With dystrophy of the upper limbs, the lesion can spread to the hand, forearm and shoulder. More details about the various degrees of the disease will be discussed in the following sections.
Hypotrophy of the upper limbs

In the vast majority of cases, it develops as a result of poor blood circulation in the hands or insufficient supply of muscle tissue with nutrients. At the same time, the motor function of the upper limbs is preserved, however, the performance of movements and basic tasks becomes much more complicated. The following reasons may be behind this dangerous disease:
- regular excessive physical strain;
- various rheumatoid diseases;
- diabetes;
- thyroid disorder;
- excessive obesity;
- autoimmune disorders;
- consequencessuffered injuries;
- congenital physiological anomalies.
This type of disease is characterized by slow, sluggish development. Regardless of the degree of damage to muscle fibers, a person retains sensitivity and partial mobility of the hands.
Hypotrophy of lower limbs

So what do you need to know about this? As mentioned earlier, this type of pathology is one of the most frequently diagnosed. At the same time, in most cases, hypotrophy of the thigh muscles is found in patients. Depending on the severity of the lesion, the disease is divided into 3 degrees, each of which is characterized by different symptoms. Among the main clinical manifestations, experts distinguish the following:
- constant pain of varying intensity in the lower extremities;
- physical weakness;
- problems walking;
- decrease in muscle mass.
If muscle hypotrophy is diagnosed in time and treatment is started at its early stages of development, then the disease can be completely cured without any he alth consequences, so a person can return to his usual way of life.
Diagnosis of disease
To select the most optimal therapy program, a qualified specialist first needs to identify the problem. The following laboratory methods are used to diagnose malnutrition:
- oral questioning of the patient;
- complete blood count;
- electromyography;
- nerve and muscle biopsy.
If a person along the way has any diseases of various origins that occur in a chronic form, the doctor can refer him to a consultation with other qualified specialists and prescribe additional tests that will allow you to get the most complete clinical picture.
Basic Therapies

Treatment of muscle wasting is aimed at eliminating the cause of its development, so an integrated approach is very important. The main efforts of the doctor are made to reduce the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms and influence the mechanisms of development of the dystrophic process. At the same time, it is very important to normalize blood circulation so that the affected muscle fibers begin to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. The therapy program may include the following activities:
- taking medication;
- physiotherapy treatments;
- physiotherapy exercises;
- massage;
- UHF therapy.
In addition, the patient should reconsider his daily lifestyle. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of food. The daily diet must be balanced so that the body receives as many vitamins and minerals as possible.
Drug therapy
For the treatment of malnutrition, drugs are used to improve blood flow in peripheral vessels. Among the most effective are the following:
- "Trental";
- "Curantil";
- "Petroxyfillin";
- "Vazaprostan";
- "Dextran".
Also very often, doctors prescribe "No-shpu" to patients. It not only promotes the expansion of blood vessels, but also improves the supply of soft and muscle tissues with nutrients. The normalization of metabolic processes is well facilitated by the tablets "Kurantil". This is a new generation drug with a unique formula, thanks to the bark, high efficiency is achieved in the treatment of many diseases.
Drug "Kurantil"

Currently on sale you can find many medicines used to treat muscle pathologies. But one of the best, according to profiled specialists, is Kurantil. The price of the drug is higher than that of some analogues, however, it shows better results. The product is available in the form of tablets with various dosages of the active substance. The drug improves blood circulation, increases the strength of the walls of blood vessels and reduces the likelihood of blood clots. "Kurantil" for the following diseases:
- ischemic heart disease;
- thrombosis;
- heart failure;
- arterial hypertension;
- atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels;
- deterioration of placental circulation;
- fetal oxygen starvation;
- endarteritis.
As for contraindications, the "Kurantil" tablets do notrecommended for people who have the following problems:
- cerebral or myocardial infarction;
- acute angina pectoris;
- kidney or liver failure;
- hypertension;
- dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
- cardiac arrhythmia;
- aortic stenosis;
- coronarosclerosis;
- individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.
Among the side effects of the drug are nausea and vomiting, as well as indigestion. However, they are extremely rare, and in most cases, therapy is normal. The dosage and duration of admission is selected by the doctor for each patient individually, depending on the clinical picture and the form of malnutrition. As for the price of "Kurantil", it varies from 450 to 830 rubles.
Physiotherapy treatments

What are they? To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the use of medications is combined with physiotherapy. Most often, patients are prescribed the following procedures:
- electromagnetic therapy;
- laser therapy;
- biostimulation;
- iontophoresis;
- therapeutic gymnastics for injured limbs;
- low intensity magnetotherapy.
As medical statistics show, if the treatment of muscle dystrophy was started in the early stages of its course, then with the help of taking medications andphysiotherapeutic procedures, a positive effect is observed approximately one and a half months after the start of therapy.
UHF therapy
With malnutrition, good results can be achieved by exposing the affected muscles to low-frequency electrical impulses. UHF therapy involves the use of the following treatment methods:
- magnetotherapy;
- electrostatic massage;
- pneumatic massage;
- electrostimulation;
- magnetic stimulation;
- thermotherapy.
The procedures listed above help to improve blood flow to muscle tissues and normalize metabolic processes, so that the affected areas begin to receive more nutrients and gradually recover and gain their former tone. In addition, the patient should regularly perform special physical exercises that help increase the effectiveness of physiotherapy.
A few words about food quality
The main reason for the development of muscular dystrophy is a metabolic disorder, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Therefore, the patient must adhere to a special diet aimed at replenishing the supply of nutrients.
The diet must contain foods that contain a large amount of vitamins A, B and D. Protein shakes should be taken to increase muscle tone. You should also eat as many fresh vegetables as possible. Bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers and carrots are considered especially useful. Fromanimal products recommended natural cottage cheese and unpasteurized milk.

Muscular hypotrophy is a serious disease that not only brings a lot of inconvenience to a person's daily life, but can also lead to disability. However, if you go to the hospital in time and start treatment quickly, then the pathology can be completely cured without any consequences. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, immediately make an appointment with the doctor. Do not attempt to self-medicate as this can be very dangerous.