The concept of "hyperplastic gastritis" in medicine means a special lesion of the mucosa, expressed in its thickening, hypertrophy. Over time, it can lead to the formation of polyps or cysts in the stomach. Often the named pathology is referred to as precancerous conditions. We will tell you more about it later in the article.
Information about hyperplastic gastritis
Chronic hyperplastic gastritis is a lesion of the stomach, which is quite rare. This definition fits a disparate group of diseases based not on the inflammatory process, but on primary hyperplasia (growth) of the gastric epithelium. Each of these pathologies is rare, in general, they account for only 5% of all chronic stomach diseases.

By the way, the researchers noticed that the development of hyperplastic gastritis in children in some cases ends with regression and complete restoration of the mucous membrane, while in adults this is not observed, and the developmentnamed disease leads to its atrophy.
Causes of disease
Hyperplastic gastritis has not yet been studied enough. Several factors are attributed to the reasons for its development. The main one is hereditary predisposition. But no less important are:
- malnutrition of the patient;
- presence of chronic intoxication (for example, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, etc.);
- disorders of metabolic processes in the body and hypovitaminosis.
Researchers attach great importance to the development of the described disease to food allergies. Allergens that enter the mucosa make it permeable and cause dysplasia (improper development) of the epithelium. As a result of all this, there is a significant loss of protein, which, by the way, is also called as one of the characteristic features of all types of hyperplastic gastritis.

Some researchers also consider it a manifestation of stomach anomalies or a variant of the development of a benign tumor. And it should be noted that all these factors lead to the same result - increased reproduction of epithelial cells and its thickening.
Disease symptoms
At the beginning of the disease, patients often do not even suspect that they have a pathology. Hyperplastic gastritis appears only after significant changes in the mucosa. And the features of these manifestations are directly related to the form of the disease and the level of acidity.

The most common symptom is stomach pain. Depending on the amount of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, heartburn or belching with a rotten taste in the mouth may occur. Some patients also complain of nausea, vomiting and flatulence.
Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis: what is it?
One of the varieties of hyperplastic gastritis is a form in which there is an appearance on the mucosa of the united areas with hyperplasia (growth) and cell atrophy. A similar phenomenon leads, as a rule, to the formation of cysts or polyps on the walls of the stomach and is considered the most dangerous, since it contributes to the development of carcinoma.
Like other varieties of gastritis, this one does not have severe symptoms. Often it can only be detected during special examinations.

But the pain in the stomach that occurs immediately after eating can be attributed to the manifestations of this pathology. It often has a changeable, paroxysmal character, radiating to the lumbar region or between the shoulder blades. The occurrence of these sensations is most often associated with the use of certain foods.
Often the pain is accompanied by lack of appetite, belching, increased salivation, nausea and fever. The latter may indicate bleeding in the stomach.
Development of erosive hyperplastic gastritis
In some cases, on the mucous membranes of the stomach, against the background of its redness and inflammation, multipleerosion. This condition is diagnosed as erosive hyperplastic gastritis.
Its development can provoke both direct contact of the mucosa with any aggressive environment (acid, alkali, chemicals, spoiled food, etc.), leading to burns, and chronic violations of secretory processes.

Erosive gastritis is usually lingering and can lead to stomach bleeding, especially dangerous if it occurs all over the stomach.
What is antral gastritis
There is also such a phenomenon as antral hyperplastic gastritis.
Antrum is the site of the transition of the stomach into the intestines, and its main physiological function is to reduce the level of acid in the food bolus before it moves into the intestine. But a drop in pH also reduces the bactericidal properties that gastric juice has. And this, in turn, allows pathogenic bacteria to multiply, and therefore they most often choose the antrum.
How the disease is diagnosed
In order to correctly diagnose, the patient is prescribed a differentiated examination, because the signs of all forms of the described disease have similar manifestations with other abdominal pathologies - ulcers, appendicitis, cholecystitis, etc.
Hyperplastic gastritis can only be diagnosed with fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FDS). For its implementation in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum of the patienta special probe with an optical system is inserted, due to which an image of the internal state of the gastrointestinal tract is displayed on the monitor.
This procedure makes it possible not only to examine the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, but also to take samples for histological or cytological examination.
Supplementary research methods include stomach X-ray, intragastric pH-metry, biochemical blood test, etc. They help to identify complications, supplement the diagnosis and make it more accurate.
Hyperplastic gastritis: treatment
Treatment of hyperplastic gastritis depends on symptomatic manifestationsdisease.
- If a patient has high acidity, he is prescribed antisecretory drugs (proton pump blockers) - Omez, Proxium, Lansoprazole, etc.
- To get rid of heartburn, they take enveloping agents (Phosphalugel, Maalox, Rennie, etc.), which will help protect the mucous membrane from irritation and have an antibacterial effect.
- Mucosal atrophy requires replacement therapy with natural gastric juice.
- The presence of multiple erosions and the bleeding caused by them requires the use of hemostatic drugs administered by injection - Vikasol, Etamzilat, etc.
- To facilitate the processes of digestion, in case of violation of gastric secretion, enzyme preparations are used ("Mezim", "Pangrol", "Festal", etc.

Recommendations fornutrition
In addition, all patients are shown a diet rich in proteins and vitamins. It should be fractional (5-6 times a day), and products that can irritate the mucous membrane are excluded from it. Products are steamed or boiled, chopped well and eaten warm.
In some cases (for example, when there is recurrent bleeding or atrophic hyperplastic gastritis is diagnosed), treatment requires surgical intervention. With its help, polyps are removed or the stomach is resected.