Despite the fact that the development of modern medicine in recent years has moved far forward, there are many little-studied diseases. One of them is pulmonary alveolitis.

Let's talk about the causes of its occurrence, methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as possible preventive measures. In addition, we will discuss in which cases it is important to contact the pulmonology center on time.
What are alveoli
Alveoli are the smallest particles of the respiratory apparatus. They are the terminal parts of the lungs and are shaped like small bubbles. Separated by interveolar septa.
Alveoli - this is the part of the lungs that performs a protective function. They contain cells that prevent the movement of microbes and other pathogens throughout the body. However, their main function is respiratory. It is thanks to the alveoli that the maximum amount of oxygen enters the lungs and carbon dioxide is excreted.

What is alveolitis
Alveolitis of the lungs is a disease that is characterized by damage to the alveoli and the growth of connective tissue in their walls.
The disease causes the respiratory apparatus to malfunction. As a result, all other organs begin to receive less oxygen, and this leads to a decrease in their functionality due to violations of cellular metabolism.
Alveolitis can manifest itself both independently and in combination with other diseases.
Types of alveolitis
There are three forms of alveolitis. Let's take a closer look at each of them.
Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis
This type of disease is quite rare. Science has not yet determined the exact causes of its occurrence. It is only known that fibrosing alveolitis occurs most often in men after 50 years. The main factors that contribute to the development of pathology are considered to be environmental, professional and living conditions.
Idiopathic alveolitis most often develops in people who smoke a lot, are engaged in farming (breeding birds), or deal with metal, wood, silicate or asbestos dust.
The appearance of the disease is preceded by the accumulation of effector cells in the air space. As a result, this process causes an inflammatory reaction, as well as interstitial and intraveolar edema. At the same time, damage to the epithelium of the alveoli and the accumulation of hyaline-membrane complexes occur, which makes it difficult to expand tissues during inspiration.

Exogenous allergic alveolitis
The disease develops as a result of the accumulation of sediment in the alveoli, which consists ofallergens of exogenous origin and immunoglobulins. At the same time, the lungs and bronchi themselves remain unaffected.
This process can be provoked by frequent inhalation of complex dust. For example, this can happen while working in production, especially for firms that are engaged in agriculture. Also, exogenous alveolitis can occur as a result of living in unfavorable environmental or domestic conditions, where allergens are dust mites, molds and yeast-like fungi, vegetable and animal proteins, washing powders and other products containing enzymes.
In children, the disease can develop against the background of bronchial asthma.
Toxic fibrosing alveolitis
Disease occurs as a result of the ingestion of substances that have a significant toxic effect on the lungs. At the same time, they can act both during inhalation and through the blood.
Substances that can cause toxic alveolitis include:
- Gases (chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon tetrachloride); production hazardous substances: mineral materials (asbestos, cement), metals and their compounds (manganese, iron, zinc, cadmium, mercury); synthetics (polyurethane, herbicides).
- Drugs: immunosuppressants, anticancer drugs, nitrofurans, sulfonamides.
In many cases, there is a combination of toxic effects with the appearance of an allergic reaction. As a result, the disease is very difficult, and treatmentalveolitis takes much longer.
While looking at the types of disease, we noticed that there are many factors that contribute to its occurrence.

By combining the information already received and supplementing it, we can identify some of the main causes of the development of alveolitis:
- heredity;
- entering the body of viruses (hepatitis C, herpes, adenoviruses);
- GI reflux;
- interaction with allergens (drugs, pollen, animal hair, cosmetics and others);
- intoxication of the body with chemicals;
- transferred radioactive radiation in the chest area;
- smoking;
- live in adverse conditions;
- bronchial asthma (in children).
Who is at risk
According to statistics, the most susceptible to the disease:
- men;
- people over 50;
- people prone to allergic reactions;
- those who live in disadvantaged and polluted industrial areas.
They all need to monitor their he alth with special care.
Alveolitis symptoms
As with any other disease, the symptoms of alveolitis may vary depending on the etiology of the disease and other adverse factors described above. But still there are some "classic" manifestations. These include:
- shortness of breath that becomesstronger after exercise and eating;
- temperature increase;
- pain in the chest area under the shoulder blades;
- pain in joints and muscles;
- drastic and unreasonable weight loss;
- weakness all over the body;
- increase in the size of the final phalanges of the fingers.
These signs are a good reason to visit a pulmonology center for diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnosis of disease
Before starting the treatment of alveolitis, it is important to undergo a diagnosis, which will include a number of tests and studies.

Must pass and turn in:
- provocative skin tests;
- lung biopsy;
- lung X-ray;
- lung computed tomography;
- histological examination;
- Magnetic resonance imaging of the lungs;
- bronchoscopy;
- CBC.
Based on the results obtained, the pulmonologist will decide on the necessary type of therapy to get rid of the disease.
Alveolitis treatment
The choice of the necessary type of treatment depends on the form and type of the disease.

With toxic and allergic alveolitis, you must immediately stop interacting with the substance that provoked the onset of the disease. Further therapy with glucocorticoid hormones is prescribed in the form of inhalation or oral administration of tablets. With severe and advanced form of the diseaseit is necessary to take cytostatics, which will suppress the process of cell reproduction in the connective tissue.
In the case of fibrosing alveolitis, the course of treatment lasts at least 6 months. During this entire period, the patient will have to take tests and undergo regular examinations so that the doctor can track the dynamics of recovery, evaluate the results of therapy and, if necessary, adjust it. This will help to avoid the development of inflammatory processes and complications.
Regardless of the type of disease, the treatment of alveolitis involves taking drugs that will thin the sputum and promote expectoration, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes. It is mandatory to conduct therapeutic exercises. It will also include breathing exercises.
In addition, if necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.
Prevention measures
Treatment of alveolitis can be quite a complicated process, especially when the disease is advanced and is in severe form. Therefore, it is worth adhering to some preventive measures that will help prevent its development.

First of all, this is the timely treatment of all lung diseases in order to avoid complications.
Secondly, you should give up the bad habit of smoking.
Third, it is important to limit exposure to allergens, toxic and chemical substances.
And last but not least, regular breathing exercises.
Importantremember that when alveolitis appears, in no case should you self-medicate! Only an experienced specialist will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the most effective type of therapy.
Be he althy!