Pain in the foot when stepped on: causes and treatments

Pain in the foot when stepped on: causes and treatments
Pain in the foot when stepped on: causes and treatments

Why is there pain in the foot when stepping on? Possible causes and treatments for this pathological condition will be presented below.

foot pain on foot
foot pain on foot

Basic information

Modern people very often experience pain in the foot when stepping on. This state of affairs leads not only to anxiety, but also to the restriction of human motor activity. After all, discomfort in the legs does not allow the patient to lead a normal life and engage in their professional activities.

Most often, patients do not even understand why they have pain in the foot when they step on it. The causes of this disease can be associated with various diseases and conditions of the body. Only an experienced specialist can identify them. Therefore, with discomfort in the legs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Character of pain

Pain in the foot when stepping on can be of a different nature. It depends on the cause of the discomfort.

At first, the pain syndrome may be mild and almost imperceptible. With untimely treatment of an existing disease, such sensations become sharp and acute. In this casea person cannot move independently, without assistance.

Main reasons

The feet are a kind of shock absorber of the legs, which helps to properly distribute the load of the body. The heel bones are the most vulnerable places of the lower extremities.

Specialists are aware of many pathological conditions that cause pain in the foot when stepped on. According to them, such unpleasant sensations can develop in any person, regardless of age and gender. At the same time, pain in the feet easily knocks people out of the rut of modern life.

pain in the foot at the onset of the cause
pain in the foot at the onset of the cause

So what diseases lead to such pathological symptoms? The most common causes will be listed right away.

Heel spur

Acute pain in the foot when stepped on is often due to a heel spur. This pathological condition is characterized by the appearance of a growth on the heel, which occurs as a result of chronic inflammation of the structural elements of the feet.

Severe pain in the foot when coming after sleep, as a rule, is due to this particular disease. Excruciating and unpleasant sensations in the heels occur in the morning, and after a while subside a little.

Traumatic injuries

Pain in the foot after a fracture, bruise or sprain often worries athletes who receive excessive stress during training. Most often they are prone to stretching. Such damage causes sharp pain with every movement of the legs.

Bruiseis a more serious pathology, which is characterized by soft tissue damage, as well as the formation of a hematoma. If a person observes complete rest and uses local medicines, then he can quickly restore his normal state.

As for the fracture of the heels, it is extremely rare. However, this condition is rarely treatable.

foot pain onset
foot pain onset


Bursitis is a disease that has an inflammatory origin. It affects the tissues of the foot that connect the toes and heel bones. Such a disease contributes to the development of increasing pain, which intensifies in the process of walking.


This disease occurs due to inflammation of the connective tissue of the sole, which changes its structure, deforms and ultimately leads to severe pain. The cause of this pathology is usually uncomfortable and tight shoes.

Gout and rheumatoid arthritis

The mentioned diseases are chronic inflammatory. Most often they occur due to metabolic disorders. Pain in the heels in these cases is constant, persistent and debilitating, and with arthritis it is also growing.

Other reasons

The main reasons why there is a sharp pain in the foot when stepped on were listed above. However, there are other diseases that lead to such discomfort.

  • Neuroma is a fairly rapid growth of the structure of the nerve fiber and tissues nearhim, provoking pain at the very base of the fingers. An important factor in the development of such a pathological process is narrow and uncomfortable shoes.
  • Erythromelalgia is a complication of neuromas, thrombocytosis and polyneuropathies of the foot. Such a disease is accompanied by pain, as well as high body temperature and severe burning in the toes.
  • Metalsargia. In the process of growing up a person, the structure of his ligaments and bone tissue lose their biochemical activity and begin to gradually collapse. As a result, the normal functioning of the feet is disturbed, and quite severe pain occurs due to the development of rheumatoid-type arthritis, bursitis and other diseases.
sharp pain in the foot when stepping on
sharp pain in the foot when stepping on
  • Flat feet. Such a disease can be traumatic, acquired or congenital. It leads to a violation of the natural shape of the foot, which, when a person moves, contributes to unpleasant sensations that are aggravated by wearing shoes.
  • Plantar warts, calluses, nail ingrowth into soft tissues - such pathological processes often lead to pain that occurs while walking. As a rule, they are the result of wearing poor-quality and uncomfortable shoes.

Pain in the foot during pregnancy: causes of occurrence

Pregnancy is a period of numerous changes in a woman's body. With the development of the fetus (from about the second trimester), the body weight of the fairer sex increases significantly. As a resultmany women find it difficult to walk. They also often experience pain in the feet. Experts attribute the occurrence of such sensations to the development of flat feet and wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes.

As a rule, such pains disappear on their own some time after childbirth. If the discomfort during the attack remains, then this indicates the development of dystrophic disorders in the foot, which require immediate treatment.


Now you know why there is pain in the foot when stepped on. Treatment of these ailments should be started only after consulting a doctor. Thus, the first step towards recovery is an appeal to a professional orthopedist, who is obliged to examine the patient and, based on external signs, outline the circle of probable causes of the formation of a painful symptom.

If necessary, patients are prescribed an X-ray of the foot, as well as a CT or MRI of bone tissue, ligaments and tendons.

foot pain after sleep
foot pain after sleep

According to the results of the study, the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis, and then prescribe the necessary treatment.

Pain in the foot when stepping on: how to treat?

Of course, the treatment of all these diseases should only be carried out by an experienced doctor after diagnosis. However, first of all, the patient must direct all his strength to the relief of pain. You can do this in different ways. For example, many people resort to the use of anti-inflammatory ointments and gels, whichnot only eliminate pain, but also have a warming effect.

Foot massage and physiotherapy are also considered effective.

If the patient is concerned about unbearable and severe pain, then he is prescribed hormonal drugs, including injections into the lesion site. Such procedures quite quickly help to relieve acute pain. If they are ineffective, then they resort to X-ray therapy.

Other treatments

In addition to eliminating the main symptom, it is extremely important to cure the very cause of the pain.

Most often, discomfort in the feet is caused by infectious diseases. In this case, all methods of therapy are aimed at eliminating the infection. The patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as local ointments and compresses.

The inflammatory process can affect any element of the foot, including the fascia. To cure such a disease, many experts recommend the use of orthopedic insoles, brace, as well as massage, taping, foot immobilization and exercise therapy. In some cases, doctors even resort to surgery.

sharp pain in the foot when stepping on
sharp pain in the foot when stepping on

Prevention of foot diseases

In order to avoid serious problems with the he alth of the lower extremities, it is enough for the patient to adhere to the following rules:

  • At the slightest discomfort in the legs, you should immediately contact an orthopedist. A doctor can help identify the problem and prevent more serious complications.
  • Slow running or walking is extremely beneficial forlegs. Such physical activity improves blood circulation, normalizes weight and blood pressure. At the same time, it should be especially noted that it is necessary to go in for sports in properly selected shoes.
  • Before exercising on the feet, be sure to do a warm-up in order to warm up the muscles of the legs.
  • The same sports in childhood lead to early leg injuries. In this regard, it is better to postpone the choice of a narrow sports specialization until the onset of adolescence. Babies under 10 years of age should develop harmoniously and not be limited to monotonous physical activity only on certain organs and muscles.
  • If your feet are tired or sore, give your feet a rest.
  • Walking barefoot is very he althy. It is desirable to do this on a soft lawn.
  • It is better to buy shoes for everyday wear in the afternoon. It was at this time that the lower limbs swell a little and more closely correspond to their true size. In new shoes, you need to take a few steps in order to evaluate their comfort. At the same time, it is better to refuse to buy shoes without first trying them on.
  • Trendy narrow shoes very often lead to foot diseases. If you are forced to wear such shoes, then you should take them off at the first opportunity, and then massage your feet and let them rest.
pain in the foot on the onset of how to treat
pain in the foot on the onset of how to treat
  • It is necessary to constantly ensure that everyday shoes do not rub anywhere. At the same time, it is desirable to update it in a timely manner, since the worn out sole, trampledheels or a crumpled insole very often lead to discomfort in the legs.
  • Trim your toenails regularly and only after taking a warm foot bath using sharp, narrow-tipped scissors.
