Stomatitis on the tongue is a disease that is more common in children. However, adults also face it. This is a kind of immune response to the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body, which declares itself as an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
Stomatitis in the tongue: types of disease
Where to start? First of all, you should understand what types of stomatitis are in the tongue. The treatment of the disease directly depends on this. It is customary to distinguish the following forms:
- aphthous;
- herpetic;
- candidiasis;
- catarrhal;
- ulcerative;
- traumatic.
Each of them should be considered in more detail.
What does stomatitis look like on the tongue? The answer to this question directly depends on what form we are talking about. The aphthous form is characterized by a few rashes. As a rule, several deep sores appear on the tongue, which look like whitish plaques of an uneven shape. In size, they can reach 3-7 mm.
Formed mainly on the lower and side of the tongue, butmay also appear in the bridle area or at the tip from below. Aphthous stomatitis can be chronic or acute. In the latter case, symptoms such as fever, general weakness are possible.
What are the causes of aphthous stomatitis? The following options are available:
- allergy;
- disturbances in the digestive tract;
- weakened immune system.

The herpetic form makes itself felt by the formation of small bubbles in the tongue. They can be in any part of it, they are also able to merge with each other. Some time later, the bubbles burst, which leads to the appearance of sores with a grayish coating. The patient may experience severe pain.
What causes the appearance of herpetic stomatitis in the tongue? The reasons, fortunately, are known. It's all to blame - the herpes simplex virus, which penetrates the human body and remains in it forever. Herpetic stomatitis in most cases is chronic recurrent. The disease reminds of itself with prolonged stress, stress, weakened immunity.
Candida form of stomatitis in the tongue is provoked by Candida yeast. It makes itself felt in spots with a curdled coating, which are formed on large areas of the tongue and under it. Bad breath and bad taste are typical symptoms. When plaque is removed, bright red erosive areas are found on the tongue, any touch of which causes severe pain. Shortly after removing the plaque againappears.
What leads to the development of candidal stomatitis? Possible reasons are:
- allergic reactions;
- long-term antibiotics;
- weakened immune system;
- long-term use of hormonal drugs.

What is catarrhal stomatitis on the tongue? The disease announces its existence by the formation of a yellow or white coating. Swelling of the tongue, bad breath, excessive salivation are other possible manifestations.
What are the reasons? The following options are available:
- dental diseases (periodontal disease, caries, and so on);
- poor oral hygiene;
- disturbances in the digestive tract;
- worm infestations.
The ulcer form also cannot be ignored. The patient is faced with a sharp repulsive odor from the mouth. Numerous sores with deep tissue damage are formed on the tongue. They can appear not only on it, but also under it. You should also be wary of a rise in temperature, the development of weakness.
The development of an ulcerative form can be provoked by:
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (primarily a stomach ulcer);
- periodontitis;
- accumulation of tartar;
- poor oral hygiene;
- weakened immune system.

What is traumatic stomatitisin the language? The disease makes itself felt by the formation of ulcers and cracks. First of all, they appear on the side surfaces and the tip. The upper palate may also be affected.
Traumatic form can occur in the following cases:
- dentures don't fit well;
- damage to the tongue with solid foods (e.g. crackers, nuts);
- a chipped tooth scratches the tongue;
- burn from hot food or drink;
- drying out (associated with alcohol abuse).
Pharmacy preparations for adults
What does the treatment of stomatitis in the tongue include? All funds that can be prescribed to adult patients are divided into nine groups.
- Antiviral drugs. They act directly on the virus that caused the development of the disease. From the variety of pharmaceutical products, one can single out Oxolinic and Tebrofen ointments, Bonafton ointment, Acyclovir tablets.
- Antifungal drugs. These funds are prescribed to the patient if the causative agent is a fungus. Candide cream is the most popular, Levorin and Diflucan capsules are also used.
- Antihistamine tablets and drops. They are used to treat stomatitis in the tongue if an allergic reaction has become the cause of the disease. "Suprastin", "Loratodin", "Fenistil", "Tavegil" - possible options.
- Antibiotics. Strong drugs are used to fight harmful bacteria and prevent complications. solutions,tablets, injections, sprays - the form of release may be different. The doctor may prescribe Biseptol, Lincomycin, Amoxicillin and so on to the patient.
- Anti-inflammatory, disinfectants. They are used to relieve inflammation, treat the affected areas. In home treatment, preparations are often used in the form of a solution, aerosol or spray. The most popular are "Sangviritrin", "Ambazon", "Stomatofit", "Miramistin".
- Immunomodulating drugs. They do not have a direct effect on the pathogen, but contribute to a quick victory over the disease. The action of the funds is aimed primarily at strengthening the immune system. With their help, the body more actively resists the disease. These can be vitamin complexes "Alfavit", "Vitrum", "Complivit", vitamin solution "Aekol".
- Wound healing, regenerating drugs. These funds are used to heal damaged tissues. Pastes, ointments or gels are applied directly to the affected areas, which are pre-treated with a disinfectant. For example, it can be Propolis ointment, Carotolin oil solution, Solcoseryl dental paste.
- Painkillers. These drugs reduce the sensitivity of damaged tissues, reduce pain. Trimecaine, Lidocaine, Instillagel are popular anesthetics.
- Antipyretic drugs. They are used when one of the symptoms of the disease is an increase in body temperature. Most patients are prescribed formulations with acetylsalicylicacid and paracetamol.

Pharmacy preparations for children
Stomatitis on the tongue of a child is quite common. What pharmaceutical preparations are used to combat the disease?
- "Acyclovir". Basically, this antiviral drug is used for herpetic form. It can be used to treat children from two years of age. The drug can be given to very tiny babies, but the dosage will have to be halved.
- Miramistin. This spray is an excellent antiseptic, has a bactericidal and antiviral effect. It is necessary to irrigate the mucous membrane three to four times a day.
- "Viferon". The drug has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. It can be produced in the form of ointments, gels, suppositories.
- "Suprastin" and its analogues "Tavegil", "Diazolin". They belong to the category of antihistamines.
- "Aekol". This vitamin solution in the treatment of stomatitis in the tongue of a child can be applied externally. It is possible to apply this composition to damaged areas only after they have been cleansed of plaque. The tool is very popular due to its effectiveness and affordable cost.
For resorption
Lozenges for stomatitis on the tongue are often used to treat young patients.
- Carmolis lollipops. This drug produces antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It also helps reduce pain. Its advantages are efficiency and affordable cost.
- Hexoral Tabs lollipops. This isAnother popular remedy designed for slow resorption. Lozenges have an antimicrobial and anesthetic effect. The drug is used to treat children from four years old.
- Lollipops "Imudon". This tool does not have a direct effect on the causative agent of the disease, but helps to strengthen weakened immunity. As a result, the body copes with the disease more easily.

Folk recipes for adults
Suppose a person has stomatitis on the tongue. What to do? The use of folk recipes, the effectiveness of which has not been tested by the first generation, contributes to a quick recovery.
- Hydrogen peroxide. Regular rinsing will help get rid of pain. A teaspoon of peroxide must be dissolved in a glass of boiled water. The procedure is carried out three times a day.
- Kalanchoe, aloe. A solution with freshly squeezed juice from one of these plants can be used as a gargle. This remedy helps relieve inflammation. It is also helpful to simply chew the peeled plant leaves.
- Propolis. A tincture with a solution of propolis also helps to relieve inflammation. A teaspoon of the product is diluted in half a glass of boiled water. Gargle every day, you can also alternate propolis with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
- Garlic. This product is famous for its bactericidal properties. A mixture prepared on its basis allows you to cope with stomatitis in adults on the tongue. Need to grind a fewgarlic cloves, add a little fresh homemade sour cream. The mixture is applied to the tongue for half an hour, the procedure is repeated several times a day.
- Potatoes. It is useful to apply slices or gruel from a raw vegetable to the tongue.
- Cabbage juice. It must be diluted with water (1 to 1) and then used as a gargle. The procedure is repeated three times a day.
- Carrot juice. This remedy is used in the same way as cabbage juice.
- Anise. This product shows excellent results in the treatment of ulcerative and catarrhal lesions of the tongue. A tablespoon of anise should be dipped in a glass of boiled water, infused for 30 minutes. Rinses are carried out three times a day.

Folk recipes for children
What folk remedy for stomatitis in the tongue is available to children? The following options are available.
- Calendula, chamomile. A teaspoon of any of these products should be steamed in a glass of boiled water. The drug should be infused for two hours, then it can be used to rinse the mouth.
- Egg white. In half a glass of water (100 ml) it is necessary to lower the egg white. The product must be shaken and left for a few minutes, after which it can be used for rinsing.
- Linseed oil, peach or rosehip oil. These products can be used to treat affected surfaces. This remedy is suitable for older children.
Proper nutrition is the key to successful treatment. To defeat stomatitis, it is necessary to include stewed vegetables, mashed soups, cereals in the menu. We must not forget also about the body's need for a warm drink. At least temporarily, you should stop eating highly s alted, sour, spicy dishes. It is also desirable to exclude dry solid foods from the menu. For example, it can be seeds, chips, crackers.

Prevention measures
Stomatitis on the tongue is a preventable disease. First of all, you need to remember that it often develops against the background of poor oral hygiene. It is important to remember the importance of an annual check-up with a dentist. You should brush your teeth twice a day, change your toothbrush in a timely manner.
Proper nutrition is another important point for those who want to never experience stomatitis. The diet should be maximally saturated with useful vitamins and minerals. It is better to refuse harmful products altogether or reduce their use to a minimum. It is also useful to additionally take vitamin complexes that will positively affect the state of the immune system.