Tooth enamel is the strongest mineral structure in the human body. The transparent film that covers human teeth provides protection and withstands enormous stress when chewing food. Enamel he alth primarily depends on the lifestyle and nutrition of a person, as well as age-related changes in the body.
The main role of enamel
Daily, tooth enamel is exposed to adverse external factors. Temperature changes, acidity, bacteria, improper dental care - all this does not pass without a trace for the protective coating.
It is a transparent film, which in its composition consists of more than 90% minerals, with a content of phosphorus and calcium.
If the tooth enamel is damaged, it can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as the development of dental caries. It is important to understand that the protective coating of the teeth is not restored on its own, unlike other tissues of the body. Artificial methods will have to be used to treat and strengthen tooth enamel.
So, the main task of enamel is to protect the pulp and dentin fromexternal stimuli of a mechanical, chemical and thermal nature.

What contributes to the destruction of enamel
The main harmful factors that can destroy tooth enamel enter the body with food, environmental exposure, bad habits.
Main causes of destruction of the protective layer of the tooth:
- Bad habits that are quite common in everyday life (chewing matches, biting pen for writing, biting thread, eating seeds with shells).
- Eating excessively acidic foods, eating sweets and drinking water without proper purification.
- Smoking negatively affects not only the color of tooth enamel, but also its strength.
- Wrong diet, against the background of which there is a lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body, which affects the properties of enamel.
- Incorrect oral hygiene, which includes the wrong choice of toothbrush, ignoring the use of other available means (dental floss, mouthwash).
- Failure of the gastrointestinal tract, which directly affects the composition of human saliva, which constantly affects tooth enamel.
- Failure of the thyroid gland, which primarily changes the metabolism in the body, which means that it will also affect the protective coating of the teeth.
- Untimely removal of plaque and tartar significantly weakens tooth protection.
Specialists agree thatit is easier to take measures to prevent the destruction of the enamel than to restore the destroyed coating.
Unfortunately, in cases with a hereditary predisposition to thin tooth enamel, it is impossible to influence its condition, it remains only to carefully monitor its condition and take the necessary measures in time.
Why is it important to start enamel restoration on time
Leaving the problem of enamel destruction without the necessary medical attention, you can get a number of rather unpleasant consequences. Strengthening tooth enamel is an essential aspect of oral he alth.
Initially, plaque begins to form on the surface of the tooth, which leads to the formation of calculus. With this development of the situation, it is necessary to seek help from a dentist and conduct a professional cleaning of the teeth and oral cavity.
Prolonged destruction, in the absence of proper treatment, leads to the development of caries and erosion of tooth enamel. This inevitably entails a visit to the doctor, lengthy and not the most pleasant medical procedures and spending quite impressive amounts on recovery.

Tooth enamel restoration methods
Enamel restoration and treatment methods are divided into two types:
- using medications;
- using tools and materials for external restoration.
But it is important to understand that the first type is most often effective as a prevention or treatment of tooth enamel erosion and caries at a very early stage.
The problem is easy enough to detect,most likely, a person will begin to be accompanied by unpleasant sensations when eating cold, hot, sour or sweet foods. Pain will prevent you from enjoying your meal.
Methods with the use of tools and materials for the restoration of the tooth are used for serious destruction of tooth enamel. Among these methods are the following:
- filling;
- fluorination;
- implantation;
- remineralization;
- composite restoration;
- ceramic veneers.
Each method has its own characteristics and indications for use. It is impossible to return the destroyed enamel, but modern dentistry allows replacing it with artificial material. This in most cases restores the person's confidence in their smile.
At the first sign of a problem with tooth enamel, you should not hesitate, a competent dentist will be able to stop the destruction in time and take the necessary restoration measures.
Applying a filling
If caries has begun to develop or a piece of tooth enamel has broken off, then filling is suitable for the restoration of such defects.
The filling material is applied gradually, in layers, which allows you to carefully restore the shape of the tooth and return it to the necessary functions. In modern dentistry, reflective materials are used for filling teeth, which harden under the influence of light (using highly specialized special equipment). The finish material is durable and strong.
If carious lesions of the teethare more serious, the filling process may require the use of additional tabs and pins.
What is the essence of fluoridation
This procedure is recommended for regular use, preferably once a year. Its essence lies in the fact that a special additional coating with fluorine-containing preparations is applied to the surface of the tooth. Fluorine is the most important element that in ordinary life enters the body with food, toothpaste and water.
Fluoridation effectively reduces tooth sensitivity and makes enamel stronger.

The method has two varieties:
- Simple fluoridation. The course of such therapy is designed for 10 procedures. Use the application of the drug with a brush directly on the surface of the teeth. Also often used is a dental guard, which is filled with a drug and put on the teeth for a while.
- Deep fluoridation. This method involves the use of special tools that seal the tooth enamel. After applying the drug, the teeth must be treated with warm air, the drug should be applied again and the mouth rinsed with warm water.
The deep fluoridation method is considered more effective and retains its beneficial properties for a long time.
Implantation method
Implantation is an effective and progressive method of restoring the protective coating of the tooth. Its essence lies in building tissue at the molecular level. Implantation is great for cases wherethe enamel on the teeth has worn off and needs to be restored as soon as possible.
Molecular build-up, in truth, a unique method of enamel restoration, suitable for any kind of damage to the surface of the tooth.
Indications for implantation:
- mechanical tooth damage;
- enamel color change;
- tooth hypersensitivity;
- too wide interproximal distance;
- tooth shape defects, both congenital and acquired;
- fluorosis.
This method is great for dealing with hereditary thin enamel, and can provide people with this condition with good oral he alth.
Naturally, along with a high level of beneficial effect, implantation also has a high price level for the procedure.

Why do we need remineralization
The main goal of the procedure is to restore the level of essential trace elements in tooth enamel. If the level of mineral substances in the composition of the protective coating is violated, then the enamel weakens, becomes covered with cracks and the development of caries begins.
Remineralization is somewhat similar to fluoridation, but the preparations used contain a larger range of trace elements necessary for the tooth.
Indications for use:
- Considered a good preparation for teeth whitening.
- Recovery after a professional teeth cleaning.
- Tooth erosion of varying degrees.
- Weakening of the protective coating of the tooth, for example, in women during the gestation periodbaby.
- Increased sensitivity of teeth to changes in temperature, as well as to sour or sweet foods.
- Predisposition to enamel wear and tear.
The therapeutic composition can be applied either directly to the tooth surface or with the help of a special cap.
Modern dentistry has affordable means to carry out such a procedure on their own, at home. There is a choice of special gels for tooth enamel on sale, which, when applied to the tooth surface, enrich it with minerals.
Dentists often recommend using a fluoridation procedure to secure a positive result if the patient has no contraindications.

Restoration of teeth
Restoration of teeth using composite materials is largely identical to filling, but more expensive and durable materials are used in its process. Composite restoration allows you to restore the aesthetic appearance of any smile. A one-time visit to the dentist allows you to restore a he althy look to the tooth without resorting to prosthetics.
Main indications for composite restorations:
- increased spaces between teeth;
- the need to return the color of the enamel, with contraindications to teeth whitening;
- malocclusion;
- damage to the enamel surface;
- distorted shape of teeth.
There are a number of contraindications for such a restoration, including increasedbleeding gums.
Installation of porcelain veneers
First of all, this is the restoration of a he althy appearance of teeth, if it is not possible to restore the natural color of the enamel and its treatment by other methods is not available. Veneers are thin ceramic plates that are superimposed on a pre-turned surface of the frontal group of teeth.
These linings are durable and perfectly match the color of the rest of the teeth, which makes the final result of the procedure invisible to others.
Only a dentist can recommend veneers.
Benefits of toothpaste
Modern toothpastes have the necessary set of useful trace elements and vitamins, which makes them an indispensable daily prevention of tooth enamel depletion.

If you choose a restorative toothpaste, then its action will be aimed at saturating the enamel with fluoride (strengthening the protective coating) and retaining calcium in the teeth. Also, these pastes contain trace elements that serve as an excellent prevention of the development of caries.
An interesting fact is that calcium and fluoride, being together in the composition of the paste, will not have any beneficial effect. To achieve a positive result, fluoride and calcium must be used separately.
How to protect enamel at home
As mentioned above, it is impossible to return damaged enamel, especially at home. But it is within our power to apply a set of measures aimed at strengthening teeth and preventing the development of everyone.
It is important to remember three basic rules:
- Follow your diet. Eat as many vitamin foods as possible.
- Choose the right toothpaste and other oral hygiene products. When in doubt, it is best to consult a dentist.
- Do not whiten your teeth at home. In pursuit of a Hollywood smile, enamel can be seriously injured.
With the proper use of available funds, you can avoid an unplanned visit to the dentist, and reduce the risk of enamel destruction and caries.

Helpful tips
The rules of oral hygiene include several interesting nuances that can be adopted in everyday life:
- After any meal, do not run to the toothbrush, it will not do you any good, just rinse your mouth with warm water.
- Carefully control the amount of sweets in your daily diet.
- Eating raw vegetables and fruits, especially those with a tough texture, helps teeth clean themselves.
- At least once a year visit the dentist for a routine checkup.
It is enough for each person to pay a little more attention to the condition of their teeth and oral hygiene, which will save not only money, but also time and nerves in the future.