A beautiful smile is the key to success

A beautiful smile is the key to success
A beautiful smile is the key to success

The most important criterion for a beautiful smile is well known to everyone - he althy, white, even teeth. Dentists who are armed with many modern ways to make your smile truly beautiful will be able to help you with this.

beautiful smile
beautiful smile

If your teeth are he althy and do not require prior treatment, then no more than two hours after visiting the dentist, you are guaranteed a beautiful smile. You will say that this is fiction or another publicity stunt. No, you are mistaken. The new ZOOM AP technique (ZUM-3) will help to achieve an excellent result in such a short time. This development allows you to whiten your teeth by 12-16 shades in one visit to the dentist! Its main advantage is the program of strengthening the teeth. The beneficial effect of preparations containing potassium, fluorine, calcium turns the enamel of your teeth into a perfectly even, smooth, shiny and snow-white surface.

A beautiful smile is guaranteed to you after hardware whitening. This is a new technology associated with the use of a laser beam, which provides effective and at the same time gentle whitening. This method can be used forpatients with any shade of enamel.

smile dentistry
smile dentistry

The procedure is quite simple and consists in applying a whitening gel in three layers, which is activated by a laser. Before laser treatment of the enamel, the gum must be securely isolated. The whole whitening process takes no more than one and a half hours, it does not cause pain at all and does not require anesthesia. Completes the procedure by coating the teeth with a desensitizing gel.

The laser machine is able to select the exact time of exposure to the beam and the parameters of its intensity for each specific case. A beautiful smile will please you after the procedure is completed, but you will appreciate the maximum effect the next day.

If your goal is a beautiful smile, dentistry can offer a variety of ways to achieve it. Now there is a lot of talk and discussion about the so-called Hollywood smile. I must say that this method deserves more attention.

dentistry smile
dentistry smile

Modern dentistry can create extraordinary miracles. The smile of a person who has been “conjured” by specialists becomes flawless.

Many are interested in how to make a Hollywood smile, and what it will cost.

To begin with, a complete oral hygiene is carried out, it is necessary to cure caries, install the necessary fillings, and make all the necessary “repairs” that the doctor will prescribe for you. If you are the happy owner of perfectly he althy teeth, then creating a Hollywood-style smile will take you no more than threedental visits.

A beautiful smile will require the manufacture of special individual veneers that do not require additional grinding of the tooth. They are made from special, patented materials. The complete procedure is divided into two or three stages. The process begins with a consultation with a dentist, where the patient gets acquainted with all the necessary types of work, and the final price of a Hollywood smile is negotiated. Now you can make a choice in favor of expensive or "budget" materials, the price will mainly depend on them. On average, it ranges from 15 to 35 thousand rubles.
