It is very important to know how to remove gum disease quickly and effectively in order to prevent the development of more serious complications. An integrated approach to solving this problem is required.
Often, therapy with the use of medications and folk remedies is carried out not in a hospital setting, but on an outpatient basis. However, treatment should be started immediately after the very first signs of the inflammatory process appear.
Main reasons
There are several causes of gum disease, which depend on the age of the patients, as well as many other factors. A similar problem may occur when:
- non-compliance with hygiene rules;
- accumulation of plaque;
- burns and injuries of the oral cavity.
Failure to follow the rules of hygiene leads to the fact that plaque accumulates on the surface of the teeth. Food gets stuck in the interdental space and provokes inflammation. As a result, unpleasant symptoms occur.

Injuries and burns to the mouth can lead to soft tissue inflammation. By thisFor this reason, it is imperative to carefully monitor oral hygiene, even if the tongue, gums or palate are injured. Severe inflammation of the gums can occur as a result of diseases such as:
- gingivitis;
- periodontal disease;
- stomatitis;
- periodontitis;
- malocclusion.
The most common cause of gum disease in children is stomatitis. In this case, sores form in the baby's mouth. A child can contract stomatitis just by putting a toy in their mouth, and the disease often occurs in children aged 1-5 years.
In adults, the most common inflammatory process develops due to gingivitis. The disease progresses very quickly and if not properly treated, it can cause periodontitis. Parodontosis and periodontitis are diseases that differ in certain difficulties in treatment. At the same time, inflammation in the tissues can lead to the fact that the teeth begin to loosen and fall out.
Inflammation of the upper gums is often caused by wearing braces. This happens due to their improper use, as well as infection. Only a dentist can solve such a problem, since the development of the disease and treatment are strictly individual.
An overbite can lead to gum problems. In this case, the disease may be chronic and may occur for no apparent reason.
Any of these diseases and problems must be treated. Timely therapy will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, stop tissue necrosis and save teeth.
When inflammation of the gums occurs, there are quite characteristic signs. One of the symptoms is bleeding on contact with the toothbrush. At the same time, pain is mostly absent, so people do not often rush to seek help from specialists.

After a while, the gums begin to turn reddish and gradually flake off the surface of the teeth. As a result, a space is formed into which food particles and pathogens penetrate. Among the most characteristic signs of inflammation are the following:
- puffiness of tissues;
- bleeding;
- pain;
- festering;
- tooth loosening.
If the inflammation is due to the presence of internal pathologies, then small ulcers can form on the gums. This condition is accompanied by severe painful manifestations.
How the treatment works
How to remove inflammation of the gums, the attending doctor can say, taking into account the existing symptoms and features of the lesion. You can eliminate inflammation with the help of such means as:
- ointments and gels;
- mouthwashes;
- antibacterials;
- toothpastes;
- folk methods.
Drug therapy can be complex. The preparations include antiseptics, antibiotics and extracts of medicinal herbs. Antibiotics are prescribed very rarely if the disease is advanced, andthere is purulent content. Antibacterial agents help stop the inflammatory process and prevent further development of the disease.
Rinse aids are used as adjuvants to help supplement and enhance ongoing therapy. Antiseptics can be used to rinse the mouth. Gum treatment can also be carried out with the help of special toothpastes that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms. In addition, toothpaste is used as a prophylactic.
How to quickly relieve inflammation of the gums, only a doctor can determine after a comprehensive examination and diagnosis.
Medicated treatment
Many are interested in how to remove inflammation of the gums, and what medications help to effectively cope with this problem. If this symptom occurs, you should definitely consult a doctor, since only a dentist can determine how complex the problem is. Basically, local and systemic funds are assigned. Experts also give recommendations on the right choice of toothpaste.
To eliminate the symptoms of periodontitis, treatment must be comprehensive and it is selected individually. In especially severe cases, doctors prescribe antibacterial agents, since inflammation is caused by the action of simple and gram-negative bacteria. To do this, you can use drugs such as:
- Ciprofloxacin;
- "Trichopolum";
- "Azithromycin".
The drug "Trichopol" cope well with pathogensmicroorganisms. This remedy is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age and during pregnancy. The drug "Ciprofloxacin" copes well with gram-negative bacteria. It is forbidden to take it to children under 14 years of age and during pregnancy, as this remedy adversely affects the development of bone tissue.

The drug "Azithromycin" refers to macrolides and helps to successfully cope with pathogens. The dentist may prescribe other antibiotics, it all depends on the symptoms and sensitivity of the microflora to drugs. In the presence of inflammation of the gums, drugs such as Amoxicillin, Cefazolin, Clindamycin can be used. Other medicines may be prohibited due to the risk of side effects.
In some cases, inflammation of the gums with the prosthesis may occur, which may be due to improper installation. If it does not fit well enough, there is a risk of food particles penetrating into the resulting cavity. This provokes gum irritation and pain. In this case, it is impossible to cope with this problem on your own, since the replacement of the prosthesis is required.
Before visiting the dentist, you can ease your well-being with the help of painkillers, in particular, such as Analgin, Ketanov, Paracetamol.
Depending on the symptoms of periodontitis, treatment is selected individually for each patient. Local remedies have a good healing effect. Creams, gels and ointments help relieve pain andcreate a protective film on the mucosa. In addition, such remedies effectively eliminate swelling, itching and burning. If the gums are damaged, local remedies should be applied 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to rinse your mouth first to get rid of food particles.
Quite often used ointment for gum inflammation "Metrogyl Denta". This medicine has pronounced anti-inflammatory and anesthetic qualities. Thanks to the use of the drug, you can cope with burning and itching. When inflammation of the gums "Metrogil Denta" should be applied 2 times a day every day. Before this, the oral cavity is preliminarily cleaned of food debris.
The drug "Solcoseryl" is available in the form of an ointment and gel. It helps eliminate inflammation and is used for open ulcers and wounds. Thanks to the use of this drug, it is possible to significantly speed up the process of restoring mucous membranes and achieve a good anesthetic effect. The medicine should be applied 2-3 times a day.

The drug "Dental" helps to successfully cope with inflammation due to natural ingredients. This medicine gently envelops the surface of the gums with a protective film. With the help of this tool, you can quickly relieve pain. In addition, the drug has good healing qualities. It must be applied to the inflamed gums with massaging movements. You need to do this 3-4 times a day.
Cholisal is often used for inflammation of the gums, as it contains antimicrobial and analgesic components. This tool hasgood anti-inflammatory effect. The condition of the oral cavity improves approximately 2 minutes after application. The effect persists for 2-3 hours. You need to rub this remedy 2-3 times a day. Treatment should be continued for 5-7 days.
Mouth rinse
Anti-inflammatory mouthwash works very well for gum disease. They help to remove food debris and carry out treatment. For this, pharmacy solutions or infusions of medicinal herbs are suitable. Pharmaceutical preparations are very convenient to use. In addition, they have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, and also help eliminate pathogens, burning.
Chlorhexidine rinse is widely used for inflammation of the gums, as this remedy is characterized by a pronounced antiseptic effect. To do this, use a 0.05% solution. It is mainly used after meals for disinfection.

Drug "Stomatofit" is made on the basis of medicinal plants. This tool can be used for any type of gingivitis to eliminate inflammation. For rinsing, a solution of "Furacilin" is also used. The drug has a detrimental effect on pathogens. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 2 tablets with 0.5 tbsp. water. Rinsing is carried out 2 times a day.
To eliminate inflammation of the oral cavity, the drug "Rotokan" is also used. First you need to dilute the solution with warm water and rinse regularly.
Feature of oral cleaningcavity
To quickly eliminate the symptoms of gingivitis in adults, treatment should be combined with a comprehensive cleaning of the oral cavity. When choosing a toothpaste, preference should be given to products based on herbal ingredients, in particular, such as calendula, sage, St. John's wort. In this case, whitening pastes are not recommended, as this can provoke even more irritation. The most famous and high-quality products designed for cleaning teeth include:
- "Lakalut";
- "Paradontax";
In case of inflammation of the gums and periodontal disease, it is recommended to use Paradontax toothpaste. It contains fluorine, vegetable and mineral components. Thanks to the use of this tool, you can effectively cope with bleeding gums and eliminate inflammation. You can use it from the age of 12.

Toothpaste "Lakalut" has a good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and it also strengthens tooth enamel and protects against caries. It can be used to treat and prevent the occurrence of pathologies of the oral cavity. It is best to use this remedy in a therapeutic course.
Medical toothpaste "President" has an emulsion base. It is successfully used for the complex treatment of gum disease. This tool has pronounced anti-inflammatory and restorative qualities, copes with bacteria and protects against caries.
Folk remedies
Folk treatment of gum inflammation includes the use of various medicinal herbs, which are used in the form of tinctures and decoctions. The most effective means include calendula, chamomile, thyme. In addition, in the presence of inflammation, birch buds, St. John's wort, oak bark can be used.
How to rinse inflamed gums at home using folk remedies is of interest to many, as they quickly and effectively help to cope with the existing problem. To do this, apply:
- oak bark;
- aloe;
- herbal collection;
- soda solution.
Decoction or infusion of oak bark helps eliminate inflammation, pathogens and strengthen the gums. Additionally, for its preparation, you can use chamomile, sage, yarrow. For rinsing, you can use a decoction of aloe. You need to carry out the procedure several times a day.

Chamomile infusion has a good effect, in which you can add a little honey beforehand. This tool has pronounced antiseptic qualities. After eating, it is recommended to rinse with cabbage juice, previously diluted with water.
To cope with inflammatory processes, you can rub funds into the affected areas such as:
- beet pulp;
- lingonberry juice;
- kalanchoe juice;
- birch tar.
To fix the existing problem, you can use the following tools:
- viburnum and elderberry;
- St. John's wort flower oil;
- eucalyptus decoction.
It is very useful to apply Dead Sea mud. To do this, you need to slightly warm the product in a steam bath, soak a bandage with it and apply it to the gums for 15 minutes. Then remove the compress and rinse your mouth with water.
Elimination of inflammation after tooth extraction
Often after tooth extraction due to improper oral hygiene, an infection can penetrate into the resulting hole. This leads to the development of inflammation. In order not to endanger he althy teeth, immediately after extraction, you must follow these rules:
- do not touch or remove a blood clot;
- during the day it is forbidden to consume too cold or hot food;
- apply anti-inflammatory dental gel.
If all the measures were taken, but the pain has not gone away, then it is recommended to rinse with "Chlorhexidine" for inflammation of the gums, take painkillers, antihistamines.
Slight soreness is considered a completely normal reaction of the body to the intervention, however, if the pain only intensifies after all these activities, you should immediately consult a dentist.
Treatment of purulent inflammation
Symptoms and treatment of gingivitis in adults can be different, it all depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. In some cases, purulent inflammation may occur. If there is a discharge of a purulent nature, then you should definitely visit the dentist and strictlystick to the therapy prescribed by your doctor.
Complex inpatient treatment with antiseptic solutions, antibiotics and cleaning of the periodontal pocket is often recommended. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to irreversible consequences.
Before visiting the dentist, it is recommended to carry out the following activities:
- take pain medication;
- peroxide rinse;
- rinsing with a solution of "Furacilin" or "Chlorhexidine";
- apply cold compresses with ice.
It is strictly forbidden to use warming ointments, as well as apply heating pads, as they contribute to an even greater spread of infection. After analyzing the microflora of the festering area, the dentist will be able to prescribe the required treatment. If an abscess develops, urgent surgery is required.
Reducing inflammation in children
Baby's gums can become inflamed during teething or because of the habit of putting toys or other objects in the mouth. Parents make sure that the baby is surrounded by cleanliness, but it is not always possible to prevent the penetration of pathogens. In this case, you definitely need to know how to remove inflammation of the gums in a child, as you need to choose the safest means.
In the presence of an inflammatory process, you need to wipe the baby's mouth with a solution of baking soda. Decoctions of medicinal herbs help well, which can be used as compresses, since the child has not rinsed his mouth yet.can.
Rose petal syrup is good for lubricating inflamed gums. It is possible to effectively eliminate the inflammatory process at home, however, it is not recommended to self-medicate. All appointments must be made by a dentist, as this will prevent the development of complications.
To prevent inflammation of the gums, it is imperative to carry out certain preventive measures, in particular the following:
- carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity;
- normalize nutrition;
- get better sleep and take time to rest;
- eliminate bad habits.
It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, carefully cleaning the teeth from accumulated plaque. Particular attention should be paid to the base of the tooth, as it is there that inflammation most often develops.
The cleaning procedure should take at least 2-3 minutes. It is necessary to try to perform such manipulations after each meal, removing plaque from the tongue as well. Brushes are recommended to be changed every 1-3 months, you can use the electronic option, as they are much better at eliminating plaque.
It is important to establish proper nutrition. Citrus fruits must be included in the usual diet to prevent bleeding gums. It also requires the consumption of foods high in calcium to strengthen tooth enamel.
It is recommended to normalize sleep, as well as eliminate bad habits. By following all these rules, you can avoid the development of a number ofunpleasant diseases that affect tooth enamel and gums.