Today it is hard to find a person who has never encountered such a problem as caries. Half of the globe suffers from this fairly common dental disease. Usually the disease is a direct result of poor dental care or unwillingness to regularly visit the dentist's office. Other factors can also contribute to dental problems. Worst of all, when the disease goes into a neglected form, it is deep caries. Then the person may experience severe pain. Deep caries can also threaten the risk of complete tooth loss. It is extremely important to identify the problem in a timely manner and begin treatment.

So, what is the peculiarity of this disease? By its nature, deep caries is an extensive lesion that extends to the hard tissues of the teeth. In the event that the patient does not want to treat the disease, inflammation can move to neighboring areas. It is for this reason that the disease is often confused with pulpitis. However, in most cases, these are only complications.
Treatmentdeep caries is a rather complicated process. A person needs to be provided with high-quality dental care. The patient in the process of developing pathology may experience serious discomfort. But this is not the worst. The main trouble is that the problem easily passes to neighboring teeth. The entire oral cavity may become infected. If the course of treatment is not completed in time, then there is a high risk of remaining completely without teeth.
Types of disease

Treatment of deep caries mostly depends on the type of disease.
They can be classified according to the location of the lesion:
- 1st grade: lesions affect only anatomical depressions (fissures);
- 2nd class: diseases appear on the surfaces of chewing teeth;
- 3rd grade: caries extends to the top of the incisors and canines;
- 4th grade: Lesions appear on contact surfaces and bumpy parts of teeth;
- 5th grade: inflammation touches the neck of the tooth;
- 6th grade: caries has a destructive effect on the cutting edges and cusps of the tooth.
How to cure deep caries? The price of treatment will depend on the stage of the disease and is 3500-4000 rubles.
Dentists distinguish several stages:
- Chronic: the patient is concerned about short-term pain localized in the affected area. Discomfort may be exacerbated by very cold or very hot drinks. Also sickit becomes difficult to chew solid food. Lesions in this case can be considered even without the use of special equipment. Usually deep caries affects the strongest teeth. However, the pain is not too strong, so the patient is in no hurry to seek help from specialists. The greatest danger of the chronic stage is that the problem cannot always be diagnosed in a timely manner.
- Acute: The process of tooth decay is very fast. Naturally, the incisors simply do not have time to recover. This can lead to very severe pain. Usually the disease causes damage to the nerves. Particles of decayed teeth at this stage may begin to cover the surfaces. This is clearly visible, and the specialist can easily make the correct diagnosis. With timely treatment, the disease responds well to treatment.
If the disease affects the area of contact of the gum with the crown, they talk about cervical caries. Pathology of this type is usually localized in the region of the front teeth. With this form of caries, there is a risk of misdiagnosis. Also, this type of ailment does not cause severe pain and does not affect the aesthetic condition of the teeth. This can be explained by the fact that the destruction concerns only the inner part of the tooth. The risk of losing it completely in this case is very high.

This issue should be given special attention. Many probably know how expensive it is to overcome deep caries. After treatment, very often patients ask one andthe same questions: why does the disease appear and can it be somehow prevented? The cause of any caries is the formation of acid foci. Destructive substances lead to gradual erosion of the enamel. Subsequently, this can cause the opening of dental crowns. The protective functions of the incisors cease to be fulfilled. As a result, they begin to deteriorate much faster.
The main cause of tooth decay is improper care of them. For this reason, most often deep caries appears on chewing incisors. Plaque containing destructive substances usually accumulates on the sides of the teeth. These places are the most difficult to reach during the cleaning process. The front teeth are much less likely to be affected by the disease. The thing is that it is much easier and more convenient for a person to get to them.
Development speed
The speed of damage depends on the individual characteristics of human saliva. If it contains substances that slow down the growth of the number of harmful bacteria, then the pathology will develop much longer. Much also depends on the quality of food and water. For example, some people suffer from an imbalance of minerals in the body. Another important factor is the field of professional activity. Hazardous workers are more likely to develop deep caries.

Let's take a closer look at this. The sooner deep caries is filled, the better.
The first symptoms of the development of the disease are:
- Presence of defects on the surfaceteeth: usually people notice damage only on the front incisors. Not everyone has the habit of regularly examining the oral cavity for caries. People usually seek medical help when the disease has already passed into the stage of pulpitis.
- Bad smell: The appearance of this symptom indicates that a visit to the dentist is inevitable. Usually, an unpleasant odor appears due to the fact that harmful bacteria actively multiply in the oral cavity. As a result, the tissues decompose, which causes the appearance of a “flavor”. There may also be a feeling of discomfort when taking hot and cold food. The pain may be paroxysmal in nature and disappear after a few minutes. Under no circumstances should these symptoms be ignored. The enamel of the teeth is gradually destroyed. The help of specialists is urgently needed.
However, most people are in no hurry to go to the dentist until they experience severe pain. If you want to preserve the beauty and he alth of your teeth, then this approach is unacceptable. It should be borne in mind that the better the mineral composition of the teeth, the stronger they are. In this case, they will be able to resist caries much longer. However, regardless of this, if a destructive process has begun in the tooth, it will be impossible to restore it. Even with timely treatment of caries, the doctor cannot guarantee that such a problem will not recur.
What is her speci alty? In order to correctly diagnose the stage and type of caries, it is necessary first of all to conduct a visual examination. Specialist at this stagecan clarify with the patient at what time each of the disturbing symptoms appeared. The doctor will also examine the oral cavity for the presence of foci of caries and measure their depth. The probing process can cause quite strong pain in the patient. In severe cases, additional testing may be required. Your doctor may need x-rays to make a proper diagnosis. This is the best way to diagnose. Only in this way the doctor will receive a complete picture of the disease. Often patients are worried about deep caries after treatment: a tooth hurts, which has already been filled. In this case, it is necessary to take a panoramic x-ray of the oral cavity. This will allow you to determine where there are still lesions. In some cases, only a targeted shot can clarify the situation. Such methods allow 100% to diagnose caries in children and adults.
It is impossible to get rid of the problem without removing the damaged tissue. Deep caries in children is also treated. First, the doctor cleans the cavities and seals the recesses. It is extremely important that the doctor correctly assesses the condition of the tooth. The entire treatment process is carried out under anesthesia. After the injection, the doctor dissects the affected area. Then the tooth is treated with an antiseptic. The doctor must reassess the situation. The next step is to further treat the affected area. If such measures are not required, deep caries can be sealed. In some situations, everything can be done in one procedure. In more complex cases, several visits to the dentist will be required. For cured teeth in the future you needwill follow well. Many patients still have a toothache after a long time after the treatment of deep caries.
The use of certain drugs and medicines avoids the development of deep caries. Special toothpastes with a high content of zinc and calcium prevent the onset of the disease. However, they do not damage tooth enamel. This is especially important if the patient already has a large number of fillings in their mouth.

Treatment pads in dentistry
It is extremely difficult to treat deep caries. For this, many materials are used. In addition to fillings, a certain pad is also used to treat deep caries. The price of 294 rubles is the minimum. Gaskets are used when the processes in the pulp are reversible. Deep caries is just such a problem. Therapeutic pad in dentistry is used to stop inflammation, prevent its development, as well as stimulate recovery processes. There are several types of gaskets: based on calcium hydroxide, zinc-eugenol cements and combined products.
Features of the disease in children
Most parents believe that a child's milk teeth do not need to be treated. All the same, over time, they will fall out, and indigenous ones will grow in their place. However, this opinion is erroneous. Deep caries in children is a serious problem. In the absence of the necessary treatment, pathogenic bacteria can develop in the child's oral cavity. They then become the cause of deep caries. Therefore, withat the youngest age, babies should be taught proper oral hygiene.

The reason for the destruction of enamel in children is the use of sweets in large quantities and the presence of bad habits. As for the peculiarities of the treatment of babies, psychological preparation is of great importance here. The process itself is a lot of stress for the baby. The child should not be afraid to treat his teeth. Usually, doctors try to perform all the procedures at one time, so that the small patient does not have to come to the appointment again. In addition, milk teeth have a completely different structure and are easier to treat. In some cases, the doctor recommends a removal procedure:
- a cyst was found on the root;
- presence of chips, cracks, injuries;
- permanent tooth began to erupt, but the milk tooth has not yet fallen out;
- heavy decay due to caries;
- presence of a fistula in the gums.
What could they be? Often patients complain that a tooth hurts after deep caries. A possible cause of this symptom is pulpitis. In this case, the person will need to undergo another complex dental procedure. Also, if the treatment was carried out late, recurrent caries may occur. A carious cavity is formed at the junction of the he althy part of the tooth and the filling. In this case, the old one will need to be replaced. In any case, at the first appearance of pain, you should contact a qualified doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment of deep caries can sometimes be quite a complicated and unpleasant procedure. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Regular scheduled check-ups and adherence to the rules of oral hygiene will help to avoid complications. For brushing your teeth, it is better to use compositions based on calcium and zinc. Always watch your oral cavity, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.