Smoking is a risk factor for dental disease. This is a habit that negatively affects oral tissues. Smoking is exposed to high temperatures, irritating combustion products and toxic resins. Smoker's teeth darken, decay, bad breath appears. The types of dental diseases associated with this habit and treatment methods are described in the article.
Cigarette smoke and teeth
Everyone knows the harm of cigarettes not only for the general condition of the body, but also for the he alth of the teeth and oral cavity. There are many problems associated with tobacco addiction. Toxic components of tobacco smoke, when mixed with saliva and food debris, can create an aggressive environment that destroys teeth.

The harm of cigarettes lies in the gradual destruction of tooth enamel, these processes eventually occur in the deep tooth layers. Hot cigarette evaporation also has a negative effect. Due to its toxic compositionincreased damage to the teeth. A negative effect on the teeth is exerted by cigarette evaporation in the form of:
- methane;
- carbon monoxide;
- hydrocyanic acids;
- resinous substances;
- soot compounds.
Due to the hot smoke in the mouth, an aggressive environment is created, which is intensified by the temperature difference. A smoker's teeth deteriorate due to the accumulation of toxic substances on them. They are in microcracks that appeared from temperature changes.
The darkening of tooth enamel increases over time, so long-term smokers develop a brownish coating. Inveterate nicotine drinkers develop extensive, almost black spots near the tooth roots. Due to fatty resinous compounds, inflammation appears that develops in the gums and on the tongue.
The negative effect of nicotine on teeth is to destroy the beneficial microflora that is in everyone's mouth. And with regular drying of the mucosa, there is also the possibility of developing pulpitis and caries. According to dentists, it is more difficult for smokers to restore the mucous membrane, which worsens treatment and delays the rehabilitation process.
Tooth decay
The teeth of a smoker and a he althy person can be distinguished by their appearance. In the presence of this bad habit, the enamel is yellowed or darkened. Toxic tar from cigarettes accumulates in a strong layer on the teeth. With prolonged smoking, plaque enters the layers under the enamel and destroys them. The resins are mixed with the rest of the toxic components of the smoke, and are formed onhardened layers (stones) on the tooth neck.
Over time, these formations grow, which negatively affects the roots of the teeth and gums. Dentists are able to eliminate dental plaque and stop inflammation. But because of smoking, these efforts are minimized.
Even nicotine constricts small vessels and capillaries in the oral cavity. Because of this, the gum tissue is poorly supplied with blood, and its atrophy occurs. Then there is an exfoliation of dead gingival areas and exposure of the roots of the teeth. After the loss of natural protection, the teeth are exposed to harmful microorganisms.
Due to the lowering of the gums and the exposure of the tooth neck, a "pocket" is formed in this area, where pathogenic microflora accumulates in large numbers. Aggressive microbes further expose the tooth roots, which leads to the destruction of the entire tooth and its loss.

The main danger of this condition is painlessness. The smoker does not feel pain, but that he will soon need a false jaw, he learns at a dental appointment. It is because of the exposed gum areas and tooth roots that dangerous pathologies appear. Common ailments are discussed below.
This is an inflammation of the gum tissue, in which there is swelling, bleeding, redness of the painful part. Dentists do not distinguish gingivitis as a separate disease, but consider it as a pronounced symptom of various infections.
With this disease, there is a complete loss of teeth. Inthe time of the pathological process is observed:
- butt gums;
- pain when eating;
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- lethargy, weakness;
- bad breath;
- gums ulcers;
- temperature increase to 38-39 degrees;
- pain from cold and hot food, air.
Smoking bad breath is another problem. It can be temporarily eliminated with toothpaste. And it will be possible to completely get rid of it only after eliminating the bad habit.
With this disease, not only darkening of the enamel of the teeth appears, but also damage to the gums. Periodontal disease is dangerous because of its magnitude. Usually, the pathology affects almost the entire oral cavity. The main cause of this disease is insufficient blood supply to the gums, and smoking is to blame.

The development of this disease can be determined by:
- high abrasion;
- tooth mobility;
- appearance of enamel defects;
- blanching of the gum tissue, especially near the roots.
With this disease, there is no bleeding and soreness of the tooth. Periodontal disease usually leads to problems of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. This pathology has a slow development and appears in smokers in 5% of cases of the total number of cases.
Smoker's teeth are often exposed to this disease. This is a precancerous condition. Leukoplakia of the oral cavity can develop in 2 types:
- damage to only one part of the mouth;
- the disease has a local character.
Outwardly, the pathology manifests itself in the form of proliferation of silver, white and grayish plaques in the mouth. With these formations, hyperkeratosis appears (a skin ailment that disappears with an increase in the rate of cell division, with their strong exfoliation).
Usually lesions with pathology are observed on:
- language;
- corners of the mouth;
- hyoid part;
- inner cheek area.
In places where plaques appear, itching and severe burning are felt. There is a feeling that the skin is tightened. This ailment is treated, but with the removal of aggressive factors, including the exclusion of a bad habit. Only then can the smoker's teeth be restored.
Dental procedures
With constant smoking, the composition of saliva (pH, acidity) changes. Therefore, heavy smokers noticeably worsen the main function of saliva - disinfection of the oral cavity. In tissue areas of the mouth, there is a risk of dehydration and hypoxia.

The harm of smoking extends to dental procedures. This negatively affects the body's ability to recover from the performed medical manipulations. A smoker's yellow teeth can be whitened by a dentist, but severe damage requires extraction.
Tooth extraction
In this procedure, it is important to keep the blood clot that has appeared. It will allow the wound to heal faster. But because of the poisonous, hot tobacco smoke, there is no suchopportunities, and the clot is removed. Yes, and it is difficult to appear, since it is not so easy for vessels weak from nicotine to form it.
The exposed area of the wound will be defenseless, there is a risk of infection. Often there is a “dry socket” syndrome, when the blood clot that appears dries up and cannot protect the nerve endings of the gum. Dentists recommend quitting smoking before or after removing a painful tooth.
With prolonged smoking, it is almost impossible to successfully treat the periodontium (the gums that hold the teeth). Nicotine significantly increases the risk factors for a person when implanting dentures. After the procedure, you must follow the recommendations of the dentist regarding oral care.
Removal of tartar
Smokers often have large plaque. And this is not just a cosmetic issue. All toxic and carcinogenic components that are in tobacco smoke react with tartar, which results in a strong color and texture. You won't be able to get rid of this problem without a dentist.

Removal of stones from the teeth should be performed only in professional dentistry. Regular visits to the dentist for dental cleanings are essential.
Methods for removing tartar
How to clean a smoker's teeth? This procedure is performed by the following methods:
- Mechanical. This is the traditional method of removing deposits with a drill. Due to the rotation, the bur catches the tartar andremoves from the tooth. Then the enamel is polished. This method eliminates surface deposits. During the procedure, discomfort may be felt, and sometimes there is mild pain.
- Ultraviolet. Such cleaning is used in various medical fields, including dentistry. Ultrasonic devices help to easily remove any deposits. With this procedure, not only stones are destroyed, but bacteria also die. There may be pain in areas of thinning of the enamel. To reduce sensitivity, the teeth are treated with a special compound.
- Laser cleaning. The laser method is gentle and safe, as it is performed in a non-contact way. Dental deposits are treated with laser beams at a distance. With a laser, the stone is crushed into powder, and then washed out with a jet of water with air. The procedure is painless, so anesthesia is not required.
- Dry cleaning. This method involves the use of a composition with alkalis and acids. Due to their impact, deposits are softened, which are more easily removed from the teeth. Most products have a pleasant taste so that there is no discomfort.
After removing the stone, the dentist provides recommendations for oral care. Doctors do not advise taking a cigarette for 2-3 days after cleansing. And when smoking, the enamel is darker and more intense.
How to whiten your teeth from nicotine? Whitening is done using the following methods:
- laser;
- chemical;
- ultrasonic;
- photobleaching.

These procedures are safe and effective. If it is difficult to quit smoking after such treatments, then you need to refrain from them for at least 2-3 days. This is required in order to strengthen the enamel and recover. But within 2 weeks, you need to switch to electronic smoking devices or minimize the number of cigarettes you smoke.
Home whitening
Among folk remedies, there are methods for whitening tooth enamel using soda, activated carbon and hydrogen peroxide. These methods are aggressive and highly abrasive. With them, the destruction of enamel, the appearance of caries and burns of the mucosa are likely. Sparing methods include the use of:
- Lemon. A piece of citrus should wipe your teeth no more than 2 times a week. If the plaque is deeply rooted, then this method will not be effective.
- Tea tree oil. In addition to cleansing, a disinfecting action is performed. After brushing your teeth, a few drops of oil are applied to the brush and brush your teeth. Then rinse your mouth with water and lemon juice.
- Wood ash. It is added both to toothpaste and used on its own.
- Meda. It softens plaque and provides antibacterial action. Requires 1 tbsp. l. to a glass of water. Rinsing should be done every day 3-4 times. The procedure is performed within a month.
- Strawberries. They rub their teeth with berries or clean them with gruel.
What toothpastes are there for smokers? There are many whitening products on the market today. The most effective include the following:
- R. O. C. S. Thisthe paste has a pleasant aroma of apple and cinnamon, it perfectly eliminates an unpleasant odor. Also, the tool eliminates dryness and removes toxic components. Due to special enzymes plaque is eliminated, a he althy microflora is formed. The cost is 270-300 rubles.
- Lion Zact Cool. This tool contains many cleansing agents that return the enamel to its natural whiteness. It also has a pleasant peppermint flavor, which is able to eliminate the smell of tobacco. The price is 390-420 rubles.
- Tobacco Lion. Tooth powder is able to gently remove plaque from nicotine in a natural way, since it does not include special dyes. This product has a pleasant fresh scent that eliminates the unpleasant odor, but also prevents its occurrence in the future. Apply the powder with a dry brush. Price - 460-490 rubles.
Smokers should definitely use tooth whitening pastes as it makes the smile more pleasant. They also protect against oral diseases.
Hygiene Features
Due to high-quality and daily oral hygiene, it will not be possible to eliminate dental plaque. But this will prevent the appearance of brown plaque, in which bacteria multiply. Hygiene will protect against tartar and other complications:
- It is necessary to adhere to the correct technique of brushing your teeth. Cleansing is performed with sweeping and circular movements. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes. It must be done at least 2 times a day. Need to change brush every 3 months.
- Mandatory cleaning of the tongue is required, because there accumulate andmicrobes multiply. This procedure is performed with a brush used to clean the teeth.
- You need to use rinses and dental floss. Floss should be used every day, preferably before bed and after every meal.

The negative effect of smoking on teeth is a serious problem today. This habit leads to various infections and diseases of the oral cavity, which will not be so easy to cure.