How to whiten teeth: recipes, methods and remedies

How to whiten teeth: recipes, methods and remedies
How to whiten teeth: recipes, methods and remedies

Hollywood smile is the dream of millions. It is in pursuit of her that many representatives of both male and female seek to whiten their teeth by all possible methods.

How to whiten your teeth? How safe is it and what improvised means can be used? More on all this later.

How to whiten teeth
How to whiten teeth

What is the whitening procedure

Many people who want to get a snow-white smile are often interested in how teeth are whitened in dentistry.

At the present stage, all technologies are divided into two types: mechanical and chemical. In the first case, the procedure is performed using a special apparatus - a scaler. It involves the removal of plaque and stones from the surface of the teeth. As practice shows, this procedure is completely painless, is in great demand and gives excellent results.

As for chemical bleaching, everything is much more complicated. Dentists themselves do not always recommend their patients to use it. This is due to the fact that this procedure involves applying tothe surface layer of the teeth of a certain composition, which removes plaque. However, in fact, part of the enamel disappears along with it, which can subsequently end in failure for the patient himself.

When is whitening needed?

In any dentistry, teeth are whitened both mechanically and chemically. Which one to choose is up to the patient. When is this procedure needed at all?

First of all, it must be carried out if there is a large amount of plaque or other deposits on the surface of the teeth. In addition, the procedure is required in case of age-related changes in the body, when the natural color of the teeth begins to change.

There are some situations in which teeth whitening is quite difficult even for a highly qualified specialist. These include the option when the natural color of the bone is yellowish - among specialists such teeth are called tetracycline. It is also very problematic when gray staining has been performed, and also if the color of dentin exposed over time has been changed.

Teeth whitening at home

Despite the fact that modern dentistry offers a wide range of options for teeth whitening, people very often use time-tested home methods.

Thanks to the development of technology and medicine, many people prefer strips, plates that restore whiteness to teeth. In addition, you can use special toothpastes, which are sold both in pharmacies and in ordinary stores. howas a rule, they all contain certain microgranules and particles, which, when they enter the oral cavity, dissolve and act on plaque, eliminating it.

How to whiten your teeth at home? What tools are best to use and how to apply them correctly? Consider some of the recommendations below.

How to whiten teeth with activated charcoal
How to whiten teeth with activated charcoal

Whitening strips

The list of products with which you can whiten your teeth yourself at home, you should definitely start with a review of strips that have been helping people achieve the desired shade of enamel for many years. Reviews of teeth whitening strips often mention those that are by nature the most effective. These include products from manufacturers such as Crest, Whitening Strips, 3DWhite Lux, and Listerine Whitening Strips. Some of them can be found in pharmacies in large cities, but, as a rule, to get the desired plate, you should place an order in the company's online store or look for an official product supplier. When choosing such products, it is important to pay attention to originality, as fakes can harm the enamel.

Some dentists also leave their recommendations and reviews about teeth whitening strips. As noted in their comments, it is best to give preference to products made in Germany - they are of the highest quality. However, many of them also warn that the misuse of even the original strips can lead to significant destruction.tooth enamel.

Which strips to choose? In order to correctly determine the most suitable composition for whitening, you must first consult with your dentist, who will be able to recommend the ideal remedy, based on the condition of the oral cavity and the structure of the teeth.

As for the cost of the strips, it starts at 2000 rubles for a pack of quality product for single use.

how to whiten teeth with baking soda
how to whiten teeth with baking soda


Some dentists recommend that all those who want to become the owner of a Hollywood smile buy whitening mouth guards at the pharmacy. All of them are represented by a small plate in the form of a jaw, to which a gel is attached, with which whitening is performed. Using this tool, you can very easily restore the whiteness of your teeth at home.

There are three varieties of this type of remedy. The first of them - the most ordinary, standard. You can buy them not only in pharmacies, but also in online stores. As for the cost, it is relatively small and amounts to about 2000 rubles for a full course. Wear these mouth guards for one hour, use five days in a row.

The second type of burl is thermoplastic. Their peculiarity is that they slightly change their shape when heated from body temperature, repeating the shape of the jaw. This feature allows you to wear them with much greater comfort than standard ones. Before use, they must be dipped in warm water - so they will take much faster and more pliableform. The cost of such a kit is much higher than in the case of standard ones, however, as many users admit, the price is fully justified.

And finally, the third type of cap - individual. They are the most expensive of all the proposed types - the cost of the kit, depending on the manufacturer, is about 10-15 thousand rubles. As dentists note, their use is the most effective, since before creating a cap, an impression is taken from the patient's jaw, according to which the product itself is subsequently made. The effectiveness of this tool is due to the fact that due to the exact repetition of the shape of each tooth, the gel applied to the plate clearly contacts the jaw.

How can you whiten your teeth
How can you whiten your teeth

Gel and powder

Teeth whitening powder is a tool that does an excellent job of eliminating various types of plaque. The popularity of such a substance is associated with its ease of use, because in order to return the bones to their natural whiteness, it is enough just to brush your teeth in the usual way, but using it instead of paste.

As for gels, among fans of the Hollywood smile there are also a lot of their fans. Of all the options available on the market, Global White Teeth Whitening Gel is particularly sought after by consumers, as it is considered by most to provide the most effective result.

Hydrogen peroxide

Where to whiten your teeth? Most people do this at home, and using improvised means, which can often be foundin the kitchen. Can you whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide? Yes, you can, but only if you prepare the right mixture with this ingredient.

In order for it to be as effective as possible, you should mix a teaspoon of baking soda in one bowl, as well as half that amount of s alt. These ingredients must be poured with a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide (3%) and mixed well. After the mass becomes homogeneous, half a teaspoon of toothpaste, which you usually have to use, should be added to it. After that, the mass must also be stirred until a homogeneous thick consistency is formed.

When the mixture is ready, it should be used to brush your teeth like a regular paste, applying to the brush and brushing for five minutes.

This whitening method belongs to the chemical category, and therefore professional dentists do not recommend using it too often so as not to damage the enamel - once a week will be enough to keep the effect of a snow-white smile lasting.

Teeth whitening strips reviews
Teeth whitening strips reviews

How to whiten teeth with baking soda

As you know, baking soda is an excellent cleaning agent. It helps to eliminate even the oldest plaque from various surfaces, teeth are no exception. So how do you whiten your teeth with baking soda?

First of all, you need to prepare the right mixture by combining all the ingredients in the indicated proportions. To create a miraculous mixture, you will need a teaspoon of coconut oil (it is advisable to take the one that is cold pressed - it has the mostthe amount of nutrients), half a teaspoon of baking soda, as well as just a couple of drops of tea tree oil, which can always be found in pharmacies in any city. The listed ingredients must be mixed and brought to a mass of them until smooth. It is recommended to brush her teeth every other day.

In some cases, it happens that coconut oil has a very thick consistency. If this is what you have, then before adding it to the mixture, the product must first be slightly melted in a water bath.

Activated carbon

This method was widely used in the times of Russia, only then charcoal was used instead of activated. How to whiten teeth with activated charcoal so that the procedure is more effective? In fact, everything is very simple: you just need to rub a charcoal tablet into your gums and distribute it over your teeth. The process of absorption of yellowish pigments and plaque is due to the fact that this ingredient has the ability to absorb all compounds from various solutions.

However, many dentists, knowing how to whiten teeth with activated charcoal, compare its effectiveness with brushing your teeth using a toothpaste that has a high level of abrasiveness. That is why there is a lot of controversy about the advisability of applying this method in practice.

S alt

It has long been no secret that almost all Chinese use only natural materials for brushing their teeth, mostly common s alt. As a result, they practically do not have caries,and also there is no yellowness of the enamel and plaque.

How to whiten teeth with s alt? This ingredient can be added to a daily serving of toothpaste, literally in a small amount. In addition, it can be mixed with enamel cleaning powder, as well as other components that help eliminate yellowness from the surface of the tooth.

As practice shows, a stunning result in achieving the goal under study helps to get sea s alt. Unlike an ordinary dining room, which cleans the enamel only superficially, for the most part eliminating plaque and stones, it significantly strengthens the protective layer due to the content of a large bouquet of useful microelements and minerals in its composition.


It's no secret that some foods, thanks to a certain set of enzymes that make up their composition, perfectly whiten teeth with regular use. This is especially true for natural and fresh fruits. So what foods whiten teeth?

First of all, these include strawberries, which should be used by rubbing into the gums. This action is associated with a high content of organic acids in the composition of the berry. However, the constant use of this whitening method can cause some problems with bone tissue. Their formation is due to the fact that these same acids are capable of drawing out some calcium ions from the enamel, as a result of which the outer coating is significantly loosened, and when using toothpaste (especially with a high level of abrasiveness), it completely kills the protective layer of the tooth, making itvery sensitive and painful to various kinds of influences.

How to whiten teeth in dentistry
How to whiten teeth in dentistry

Lemon, like its juice, also has an incredibly positive effect on bone whiteness. With it, you can restore the natural color of the enamel, eliminate plaque, and also significantly freshen your breath. However, dentists warn that this method can be used infrequently and very carefully, since the effect of this citrus juice is quite high.

Some people on various forums also notice that a banana peel has a positive effect on enamel, which, after eating the fruit, is enough to simply wipe your teeth. All dentists unanimously assure that this tool is absolutely harmless, and its regular use allows you to saturate the bone with a large number of trace elements useful for it.

If you regularly rinse your mouth with a solution made with the addition of apple cider vinegar, you can also maintain normal whiteness of the teeth. It is necessary to use it after cleaning the oral cavity with an ordinary brush and paste. Some people recommend adding this pure to your dentifrice, but only in small amounts.

In addition to all this, if you constantly eat hard fruits or vegetables (apples, carrots, cabbage, etc.), then under their influence the effect of whiteness will be constantly maintained.

What foods whiten teeth
What foods whiten teeth

Other funds

How to whiten teeth with other available means?

Great withtea tree oil, which is also popular due to its anti-inflammatory effects, copes with this task. This is what you can whiten your teeth with, and even eliminate the inflammatory processes that exist in the gum area. Using the ingredient is very simple: just apply it on a cotton pad and carefully wipe each tooth from all sides. The tool is very useful and does not cause any harm. With continued use, amazing results will be noticeable.

Basil is another faithful assistant in strengthening enamel and giving it a natural whiteness. This tool can be used every day. Many fans of the Hollywood smile love it very much, as after rubbing the leaves of the spice, a pleasant aroma comes from the mouth.

How can you whiten your teeth from improvised materials? For this purpose, you can also use the juice of the famous healing plant aloe vera, as well as orange peel - these ingredients are also very rich in vitamins, under the influence of which tooth enamel becomes stronger.

Another very effective remedy, which came from ancient India, can be made from improvised spices. To prepare it, you need to take in equal proportions coconut oil, mint, and turmeric. The components must be mixed and ground until smooth. The resulting mass should be brushed every day - then they will have a beautiful natural whiteness, and fresh breath will constantly be felt from the oral cavity.
