Can teeth hurt on nerves: causes, drug treatment, doctors' advice

Can teeth hurt on nerves: causes, drug treatment, doctors' advice
Can teeth hurt on nerves: causes, drug treatment, doctors' advice

Many have probably heard the phrase that all diseases are from nerves. There is a grain of truth in this. A person's mental state often has a significant impact on their he alth.

Many people have noticed that if you are very nervous, your he alth deteriorates and various pains arise. Answering the question of whether teeth can hurt on nerves, it must be said that this happens quite often. The problem is that many go to the dentist but do absolutely nothing to try and eliminate the stress. That is why medicines only help temporarily, and then the pain comes back again.

What is psychosomatics

Many people know that a tense mental state of a person has a negative impact on overall well-being. Psychosomatics deals with the study of these issues. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine the cause of manydiseases.

Causes of toothache
Causes of toothache

Many are wondering if teeth can hurt on nerves. This is quite possible, and the reason for this is aggression, fear, guilt, as well as many other negative emotions. Psychosomatics allows you to understand the patterns of pain during stress.

In this case, painful manifestations are a protective reaction of the psyche. Sometimes a person has a predisposition to the development of psychosomatic diseases. Their cause may be not only the denial of existing problems, but also certain factors, in particular, such:

  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • he alth related phobias;
  • constant quarrels in the family;
  • negative attitude towards one's own appearance.

If a tooth hurts when you are nervous, the need arises not only for medical treatment, but also for mandatory work with psychological problems. Some may be able to manage their own worries, while others may need counseling. This specialist will help make life much easier and help get rid of existing problems.

Can teeth hurt from nerves and should I go to the dentist?

Many people are very afraid of toothache, as it means that you need to go to the dentist. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to consult another specialist. Can teeth hurt from nerves, so many people are interested. This is quite possible, and the reasons for this condition are completely different.

dental problems
dental problems

Against the background of various worries, your teeth may ache a lot, and this may be due to anxiety for your own he alth, previously undergone painful treatment by a doctor. Also, pain can appear if a person is worried about something, but he tries his best to drive away bad thoughts from himself.

If the pain occurs due to nerves, treatment by a dentist is not required. It will only be necessary to calm down and take the appropriate medication. In addition, it is advisable to visit a psychologist and try to eliminate the cause of the unrest.

Types of dental disease associated with stress

Probably every person in life faced with a toothache. These are simply unbearable sensations that disturb day and night. Sometimes the pain radiates to the head and jaw. The reason for this can be various diseases, but it often happens that the teeth hurt on nerves. There are such diseases that can provoke the occurrence of such a condition:

  • caries;
  • bruxism;
  • stomatitis.

During nervous experiences and depression, a person does not want to take care of himself completely. He does not want to devote time to hygiene, including the oral cavity. Forgetting to brush your teeth puts you at risk of caries. Taking drugs against depression can only aggravate the situation, as they provoke severe dryness of the oral cavity. That is why even with very severe depression, you should not forget to brush your teeth and visit the dentist for periodic check-ups.

Sometimes people squeeze hardteeth when experiencing, excitement or anger. This is called bruxism. At the first signs of a violation, you should immediately contact a neurologist. Strong compression of the jaw can provoke not only pain, but also lead to the destruction of tooth enamel. This can lead to tooth decay, as well as provoke joint pain in the head.

Teeth can hurt a lot due to stomatitis. This disease is similar to herpes, but differs only in that vesicles and ulcers form in the mouth. The disease is treated by a dentist, but it can be provoked by disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.


Many are interested in whether a tooth can hurt if you are nervous, and what exactly is dental neuralgia. It manifests itself in the form of a shooting, rapid pain impulse, which lasts from several seconds to a minute. Pain can appear anywhere. She even makes you close your eyes.

If neuralgia concerns only one branch of the trigeminal nerve, then all the teeth located on one side begin to hurt at once. It must be remembered that neuralgia manifests itself paroxysmal.

If your teeth hurt because of nerves, then before you go to the dentist, you need to visit a neurologist. In this case, the source of pain is considered to be a pathologically occurring impulse, which mainly develops separately from the area from which the impulses should come.

It is important to immediately visit a neurologist who will prescribe anticonvulsants. They will bring relief, which mainly lies in the fact that the attacksdisappear completely or become less frequent and shorter.

Chronic stress pain

To figure out whether teeth can hurt because of nerves, it is important to understand the mechanism of stress from the very beginning. At the moment of danger, the human body produces the hormone cortisol, which is produced during nervous overstrain and, like adrenaline, is able to activate the work of all the body's defense systems. They begin to function with a vengeance. However, as soon as the stress passes, everything returns to normal again, but the effects of psychological stress have time to affect very important nerve cells.

Nerve endings are also located in the jaw region. It is not surprising that after an active outburst of emotions, a person suddenly feels an inexplicable toothache. It can also pass into the head and cervical region. The condition of the oral cavity is assessed as good, but the running mechanisms on the basis of nerves provoke quite strong painful sensations. At the same time, the teeth ache, the gums tingle a little.

Phantom nerve pain

The manifestation of phantom pain is rather unusual in its variety of causes. Stress is the triggering factor. The person does not suffer from dental problems, but he is periodically disturbed by unrelated painful sensations.

This condition refers to mental disorders and acts as a reaction of the body to an exciting state. The main signs of phantom pain are:

  • tinglingor twitching in the gum;
  • headache;
  • feeling toothache;
  • severe fatigue.

Often this condition is accompanied by insomnia, because sometimes a toothache prevents a person from sleeping properly.


This disease is characterized by such a sign as gnashing of teeth, which occurs completely involuntarily. Bruxism can be due to emotional overstrain. Experts identify various reasons for such a violation. These include defects in the structure of the jaw and pathology of the joint.

This condition does not depend on the age and gender of the person. However, as practice shows, children are more susceptible to it. The main problem of bruxism is that such a violation negatively affects the condition of the teeth, muscle tissue, and also worsens the mental state.

Signs of bruxism
Signs of bruxism

It is divided into day and night. The first is characterized by the fact that it manifests itself during waking hours and is associated with emotional overstrain. Diagnosing the disease is quite simple, since usually the violations are immediately noticed by relatives and friends. In some cases, when the pathological process is severely neglected, teeth and facial muscles hurt after stress.

In addition, the teeth are worn, loosened and become very sensitive. With bruxism, an additional headache is present, pain in the neck and back may occur. Sometimes a person notes noise and ringing in the ears. A person suffering from bruxism wants to sleep all the time, oftendepression, appetite is disturbed, and dizziness is noted.

The patient experiences irritation, complains of tingling in the head and intense sensitivity of the eyes. A comprehensive examination is required to confirm the diagnosis.

Psychologists believe that complexes arising at the subconscious level can be the cause of bruxism. Because of this, a person is overstrained, angry and clenching his teeth. According to experts, this is a very serious disease that causes many problems and requires urgent treatment.

The patient may be advised to listen to favorite music, take aromatic baths, read books and go for walks. Consultation with a psychologist is required, as helpful advice from a specialist will help overcome stressful situations.

Gums ache under stress

Answering the question of whether teeth can hurt on nerves, it must be unequivocally said that this happens quite often. In addition, many complain of pain in the gums in violation of mental balance. That is why it is very important to constantly develop resilience in order to achieve optimal he alth.

To get rid of gum pain, you need to control your condition. To do this, you need to remember the happy events in life as often as possible. This will help you calm down and eliminate excess nervousness. Such a habit will help not only to normalize well-being, but also give confidence that life is not such a bad thing. Remembrance of happy moments encourages good feelings towards otherspeople.

Respiratory gymnastics has a good effect. To calm down, you need to take 2-3 slow deep breaths. Mentally, you need to try to move away from the stressful situation. This will help to distract from the experience, and the pain will quickly pass without additional treatment.

Teeth falling out from nerves

Quite often people are faced with the fact that their teeth hurt from stress, but it happens that as a result of nervous strain they fall out. Prolonged depression, feelings of loneliness, anxiety are often accompanied by the development of periodontitis, which is one of the main causes of tooth loss.

Scientists believe that this pattern is due to exposure to the stress hormone cortisol, an increase in which leads to damage to the jaw bones and gums. In addition, a change in habits in a person who has experienced severe stress can play a role.

Cases of tooth loss due to nerves are due to the fact that during emotional experiences various pathological changes occur in the periodontium, and it becomes more loose. Because of this, even perfectly he althy teeth begin to stagger quite strongly, which can eventually lead to their loss. In addition, under the influence of stress, a person involuntarily begins to clench his jaw. This negatively affects the he alth of teeth and gums. The danger lies in the fact that a person grits his teeth at those moments when he cannot control his actions.

Providing treatment

Can teeth hurt from nerves and what to do about it? These and many morequestions are asked by people who have experienced soreness and discomfort after experiencing stress. Quite often, after experiencing a nervous shock, people have various problems with their teeth. It can be a cyst, caries, or just pain of unknown origin. Sometimes she is very strong.

Psychologist's consultation
Psychologist's consultation

Some advise to see a neurologist. Also, the problem may be in the gums, since during stress they are especially damaged. In this case, people are helped by various rinses and pastes that strengthen the gums. Professional cleaning will also help, but whitening should be avoided.

If your teeth hurt because of nerves, what to do should be decided not only by the dentist, but also by a neuropathologist and a cardiologist.

Medicated treatment

If a person suspects that his teeth hurt because of nerves, then you should immediately contact a neurologist to prescribe treatment. It is worth remembering that it will be complex and complex. However, a full recovery cannot be guaranteed.

To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of neuralgia, it is important to eliminate the disease that provokes inflammation of the facial nerve. Toothache from nerves requires complex treatment. Usually, with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, drugs with an anticonvulsant effect are prescribed, in particular, such as Carbamazepine. However, it is strictly forbidden to use it without the supervision of a doctor, as the medicine has many side effects.

Medical treatment
Medical treatment

Additionally appointantihistamines, for example, Pipolfen or Diphenhydramine. To reduce the frequency of seizures, the patient is prescribed "Glycine". Vitamin therapy is recommended, and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections can be prescribed to eliminate pain.

When a tooth hurts, if you are nervous, then you can alleviate the condition with the help of antidepressants, since the feeling of pain and depression are caused by the same nerve endings. These drugs affect brain function and help reduce soreness. Good means are considered "Doxepin" and "Evalin". However, due to side effects, their use is often limited.

Doctors often prescribe selective inhibitors. These include Effexor and Simb alta. They give good results and almost no side effects.

Folk remedies

Many are interested: if your teeth hurt because of nerves, what to do? And is it possible to cope with the problem with the help of folk remedies? There are alternative medicine recipes that are great for helping to cope with stressful situations. These are mainly medicinal herbs, the naturalness of which makes them safe and well accepted by the body.

Folk remedies
Folk remedies

Mint, motherwort, valerian are good for strengthening the nervous system. All of them have a calming effect. You can also use homeopathic preparations made from plants. It can be "Novo-Passit", "Persen Forte", "Fitosed" and many other medicines that help to cope withdisorders of the nervous system.

If you have a toothache under stress, then you can rinse your mouth with comfrey tincture. Take 1 tbsp. l. root of the plant, pour 50 ml of 70% alcohol and leave to infuse for 1 week in a dark, cool place. Other herbs are also suitable for making tincture, in particular oak bark, mint, chamomile, thyme, lemon balm.

Doctors' recommendations

Despite the we alth of information available, the problem of stress-induced toothache is not well understood. Doctors say that anxiety is an emotional state that occurs in a situation of danger and is accompanied by the expectation of adverse changes.

For nerve pain, doctors recommend initially visiting a psychologist to analyze what exactly provoked stress and anxiety. Yoga and meditation help to cope with internal problems. You need to try to control your thoughts and actions, as well as show the best character traits.


It is important not only to know exactly whether stress can cause toothache, but also how to prevent the occurrence of discomfort. All these questions can be answered by a qualified neurologist. The problem of toothache occurrence largely depends on the correct treatment of pathologies of the nervous system. It is very important to try as quickly as possible to prevent the occurrence of discomfort and soreness. Prevention includes activities such as:

  • normalization of working hours and stress reduction;
  • regular and he althy sleep;
  • moderate exercise;
  • observance of a proper, balanced diet.
Dental care
Dental care

Can a tooth hurt when you're nervous? This question worries a lot of people who, against the backdrop of stress, begin to suffer from toothache. To get rid of soreness, you need to protect yourself from unrest, as well as strengthen your nervous system.
