Previously, braces were used to align the teeth, which were visible on the surface of the crowns. Many people had a complex to apply such designs. Now for this purpose, convenient Invisalign aligners are used. Reviews about them confirm the effectiveness of such devices. Read more about this tooth alignment tool in the article.
Normal bite
Bite is the ratio of the upper and lower dentition with their maximum contact and complete closure. It can be temporary or permanent, physiological or pathological. With a pathological bite, the load on the teeth is unevenly distributed, which can lead to their loss. More bite anomalies distort the oval of the face. The task of an orthodontist is to form a bite that is as similar as possible to its physiological appearance.

In the presence of uneven teeth, a visit to the orthodontist is required so as not to start the situation. He will orientatestages of treatment, cost, duration and likely consequences. During the examination, the doctor takes into account age, as it affects the way the teeth are aligned.
Danger of uneven teeth
Uneven teeth make them difficult to clean, leading to cavities. They can also be easily injured. This pathology also leads to headaches, diseases of the ENT organs and eyes. And if there is no effective chewing of food, then the digestive tract is disrupted. Serious consequences lead to malocclusion.

Equal teeth are the dream of many people. Anomalies appear from poor heredity, trauma or improper dental care in children. With their crowding, protruding teeth from a row or other shortcomings, a visit to the orthodontist is required. Sometimes the problem is contrived. Only a specialist can determine this. A preliminary diagnosis is made at 1 appointment, and then the doctor offers treatment options.
What is Invisalign in dental treatment? These are effective designs for correcting malocclusion, which must be prescribed by a doctor. Aligners or mouthguards "Invisalign" are presented in the form of a system that was created and patented by the American company Align Technology. They are used to correct teeth.

Invisalign mouth guards are made of transparent biopolymer material. They are practically invisible on crowns. Products accurately repeat the size and shape of the teeth, tightly adhering to its surface. Wearing overlays almost does not lead to discomfort andhas a short adaptation period. In terms of effectiveness, the system is no worse than Invisalign braces.
Due to their unique technology, Invisalign aligners have many indications. They are prescribed to correct the bite, restore the correct position of the teeth. Products apply:
- when crowns are crowded when they find each other;
- in case of gaps between crowns;
- if there is a distal type bite, in which the upper jaw protrudes forward in relation to the lower one;
- open bite;
- in case of crossbite, in which the lower jaw protrudes slightly forward;
- for bruxism;
- if there is a need for a fixing system;
- after using other methods of correcting teeth.
According to reviews, orthodontic clinics often recommend these devices because of their effectiveness. It is important to follow the rules for their use so that the result of such treatment appears very soon.
There are conditionally 3 age groups of patients who can get rid of the problem of uneven teeth:
- Children 5-10 years old. At this age, it is enough to perform therapeutic and preventive measures.
- Teenagers under 18. From the age of 14, doctors recommend using aligners. Other products may be prescribed depending on the problem.
- Adults over 18 years old. Treatment is complicated due to age-related changes, the presence or absence of filled teeth.
Using a mouth guard or not shoulddoctor decide. Removable structures will bring results when used correctly. During the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to visit a doctor.
In children and adolescents with Invisalign, teeth alignment is accelerated. The reason is that before the age of 25, bone tissue regeneration in a person is faster, the ossification of bone sutures is not completed, so orthodontic treatment will be more effective.
But you can help adults too. Dentists have long practiced straightening teeth in people of all ages. It just takes more time to do so. Orthodontists usually suggest the use of braces or mouthguards for alignment. If only 1 or 2 teeth are misplaced, doctors use veneers. These very thin overlays will help solve the problem of an imperfect smile. If the problem is in several teeth, and the doctor has identified bite anomalies, then orthodontic constructions are needed.
According to reviews, "Invisalign" is considered an effective way to correct almost any violation of the development of the dentition. But still, this system has contraindications. If the malocclusion is severe or the teeth are severely twisted, it is not advisable to use the device.
To get the desired effect, it is required to perform the treatment with braces in advance. And the aligners to align the teeth should be used after that as a fixing device. Age up to 12 years is considered a contraindication. According to reviews, dentists usually advise starting treatment after 14 years, namely after the full formationjaw.
The use of aligners to align teeth is increasingly in demand. Although devices have a high price, patients usually choose the mouthguards of this company. This is due to the following benefits:
- Individuality. Mouthguard sets are created only for a specific patient with a repetition of the shape and size of the teeth. This helps to effectively influence the crown.
- High aesthetics. Invisalign aligners are the most transparent and adhere to crowns.
- Short adaptation time. Usually it is no more than 5 days.
- This is a comfortable design for teeth whitening.
- Injury is excluded. The design does not rub the mucous membrane and does not injure the edges of the gums.
- Can be combined with removable type distalizers and braces.

According to the reviews, "Invisalign" does an excellent job of correcting the bite. The main thing is to use the design based on the attached instructions. The result allows you to evaluate the photo. Teeth look different before and after Invisalign.
Besides the advantages, mouth guards also have disadvantages. They must be taken before meals, in other cases it will be possible only to drink water. Mouthguards need only 2 weeks, and then they are used only to consolidate the intermediate result. This method has a long treatment time that lasts from 9 months to 2 years.
Like the Invisalign bracket system, mouthguards have their own manufacturing characteristics. Since the method is patentedAmerican company, then the production of aligners is carried out only in the USA. During the diagnosis, detailed information is collected by the dentist. To do this, an X-ray examination is performed, casts and pictures of the teeth are taken.
After that, the collected material is sent to the USA. All information, including a scanned copy of the cast, is entered into a special program that creates several treatment options and provides them in the form of videos indicating the intermediate and final results. All options are shown to the patient. He chooses one, and on its basis, a set of mouthguards is created by laser equipment for the entire duration of treatment. Usually this set includes 30 pieces. After manufacturing, the kit is sent to the customer.
Features of treatment
Invisalign will be the ideal design for teeth alignment. But it is important to consider that the adjustment takes a long time. The procedure consists of several steps:
- Receiving and diagnosing in progress. At the first visit, the doctor examines the oral cavity. Then he performs casts of the dentition. A detailed examination is carried out using X-ray, computed tomography, internal scanning. Based on the data received, individual parameters are set and sent to the manufacturer.
- They make a whole set of mouthguards, and the manufacturer sends it to the customer. At this point, a visit to the dentist is required to determine treatment options.
- When the kit is received, a hygienic cleaning of the mouth and fixation of the device is required. Aligners are installed no more than half an hour. First it doesdentist, and then the patient performs the installation himself.
As the reviews confirm, Invisalign works almost the same as braces. In this case, the shape memory rule works. During fixation, the device is deformed and wants to return to the position that was set during creation. Therefore, pressure is applied to the teeth, which moves them and turns them around.

When the initial installation is carried out, the next visit to the dentist is carried out after a month and a half. The doctor analyzes the effect of the treatment and, if necessary, prescribes an adjustment with the replacement of the mouth guard. With Invisalign, bite correction is performed with high quality.
After Installation
Within a few hours after installation, the design is perceived as a foreign body. There is an increase in salivation, there is some pressure on the teeth. Adjustment time depends on the quality of the material and the firmness of the mouth guard.
The degree of pressure depends on the difference between bite and mouthguards. During the first couple of hours, it is advisable not to eat or drink, because it will be difficult for the body: food will come in, and there is an object in the mouth that cannot be swallowed. When the strong salivation disappears, you can eat and drink, usually this happens after 1-2 hours.
The result will be visible in 1-2 months. That's what patients think. But even when the desired effect appears, the treatment should not be completed, the aligned teeth are able to return to their previous position. The therapy is carried out untilremedy the deficiency.
Alignment is done with mouthguards, which differ in design from the position of the teeth. Change them every 2 weeks. The effect of the treatment is visible with every change of the product. Full results will be visible in 6-12 months.
When brushing your teeth, to save time, it is advisable to rinse the mouthguards with a solution recommended by the doctor. Do not smoke while wearing aligners as they become cloudy and lose their transparency.
It is necessary to use means for cleansing the tongue, because the receptors on it interact with the tooth, and mouthguards break this connection, so plaque may appear on the tongue, which must be removed. Brushing should be done 2-3 times a day.
Loss of mouth guard
If the design is broken or lost, you need to visit a doctor. A replacement is required. For a while, the old pair is put on, which provides a weak effect, or the next pair, which will cause more discomfort. That is why it is necessary to treat the product with care.
Difference from braces
Aesthetics is a feature of mouth guards. Aligners are not visible in the mouth, which is why they are called "invisible" braces. And braces, even aesthetic ones, include grooves, a metal arc and small ligatures. Such constructions are visible during conversation.

Due to the gentle effect of the kappa, the adjustment is less painful. They are noticeably easier to care for compared to braces, which require the use of a brush and irrigator. But braces are universal, tothey can also solve even complex problems.
"Invisalign" is an excellent option for correcting minor bite defects when there is no desire to wear braces. They are great for shy teenagers, public and business people.
Use and care
In aesthetic orthodontics, these mouth guards are more often used. Qualitative adjustment is performed only when used correctly. To do this, you must comply with the wear time, which was determined by the dentist.
Aligners can be worn for at least 20 hours a day. They are removed only for eating and hygiene. It is undesirable to skip even a day of wearing, as this can lead to the reversibility of the process. Every 2 weeks, the products are replaced with the following ones.
There may be slight discomfort at first due to pressure on the crowns. Usually these manifestations are eliminated after 3-5 days. Attention must also be paid to the order of use. It should be excluded the possibility of attaching the mouth guard, which is not intended for this time. The use of previous designs causes a loss of results, the appearance of pain.
During treatment, the following rules must be observed:
- Aligners are removed before meals.
- Before fixing the onlays, cleaning of the surface of the teeth is required.
- When used, mouthguards should be treated regularly with antiseptic solutions.
- Don't miss orthodontist visits.
With this system, no dietary adjustments are needed. Due to the density and elasticity of the materialyou can eat solid food. At the same time, you can not be afraid that food will lead to deformation of the apparatus.
Because the system is considered to be an innovative technique that corrects bite problems according to an individually designed treatment, its price differs markedly from similar methods of tooth alignment.

But even in one clinic there is a noticeable difference in prices. This is due to the fact that the following factors affect the cost:
- The complexity of the design of the aligners, which is determined by the severity of the anomaly and the features of the formation of the dentition.
- Number of kappas. Correction may require placement of plates in both jaws. In this case, the price is doubled.
- Treatment time. If a long and gentle option is chosen, then more aligners will be required, which increases the price. To save money, you can choose a set with a minimum number of aligners. In this case, it must be taken into account that the treatment will be painful.
Depending on the chosen method, the average price is 230-350 thousand rubles. Although these designs allow you to correct the bite, the treatment will be effective only if all the doctor's recommendations are followed.